February 2025
2014-2015 School Year

School Week of October 20, 2014

#gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ My daughter’s composition: making a ceral box Daughter’s composition: making a cereal ad

Continue reading School Week of October 20, 2014

2014-2015 School Year

School Week of October 13, 2014


#gallery-2 { margin: auto; } #gallery-2 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-2 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-2 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Alaska Geography-daughter Alaska Geography History-daughter History-daughter History-son


Science experiment on bones

Science experiment on bones

Science experiment on bones

Science experiment on bones

Science-using our muscles in our faces for expression -SILLY

Science-using our muscles in our faces for expression – HAPPY

Science-using our muscles in our faces for expression -BORED

Science-using our muscles in our faces for expression -ANGRY

Science-using our muscles in our faces for expression -a very bad SCARED

Science-using our muscles in our faces for expression -UPSET

Science-using our muscles in our faces for expression -Pure HAPPY cuteness

See you all on the FLIP side!!!

2014-2015 School Year

School Week of October 6, 2014

#gallery-3 { margin: auto; } #gallery-3 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-3 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-3 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Hawaii Geography-son Hawaii Geogrpahy-daughter Geogrpahy-daughter History -son History -son


Science experiments of the bones

Science experiments of the bones

Science experiments of the bones

Science-bone names

Science-bone names

Science experiments of the bones

Science experiments of the bones

Science experiments of the bones



See you on the flip side!

2014-2015 School Year

School Week of September 29, 2014

#gallery-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Daughter’s Geography Map for Washington Daughter’s Geography for Washington Son’s Geography

Continue reading School Week of September 29, 2014

2014-2015 School Year

School Week of September 22, 2014

#gallery-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Project on how important bones are for stability! The science of bones Continue reading School Week of September 22, 2014

Homeschooling: All Things

School Week of 5-19 thru 5-23-2014

Ruminant animals. Yea, the first thing we all think of is a cow. but as we learned this week, ruminants are not just cows. It is you bovine order that are all cud chewers. So just to name a handful, Gazelles and Antelope and Impalas, Bison, Buffalo, Wilder beast Caprines, Deer, Giraffe, are all ruminant

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Homeschooling: All Things

School Week of 5-12 through 5-16-2014


Our week continues in learning about those adorable ungulates. Horses, Giraffes, cows, camels, llamas, deer, rhinos, pigs and many, many more. This week you many have noticed we learned about ungulates that had hooves. We read how to tell a horse who has shoes from a non shoe horse. To be honest, not sure

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School Week of 4-28 through 5-2-14

First let me start off by saying May will be EXTREMELY busy for me. I have something going every weekend. I won’t even have time to stop and celebrate my birthday on the 9th. I have concerts that i am singing in and concerts that my children’s choirs I teach are singing in. Whew, I

Continue reading School Week of 4-28 through 5-2-14

Homeschooling: All Things

Weeks and weeks

OMgosh! I realized I had not posted our week of school in over a month. Bad me. Life just got so busy here. I have so many different hats I am wearing and interests that I am perusing. Right now I have been focusing on choral conducting, nutrition and vegan cooking. I have been taking

Continue reading Weeks and weeks

Homeschooling: All Things

School Week of 2-10-14

What a week. It is the first week that I have felt healthy in 3 months. I had more energy and get up and go then I thought I could have. This made school a lot more fun and exciting for us too. The last few months have really been hit or miss with my

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Homeschooling: All Things

School Week 1-27-14

So this week I have decided to get my little boy back into copy work. We have not done that for a while. But the other day I was trying to read something he had written and it was not legible. So it got me thinking, why not get some wonderful Christian Character poems and

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Homeschooling: All Things

school Week 1-20-14



Well, what a week. I know last week I did not write anything. These past couple of weeks has been extremely busy for us here and I don;t seem to be home enough to spend time in front of the computer to actually write anything. So this is going to be very

