February 2025
Homeschooling: All Things

School Week of 5-19 thru 5-23-2014

Ruminant animals. Yea, the first thing we all think of is a cow. but as we learned this week, ruminants are not just cows. It is you bovine order that are all cud chewers. So just to name a handful, Gazelles and Antelope and Impalas, Bison, Buffalo, Wilder beast Caprines, Deer, Giraffe, are all ruminant

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Homeschooling: All Things

School Week of 5-12 through 5-16-2014


Our week continues in learning about those adorable ungulates. Horses, Giraffes, cows, camels, llamas, deer, rhinos, pigs and many, many more. This week you many have noticed we learned about ungulates that had hooves. We read how to tell a horse who has shoes from a non shoe horse. To be honest, not sure

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School Week of 4-28 through 5-2-14

First let me start off by saying May will be EXTREMELY busy for me. I have something going every weekend. I won’t even have time to stop and celebrate my birthday on the 9th. I have concerts that i am singing in and concerts that my children’s choirs I teach are singing in. Whew, I

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School Week of 4-21 through 4-25-14

Well we finished up our week in science with a great experiment. We have been learning about Rodents ad their kind or not so kind for the past couple weeks. Very interesting stuff. I have a greater appreciation for Beavers now. Not that I never had an appreciation for them before. But to see how

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Homeschooling: All Things

Weeks and weeks

OMgosh! I realized I had not posted our week of school in over a month. Bad me. Life just got so busy here. I have so many different hats I am wearing and interests that I am perusing. Right now I have been focusing on choral conducting, nutrition and vegan cooking. I have been taking

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Homeschooling: All Things

School Week 1-27-14

So this week I have decided to get my little boy back into copy work. We have not done that for a while. But the other day I was trying to read something he had written and it was not legible. So it got me thinking, why not get some wonderful Christian Character poems and

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Homeschooling: All Things

Week 9-16-13 of School

What a whirl wind of a week. First off the end of the week was just hard. We had a main pipe break to the sewer system. Ugghh! Luckily enough none of the sewer backed up into the house. The flood we did have in the house was all clean water. Praise GOD! Anyway, let’s

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year: Week 21

Well, we do not have a ton of picture this week, but even so we still had a great week.

Last week if you will recall, we placed 2 carrots in water. One was colored water and the other was just plain water. The idea was to see how this root vegetable sucks up the

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Homeschooling: All Things

2013-2013 School Year: Week 18

A much better week this week. Last week was not bad, but it felt like I was not organized and put together. Everyday was just another day. You know what I mean? But this week we had a great time.

First off is our Piano class both kids really did well. They both practices more

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Homeschooling: All Things

2013-2013 School Year: Week 17

Very interesting week we had. First off I am posting this post a week late. I totally realized today that I am a week behind in my posting and I do not know how I did that. Oh well, such is life! The fact that I get it posted is much more important then when.

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year: Week 15

Well, this week on Friday I had a scare. My blood pressure was well over 190/90. Now for one day that would not be bad, but this lasted 4 days. I ended up in ER on Friday and well, from there we figured it was stress that is the culprit. Figures. I guess I do

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year week: 14

OM Gosh, was it hard to get back into the swing of thing. I was kind of talked into taking 3 weeks off for the holiday season. Well, both choirs I teach were taking three weeks off from the program and several of my friends were doing the same, so

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year: Week #12

Can you believe it has been 12 weeks of school already? We are almost at 100 days of school. Just 40 more days left. I guess I better start figuring out what we are going to do for school that day. Anyway, this week was a good week. Getting back from a week off of

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year: Week #11

Well, another short week this week, but at least not due to illness. We are taking half of this week off and a couple days next week for Thanksgiving. Speaking of, how was your Thanksgiving? Ours was perfecto. Being a vegetarian, and a new one at that (9 months), I was wondering how this was

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year: Week #10

This was not the best of weeks. Both the kids were sick. But we did manage to get a few things done this week. We finished up learning about the New Kingdom of Egypt and spent some time reading abut King Tut and a few others from that time period. We also found some great

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Homeschooling: All Things

School 2012-2013: Weekly 6

You know, there are so many stories about Joseph in the Bible. I think our favorite has been, this week, the story of how Joseph was favored then he is sold into Slavery (by his family), becomes famous (so to speak) then is humbled and drawn back down into despair and then raised once again