Continue reading school Week 1-20-14

Homeschooling: All Things

School Week 1-13-14

Continue reading School Week 1-13-14

Homeschooling: All Things

School Week of 1-6-14



Oh man, Back from Christmas vacation. I have to admit it has not been easy to get back on the band wagon. You see I have been sick since Thanksgiving. I first got struck with an everyday cold which turned into laryngitis. Then after a week of that I got the

Continue reading School Week of 1-6-14

Homeschooling: All Things

School Week of 12-9-13

Hey ya all! What a great week of school. Even though we are busy, busy, busy with the holidays and so forth we are having a wonderful week. This week we made a ton of gifts for our family and friends. You know things are financially TIGHT right now for our family, as many families

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Homeschooling: All Things

School Week of 12-2-13

Wow, it is almost Christmas. Seems like it was just yesterday that I was gathering the supplies for school to start and now here we are putting up decorations and getting ready for the holiday season. Last week was Thanksgiving so as you might have noted there was not a post for school. We took

Continue reading School Week of 12-2-13

Homeschooling: All Things

School Week of 10-28-13


What another amazing week of school. First off it was Halloween week which is always fun. We decorated the house for fall. Now mind you we don’t have any real Halloween decoration so my kids talked me into some mini glow in the dark skeletons and the fake cob webs. It was fun to

Continue reading School Week of 10-28-13

Homeschooling: All Things

Another Week of (10-21-13) School

What a week. I always get amazed at how much we really learn each week. Well I have to start with art this week. We are learning so much this year. We are using the Gluck method of training. So far the pictures we are drawing are just beautiful. This past week we drew, using

Continue reading Another Week of (10-21-13) School

Homeschooling: All Things

School Week 10-14-13

#gallery-13 { margin: auto; } #gallery-13 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-13 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-13 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Son’s Vocabualry for Bible Daughter’s vocabulary for Bible

Bible coloring page

Daughter’s geography Term: Prairie

Son’s geography Term: Prairie

Son’s Korea, China and Japan mapping

Son’s History coloring page for China

History Pages for China

Daughter’s Spelling

Son’s Bible Notebooking

Daughter’s Bible Notebooking

Bible coloring page


Homeschooling: All Things

School Week of 10-7-13

Ahh, Another week of school down. Have I mentioned how much I love being home with my kids every day? Although, yes, I admit that there are times I am glad to get out for a couple of hours either by myself or with friends, but overall I love teaching them and I adore learning

Continue reading School Week of 10-7-13

Homeschooling: All Things

School Week of 9-30-13

#gallery-15 { margin: auto; } #gallery-15 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-15 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-15 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */ Bible Coloring Page Bible Coloring Page Bible Coloring Page Daughter Bible Foundations Page. Just the start

Daughter start to glossory of words for Lesson 3

Daughters Bible Notebook page

Son’s Bible Foundation Building

Sons Bible Notebook Page

Sn’s Glossory of words for Bible

Daughter’s Englsih Page

Daughter’s Englsih Page

Daughter’s Englsih Page

Son’s composition writing

Daughter’s Englsih Page

Son’s Englsih Page

Son’s Englsih Page

Son’s Englsih Page

Son’s Englsih Page

Son’s Englsih Page

Daughter’s mapping of North America

Here is her completed insert for Geography

What a great flag of Canada. She did a good job

My son’s really loves when we do our geography terms pages. Plateau was this week topic

My son’s outline map of North America

My son did a great job with teh Canada flag

Plateau was this weeks geo term. Here is my daughters idea of that!

My daughter’s History mapping of the Spread of Islam

My daughter’s History Coloring pages

Our project this wee for history

Shes doing a very careful and colorful job

Here it is. What is it? Am snake of course

So I had to get into the coloring of the snakes

Cutting it out

My son’s History mapping of the Spread of Islam

My daughter’s coloring page for History

The start of the snake

My son finishing the color on his snake

My son’s snale

Here are all our snakes hanging. Just like the snakes in the story of Sinbad the Sailor


More MAth

So we are learning about Carnivorous animals. And the first one is DOGS!

Howling! Coloring page for science

The start of our science on Dogs. YEA!

Notebooking page for Science


Homeschooling: All Things

Week 9-16-13 of School

What a whirl wind of a week. First off the end of the week was just hard. We had a main pipe break to the sewer system. Ugghh! Luckily enough none of the sewer backed up into the house. The flood we did have in the house was all clean water. Praise GOD! Anyway, let’s

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Homeschooling: All Things

Week of 9-9-13 School


What a wonderful week this week has been. Now as you may have guessed since there was not a post last week we decided to take the entire week off from school, sleep in and just relax. Why? Well, this week was a big bang into the school year. Not only did we start

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Homeschooling: All Things

Week 8-19-13 of School

Well, as I had posted last week, this past week we decided to add into our summer schedule some history. This is a great way of entering into the new school year without it feeling like we went form 0 to 80 in 10 seconds flat. I feel like we are gradually accelerating into the

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year: Week 21

Well, we do not have a ton of picture this week, but even so we still had a great week.

Last week if you will recall, we placed 2 carrots in water. One was colored water and the other was just plain water. The idea was to see how this root vegetable sucks up the

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year: Week 20

This week was a short week for us., We took off Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday due to my son's 11th birthday and my husbands birthday. We had a great time on Monday. We went to Chuck E Cheese during the day. I remember when my son was very young we would do that and it

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year: Week 19

What a week. All week long I just did not get enough sleep. Have you ever had one of those weeks. Yea, this week was mine! When I get depressed or really tired or sick (not throwing up sick), I eat. Yea, I am one of those emotional eaters. I have been eating like a

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Homeschooling: All Things

2013-2013 School Year: Week 18

A much better week this week. Last week was not bad, but it felt like I was not organized and put together. Everyday was just another day. You know what I mean? But this week we had a great time.

First off is our Piano class both kids really did well. They both practices more

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Homeschooling: All Things

2013-2013 School Year: Week 17

Very interesting week we had. First off I am posting this post a week late. I totally realized today that I am a week behind in my posting and I do not know how I did that. Oh well, such is life! The fact that I get it posted is much more important then when.

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year: Week 15

Well, this week on Friday I had a scare. My blood pressure was well over 190/90. Now for one day that would not be bad, but this lasted 4 days. I ended up in ER on Friday and well, from there we figured it was stress that is the culprit. Figures. I guess I do

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year week: 14

OM Gosh, was it hard to get back into the swing of thing. I was kind of talked into taking 3 weeks off for the holiday season. Well, both choirs I teach were taking three weeks off from the program and several of my friends were doing the same, so

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year: Week #12

Can you believe it has been 12 weeks of school already? We are almost at 100 days of school. Just 40 more days left. I guess I better start figuring out what we are going to do for school that day. Anyway, this week was a good week. Getting back from a week off of

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year: Week #11

Well, another short week this week, but at least not due to illness. We are taking half of this week off and a couple days next week for Thanksgiving. Speaking of, how was your Thanksgiving? Ours was perfecto. Being a vegetarian, and a new one at that (9 months), I was wondering how this was

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year: Week #9

For some reason I was having such a hard time this week doing school. I think because we had such a big weather change from about 78-80 to now dropping to 69 or so and drizzling, it just made me tired. Overall we got everything done we were supposed to.