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Homeschooling: All Things

School 2012-2013: Week 5

Sorry, I got really busy over the weekend last week and just did not get to posting my week in review. Anyhow, we had a lovely week. We read about Esau and the deception that went down for stealing the blessing away. I think this is a very sad story and not a great father

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Homeschooling: All Things

School 2012-2013: Week 4

This week for Bible we read about Sodom and Lot and his family. I was waiting for a question or two about what exactly was going on there, but not a one. Whew! We then went on to learn about Ishmael and Isaac as well as Rebekah. I really love the pictures they are drawing.

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Homeschooling: All Things

School 2012-2013 Week 3

School so far is going great. This week for Bible we have learned the stories of Abraham and Sarah, Hagar and Ishmael as well as Isaac and all of the stories that go along with them. As you can see by their sweet drawings they are understanding our history. I still always get a giggle at the

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger week 30

OMGosh! There is only 4 weeks left of school. I am not sure if I am happy or sad. I love teaching the kids so much, but I am ready for a little break.

Well, anyway, this week was a good week. We got all our stuff done plus we had time to do a

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger week 29

Well week 29 is over and we start if all off with our continued reading about the Wright Brothers. They really were very interesting people. Both the kids and myself have really enjoyed learning about all their activities and how they were so happy inventing things.

Our geography lesson this week was to learn about

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger week 28

Oh my, I think I have short timers’ syndrome. There is only 5 more weeks left of school and even though I enjoy school so much I am so ready for summer. I am sure there are several of you out there like that too. Well, anyway, Unit 28 was just as good

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 27

 There is only a few weeks left of school. I still cannot believe we are on week 27. This week we learned about John Muir. OK, I say this every once in a while, I had no idea who he was. He was kind of like Audubon, but he did not kill the animals to

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Homeschooling: All Things

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 26

This week we finally were able to learn about one of most beloved Presidents, Abraham Lincoln. I happen to have a few books at home specifically about him so I had my son read these out loud to us. He was really a very incredible President and Man!

Anyhow, this week was as good as

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger week 24

Well, it was nice to have a break for Easter. I hemmed and Hawed over taking a break since we just had a week off due to illness. But I decided "I" needed the break. Anyway, this week was a great week learning about several different people

Our first journey was geography. Hey this activity

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger week 23

Well, I have to say this week was not the most fun week. I guess because I was coming off of being very sick last week and having to push our Easter break back a couple weeks. And to top it all off, I did not prepare for this week. You see I usually on

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 22

Boy this week went fast. It seemed like I woke up and it was Friday. This week seemed that it was an easier week for school. Hmmm, well, easier may not be the right word. More like a simple than normal week.   Our week started with learning more information about John Audubon. Most of

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 18 Update

So I say it every week, another good week. I think it is about time to come up with a new opening line to my HOD updates. But it really is true. This week was not only good in school, but my voice is back so I was able to sing while I was teaching

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What Do I Do When I Want To Stay Home From School Due To An Illness?

FORUM: A reader asks

I'm really sick and I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I'm in High School. I have never taken a sick day since elementary school. What do I do? I'm in the Hacienda La Pluente Unified School District. Do I just stay home? Do I have to call the school?

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How Do I Start A Home School Group In My Area?

FORUM: A reader asks

I live in a rural community total population is around 23,000. I know there are other home schoolers out there, I just want to start a local support group for our county. Any suggestions or advice would be wonderful. Thank You in advance!


How To Stay Focused On School When I Am At Home And On The Computer?

FORUM : A reader asks…

I am being home schooled. It is an online school called Utah Virtual Academy. I am always distracted by wanted to play video games or be on the Internet. My parents don't know I am having problems focusing because they would put me back in public school which is not

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I Started An Online Home School Program, But I Feel Like I Made A Big Mistake?

FORUM  A Reader asks:

I was in four AP classes and now I'm in none on this home school thing because they don't offer any. I feel like this isn't as good as a real high school. It's fully accredited and all, but I don't know. I feel guilty. My parents already payed $1000 for

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What Are Some Good Ideas For A Circle Time Board Theme “from Home To School?”?