In Art this week we

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Homeschooling: All Things

School 2012-2013: Weekly 6

You know, there are so many stories about Joseph in the Bible. I think our favorite has been, this week, the story of how Joseph was favored then he is sold into Slavery (by his family), becomes famous (so to speak) then is humbled and drawn back down into despair and then raised once again

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Homeschooling: All Things

School 2012-2013: Week 5

Sorry, I got really busy over the weekend last week and just did not get to posting my week in review. Anyhow, we had a lovely week. We read about Esau and the deception that went down for stealing the blessing away. I think this is a very sad story and not a great father

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Homeschooling: All Things

School 2012-2013: Week 4

This week for Bible we read about Sodom and Lot and his family. I was waiting for a question or two about what exactly was going on there, but not a one. Whew! We then went on to learn about Ishmael and Isaac as well as Rebekah. I really love the pictures they are drawing.

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Homeschooling: All Things

School 2012-2013 Week 3

School so far is going great. This week for Bible we have learned the stories of Abraham and Sarah, Hagar and Ishmael as well as Isaac and all of the stories that go along with them. As you can see by their sweet drawings they are understanding our history. I still always get a giggle at the

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Homeschooling: All Things

School 2012-2013 Week 2

Well, another week down. I can not believe it has been two weeks already into the school year. Wow, how time flies. Anyhow, we had another good week. My son and I did have a couple migraines this week each that made school a bit tough, but I am use to it by now and

Continue reading School 2012-2013 Week 2

HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger week 30

OMGosh! There is only 4 weeks left of school. I am not sure if I am happy or sad. I love teaching the kids so much, but I am ready for a little break.

Well, anyway, this week was a good week. We got all our stuff done plus we had time to do a

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger week 29

Well week 29 is over and we start if all off with our continued reading about the Wright Brothers. They really were very interesting people. Both the kids and myself have really enjoyed learning about all their activities and how they were so happy inventing things.

Our geography lesson this week was to learn about

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger week 28

Oh my, I think I have short timers’ syndrome. There is only 5 more weeks left of school and even though I enjoy school so much I am so ready for summer. I am sure there are several of you out there like that too. Well, anyway, Unit 28 was just as good

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 27

 There is only a few weeks left of school. I still cannot believe we are on week 27. This week we learned about John Muir. OK, I say this every once in a while, I had no idea who he was. He was kind of like Audubon, but he did not kill the animals to

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 25

OK, I know you all are asking why I got this post out so late!  I just got real lazy this weekend and did not feel like typing or anything. Truth is, as most of my longtime readers know, I have migraines and this week was just a real bad week for them. I had

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger week 24

Well, it was nice to have a break for Easter. I hemmed and Hawed over taking a break since we just had a week off due to illness. But I decided "I" needed the break. Anyway, this week was a great week learning about several different people

Our first journey was geography. Hey this activity

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger week 23

Well, I have to say this week was not the most fun week. I guess because I was coming off of being very sick last week and having to push our Easter break back a couple weeks. And to top it all off, I did not prepare for this week. You see I usually on

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 21

OK, you all know what my first words are going to be. This was a great week as usual. We started off learning about our 7th President, Andrew Jackson. So one of the things I did was to do flash cards for the first 5 Presidents. I happen to have had these for some years

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 20

This week was cut a bit short. Yesterday afternoon both my kids and the entire household came down with fevers. So needless to say we only completed 4 days of the 5 days for week 20. That is OK, we will just do Friday on Monday and then combine unit

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota:Bigger Week 19

OK, OK, here are those famous words once again. We had a great week. Actually it was short. I actually combined Friday's material to Thursday so I could have Friday off. You see my son's is turning 10 tomorrow (2-25) and I wanted to have Friday to get everything ready for his little party at

Continue reading Heart of Dakota:Bigger Week 19


FREE Curriculm and FREE Resources

  I want to make very sure that it is well known that not all of these sites I have posted are Christian, so please visit them first to make sure you approve of them before you send your children there. I have not seen anything myself that was completely wrong or offensive or even

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 18 Update

So I say it every week, another good week. I think it is about time to come up with a new opening line to my HOD updates. But it really is true. This week was not only good in school, but my voice is back so I was able to sing while I was teaching

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Homeschooler Buyers Co-op

So I realized there are many homeschoolers who have not heard of Homeschool Buyers Co-op. Just in my small Park Day group only a couple of us have ever heard of this web site. So I figured I have thousands of readers and there has to be many of you who have not heard of it

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 17 Update

Daniel Boone! What a man! I do not think I could do half of what he did or expected his family to do! This week learning about how this Frontiers-man crossed over form Pennsylvania to North Carolina to Tennessee then on to Kentucky was amazing. We even mapped it for Geography. See the picture below!