FORUM: A reader asks

I am a teacher in a toddler room and our curriculum starts in a few days and i need some ideas for a circle time board with the theme of "From Home to school" Its basically showing the children the concept's of being at home vs being at school. Any ideas

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How Do You Home School Yourself?

Readers Forum:

School is really getting in the way of my education. I think I'd learn much more if I could stay home and teach myself. How do I do this? How does home schooling work? Are there home schooling books? Is there some type of home school organization? Or do I just quit school

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Is It Alright To Home School While On Welfare?

Readers Forum:

If the children are failing in public school, and the parents are receiving food stamps. Is it alright for the mother to quit her minimum wage job to home school 5 kids while still receiving food stamps and medicaid. She would still get this support if she were working.  


Have You Noticed How Home School Naysayers Only Want To Talk About Socialization?

Readers Forum:

They cannot talk about educating the children because by now everyone knows, even though they are only a small percent, that home schooled students are winning all the spelling and geography bees, and that they are getting into the best colleges and graduating with honors. They also know that public schools do such

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How Do Kids Earn Credits In A Home School Program?

Readers Forum:

How do credits work in a home school program? In a home school or regular school.


Where Can I Find A High School Level Home School Tutor?

Readers Forum:

I want to be homed schooled, I am a junior. My mother has sent me on a quest to find tutors who will home school me for about 4 or so hours a day. Are there any websites or services I can use to find certified teachers/tutors? Thanks!


How Do I Start A Successful Home School?

Readers Forum:

I would like to home school my own children, and invite others to attend as well. What are the requirements for doing this (any special licenses, etc.), and what steps should I take to get the ball rolling? Where do I get the supplies to begin? Any information would be greatly appreciated!


How Do I Prepare From Going To Home School To High School?

Readers Forum:

My parents seemed really against me going to school, but then I asked about this 1 week attendance thing (Im home schooled btw) and it turns out they don't have that (My dad called for information) And I said I wanted to tour the school (assistant principal invited me) and my mom said

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If Your Home Schooled Child Wanted To Go To Public School, Would You Let Them?

Readers Forum:

I'm just curious 🙂 I have a lot of friends that are home schooled, and a few of them desperately want to go to public school, but their parents won't let them (for various reasons). Some of the reasons I don't really understand very well. So– would you let them go to public

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How Can I Home School My Son In English?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

We just moved to Costa Rica.My son is suppose to go to 1st grade next year but I want to put him in french school.He speaks only english so far and I want to keep that up.Any good websites that can give me ready lessons for home schooling?


How Do You Go From Plublic School To Home Shcooling Your Child?

Readers Forum:

Well my daughter goes to public school but lately she has been missing school do to her asthma she has always had this problem but it never occur to me that maybe we should do home school but How do you start to home school ?I really don't even know where to start

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What Are The Biggest Problems That Parents Who Home School Face?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

Do you struggle with not knowing all of the effective techniques that a certified teacher would know? Do you have trouble making the learning experiences fun and meaningful? If someone started a business as a home school consultant, what specific types of services should he or she provide to

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How Do I Find Information On Home Schooling For A High School Student That Isn’t Gonna Break The Bank?

Readers Forum:

My sister-in-law is having trouble with her 16 yr. old daughter and the school she is attending. She wants to finish her schooling from home but does not have alot of money to spend on curriculm and supplies. She is a single mom and just wants to help her daughter to finish school

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Is A High School Diploma From A Home Schooling Program The Same As One From An Actual High School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I had to drop out of high school due to exenuating circumstances and picked up where I left off through home schooling so I could graduate. I'm just wondering if the diploma I get from the home schooling will be worth the same, academically speaking, as if I had

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How Do You Obtain Credit For Home Schooling When Returning To High School?

Reader Forum:

I am homeschooling my 16 year old son this year to catch him up because he's very behind. He intends to go back to high school next year. What do I need to do to make sure he gets credit for the classes he takes while at home?


How Can I Drop Out Of High School And Get On Home School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

In school there is this school psychologist that is really strict & hard on kids being absent & dropping out of high school. I want to get on an home schooling program because i have severe medical problems and i can't attend school a lot. How can i get

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How Do I Get The Book To Home School For A 6th Grader.?