Continue reading Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 17 Update


Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 12

This is a hard time of year for me to stay focused on school. With all the performances either that I am in or I am directing and parties and shopping and cleaning and preparing. Uugghh, it can over-take my mind and life. I think that is why I am very thankful that I am using

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 10 update

What a great week. Well, I have to be honest, it was HARD at first. You see we had two weeks of vacation. One week away from home and then a week at home. So Monday was not easy to get back into the swing of things, but once we got the week going, by

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger, Week 9 Update

So I know most of you who may have gotten this post a few days ago are saying where is the actual blog post? Well, I am on vacation and so far until this very moment I have not had a chance to sit down and write. So I thought I will just post the

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Flash Cards

So how many of us print out all sorts of flash cards so we can play games like go fish or old maid to help make math or phonics more fun? Or how many curriculum's come with flash cards. The problem is how to keep them neat. I usually put a rubber band around them

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Dreams and Designs—Homemade Supplies to Complement Your Homeschool E-Book Review

I review many, many e-books. I purchase handfuls and several I receive for free from different giveaways. There is always 1 or 2 things I take away from these books and can incorporate into my homeschool to make it better and more fun for my children. But then there is a gem that comes along

Continue reading Dreams and Designs—Homemade Supplies to Complement Your Homeschool E-Book Review

Curriculum Reviews

Apologia Science

I have been longing to find a good science curriculum that would cover science from beginning to end and would be hands on and would also guide me, the non-science person, all the way through each subject. I have found that curriculum. I was given Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the Fifth

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Copywork E-Book

House Upon a Rock is a copywork book for Mathew 7:24-29. I feel it is made more for upper elementary grades, 4-6, due to the lining on the pages and length of the copywork. It is only 8 pages that are beautifully illustrated in back and white. It contains 3 pages of copywork plus

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The Little Red Hen Primer Reader

The Little Red Hen Primer Reader is a story I has read with many different animals character in its place, but the underlining lesson is the fact that if you do not work you do not get to reap what is sown. I actually really like this book a lot. After the story there

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Molly’s monthly Money-Saving Digests

Molly’s monthly Money-Saving Digests have so far been really great but this months, October 2009, What Can We Learn From the Great Depression? Was the best so far for me. Let me give an example of what really hit home for me.

We are in an age of everything we touch is disposable.

Continue reading Molly’s monthly Money-Saving Digests


Trail Guide to US Geography

Most of my regular readers know me well enough to know I am not much into a traditional unit study unless it has all the information (more like a theme study) at hand and I do not have to do much research. However, I think this 133-page unit study of the 50 states I received

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History of Civilization: The Ancient World

Funny thing about doing reviews, you always end up with something you either need or can really use. I happen to be finishing up our studies this fall about Ancient Egypt and so this review came at a perfect time.

I received an e-book by Milliken called History of Civilization: The Ancient World

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Free Ebook: Planning Your Course and Letting the Lord Determine Your Steps

The New School Year Has the new school year started with gusto at your house? Or guesses?

“I guess we’ll use this curriculum. I guess we’ll start on Monday. I guess we’ll use this folder, and I guess we could try unit studies this year.”

Does any of this sound familiar? Time for a change?

Continue reading Free Ebook: Planning Your Course and Letting the Lord Determine Your Steps


Even Boys Can Use Paper Dolls

If you have been with me since the beginning of NutBugs, you know I did a review on using puppets in homeschooling. We have, on and off, used the idea and loved it. My kids get a kick out of it and they enjoy my silly voices as well as correct me when I switch

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A New School Year

Well, it is that time of year once more. And here we are some of us homeschoolers scurrying and trying to get everything put together and others all done and ready to go. So I thought after talking with a few friends and they were asking me how I do my year, that I would

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Fiesta of Freebies 2 E-Book, A Compilation of Homeschool Freebies

Ok, if you all are looking for a good source for online information I have found it for you. Fiesta of Freebies 2 E-Book, A Compilation of Homeschool Freebies. This e-book has internet sitesto compliment or even help you to develop a course of

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Amazing Math Free Ebook

August is here and it’s time to gear up for “Back-to-Homeschool.” Looking for some fun hands-on activities to get your year started right? The Old Schoolhouse® wants to help by offering our Teacher’s Toolbox readers one of our most popular modules, Amazing Mathematics, absolutely free!

How much fun can you have with math?

Continue reading Amazing Math Free Ebook


Free, Free, Free

It is that time of year again. Yes, it is time to start thinking about the fall and our curriculum choices. Here in Southern California we are having our CHEA convention this week. Unfortunately I am un-able to attend this year. I just do not have the money to go. I am so bummed. This

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E-Homeschooling: Embracing the E-book Revolution

Now I have written a couple articles on e-books and my feelings on them. But I will take a moment to recap. I love them to a certain degree. I think having a reading book or a small unit or theme study is great. But when it comes down to a full year of curriculum.

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Academics and Beyond

When I started homeschooling I thought for sure that homeschool was all about getting the grade so to speak. I thought that it was so important to make sure my kids lived up to the homeschoolstandard. You know reading at age 3 and writing at age 4, playing 3 musical instruments by age 5

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I Wanna Be A Chef Unit Study

I found out one of my friends older kids who happens to be in public school was going to have a career day. So, I was thinking to myself…as a Homeschooler, how do I go about having a so called career day for my children later on as they get older. I want them to

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Curriculum Reviews

Latina Christiana: Memoria Press

I have wanted to start teaching a foreign language to my kids for some time now. I bought a Spanish set last year, but it was so detailed it was just TOOOOOOO much for him. So when I decided that I really wanted to start with Latin because of it’s help with learning all other

Continue reading Latina Christiana: Memoria Press

Curriculum Reviews

Tapestry of Grace

You know I have found over the years that there is no right or wrong way to teach your children. In every homeschool there are many different methods used and many different curriculums out there that say they are the best or better then the next. What makes a curriculum work for me is the

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Easter Freebies

Easter is almost here and The Old School House has done it again. They are giving away a whole bunch of fun free activities for you and your kids to do for Easter. So here is the link you will need to download all those fun crafts!

Here’s the link for the Freebies: Continue reading Easter Freebies

Homeschooling: All Things

Schleich Action Figures

What a joy it was to open this box. My kids were overjoyed to see a box full of animals from Schleich to add to their collection. You know there are those that claim they are hand painted and then when you look at it the eyes are all crooked or something. Not Schleich!

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Curriculum Reviews

Critical Thinking

Critical Thining is a company who has so many parent, teacher in addition to other educational awards as well as they should. First let me say that I actually have been using Critical Thinking Language Arts for my son for a year now and we love it. But then I got so lucky as

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Homeschooling: All Things

Alphabet Alley Magnet Playset

Ok, this has got to be one of the greatest little products my daughter (3) has received to review for me. When I got this in the mail I first thought of those peel and cling/stick things (can not remember the name) I had as a child. Oh, but no this is so much more

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Curriculum Reviews

Homeschooling in the Woods

If you love to lapbook, you will LOVE this product.

Homeschool in the Woods sent to me the New Testament Lapbook. I already had purchased the Old Testament and loved it, but then to be so lucky as to get to review the New Testament one too. WOW! Lucky me!