Readers Forum:

I live in a Albuquerque N.M. I have to home school my child becouse he was beatup at school. How he is a afraid to go to that school. His grades are D and F becuse he did not thinking about his school work. So I diecided to home school.


What Are The Legal Requirements For Home Schooling Grade School Age Kids?

Readers Forum:

If I decide to home-school one or more of my children, what legal requirements do I have to meet in Illinois? One child is in 5th grade, the other would be in kindergarten next year. The reason would be the lack of quality education and quality teachers available where we live.


How To Finish A Public School At Home?

Readers Forum:

I am home schooled;and I am going to high school next year, and I wanted to know how can I finish a public school at home? I know that I would have to go to school to take state exams and stuff like that, but I wanted to know how do I go

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I Want To Home School My Kids. What Do I Need And Is There Anything Legal That I Have To Do For Me To Do So?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I've been trying to get my son in school and its too many requirements and this that and the next, but I know and others know he's too intelligent to be in day care. So I thought maybe I could home school him. Where do I start? Do I

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What Type Of Diploma Do Home Schooled High School Students Earn?

Readers Forum:

I am considering homeschooling my high school aged son. What type of diploma will he earn (in Tennessee) if he is homeschooled – or will it just be a GED? I will be an independent home schooler, not affiliated with a church or other organization. I'm aware of the requirements, but have been

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Is It Possible To Home School A Middle Schooler While Working Full Time?

Readers Forum:

I'm debating home schooling my son after this school year (he's in 5th grade). But I work full time and cannot be a SAHM even though I'd like to. How hard do you think it would it be to home school him and work full time? Thanks!


How Do I Convince My Mom To Home School Me?

Readers Forum:

I've looked up so many programs for online school.I've written paragraphs about the benefits. I've weighed the pros and cons. I have a lot of websites written down, but she still thinks she'll have to get involved. I am terrified of public and private schools. So, I want to be home schooled. I

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How Many Hours Do You Home School Your 1st Or 2nd Grader?

Readers Forum:

He is 7 and currently in a public school he is reading on a 3rd grade level and he loves math addition subtraction and multiplication! I want to home school but need more info on other parents day. Is it scheduled?


What Is The Best High School Home School Program If I Live Out Of The Country?

From Our Readers Forum:

I live out of the country (Mexico) and I want to home school. Im in 10th grade. What is the best homeschooling program?


How Do Home School Kids Get Graded

Readers Forum:

I'm curious.Can par rents grade their kids that they are teaching,or is there a home school teacher that grades them. Are all their tests open book?I'm really curious. I'm talking about grade school and high school. And How Do They Take Tests And Do They Get Report Cards And If Yes How?


How Come Home School Is Way Eaiser To Get To College Than Public School?

Readers Forum:

I've been in public school for 7 yrs and I started home school a few months ago & I would just like to get others opinions on this question. Thnx


How Can I Start My Home School Year Late?

Readers Forum:

I home school 3 children in kindergarten to high school. Due to stressful circumstances, we were not able to start our school year until now, I am freaking out because I don't know how to catch them up, We are required 180 days, and school here started mid august. Does anyone have any

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What Does It Take To Home School Children & How Much Does It Cost?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

What does it take to home school your kids & how much does it cost? I just need a ball park figure of cost. I would like to home school my son. I would rather he not attend public school anymore (It is a long story that I dont'

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How Is Home Schooling Compared To Public School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

Im a freshman in high school and i am considering being home schooled. I have very low grades and i think it might help me if i am able to move at a slower pace. Can any one tell me there opinions on transitioning from regular school, to home

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Any Home School Families Where Both Parents Work?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

Right now, my husband stays home with my 20-month-old son. We're going to home school him, but our home situation may change between now and then. Any experienced home school families, with both parents working, able to give some advice?


What Is The Transition From Home School To Public School Like?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I'm writing a story, and one of my characters has been home schooled all her life and, due to her mother's career change, has to start public high school as a freshman. Does the curriculum differ? How does one adapt to the social structure of public school? Do home

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Home School???

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

My son has been diagnosed with a terrible illness. His illness has caused him to miss many days of school last year. He is on a 504 so it was fine for him to miss school. His doctors recommend that he be home schooled this year instead of returning

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