Amy Pak is the creator

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Homeschooling: All Things

Savings of up to 80%

Do you like saving up to 80%? Get next year’s shopping done early and for less money at the March Madness sale inthe Schoolhouse Store! Check out some of the unit studies and copy work to help round out this school year or for fun summer activities. Almost 200 items are on sale from

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Homeschooling: All Things

One 2 Believe – Noah’s Ark

One 2 Believe has shipped to me once again. YEA!!!! So far we have NOT been disappointed by any of their products. They are of great quality and will withstand time and time again of play.

This time they shipped to us Noah’s Ark. This was a great way for them to have

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Artistic Pursuits: the Art curriculum for Creativity

Artistic Pursuits: the Art curriculum for Creativity. That is their title. You know what? It fits perfectly. I received Grades K-3 Book One. An Introduction to Visual Arts. After just 2 lessons I realized that this was a wonderfully gentle introduction not only to art but famous art pieces and artists.

I have been

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Curriculum Reviews

Five in a Row

Last year my son and I learned a little bit about Early American History. Just mainly the Indians. We used a well know literature based curriculum. To this day my son can recite the information he learned from those books. Now you may be asking why do I bring that up when I am reviewing

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Choosing Your School Year Schedule

One of the most difficult tasks to accomplish with homeschooling is planning your schedule. We sit down a month or so before we are ready to begin school and we outline everything we want to accomplish. Then we plan out what we are going to accomplish each day of every week. We are going to

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Math Tudor

I was never did well in school at math and the teachers I had either did not want to, did not have the time or could not take the time to slow it down for me. So I fell behind. When High School came around it got even worst. Math has never been a strong

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So let me tell you about SpellQuizzer. This is a computer-based program where you enter the child’s spelling list and make audio recordings of the words. Then it quizzes the child, playing each word back to him one at a time, checking his spelling as he types in the words. Or you can type

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Bible Story Songs

You know as a singer and a children’s choir director at my church, I know just how powerful music can be. The words can teach you something that you may have known but never knew how to feel it. It can evoke feelings for God that no spoken word can. It can help you memorize

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Curriculum Reviews

Heads Up! Reading Strips

I received some reading strips for review From Heads Up!. These are for the student who has a little trouble keeping his place while reading. They place the strip over the text as they read which in turn would help them to focus in on their place and to follow through to the next

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Curriculum Reviews

Write Shop

I had a chance to look over a product by Writeshop. WriteShop is designed to teach composition skills in a step-by-step manner. Through a series of engaging lessons, students learn the four most common kinds of writing—descriptive, informative, narrative, and persuasive (essays)—by means of the following basic building blocks: Brainstorming, Editing, Writing and

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All About Homophones

Wow Mary Rippel did it again! Here is another great program from All About Spelling. It’s All About Homophones. Teaching homophones can be really hard! Just in case you forgot, these are words that sound the same, but they aren’t spelled the same, and they, to top it off, don’t mean the same.

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I was really excited to review Kinderbach since I am a singer and teach the children’s choir at my church. First let me say that this program is geared towards the very young child who does not have any type of music training. My son, 6, did like the program, however he was quit

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Math Mammoth

Maria Miller is the author of the Math Mammoth, which is a series of math workbooks that are available in e-book format. Now first let me say that I am in no way a math genius nor do I know how to teach math well without some help from a good core curriculum. With

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Homeschooling: All Things

ABC & 123 Lapbook

We made the cutest tacktile ABC and 123 Lapbook. You just have to check out the pictures. Click here to see it. http://raquelshomeschooldays.blogspot.com/2008/12/abc-and-123-lapbook.html


Lets Make A Web Page eBook

Phyllis Wheeler is the author of Let’s Make a Web Page! eBook which she wrote to help 8-12 year old children learn to create a web page of their own. Phyllis really knows how to portray the building of a web page in a very easy plan to follow. Younger children will need a

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