February 2025

Moms and Their Many Hats

Motherhood equals a Woman of many hats. I don’t mean those crazy big church going hats that are all fancy like. I mean hats that are sometimes messy. Hats that are not in the literal sense at all. These hats are the actual roles given to us to play. As a mother I can be

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How Can Home-schooling Parents Start A Real School?


My Mom is trying to find out how to start a school so she can paid money for home-schooling my sister and I. How do you do that? Does anybody know? She's been looking online but can't figure anything out. Help?

Home Schooling and Community Service

I am the daughter of a home health nurse who worked in one of the poorest counties in our state. Whenever my brother and I were out of school (either we students had a holiday, it was the weekend or summer break) we had to go with Mom to visit her patients.

I have

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Parents: What Were The Underlying Factors That Caused You To Choose Homeschooling Your Children?


I am doing research for a Masters level education course and am thinking about writing my thesis on the sociological benefits and drawbacks of homeschooling. So many people argue that homeschoolers do not get the same amount of socialization as those who attend "traditional schools". I am going to start by looking at motivations

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Homeschooling !!!!!!!!!!!!!?


Ok, so once you decide to home school your child, does the school have a say in it ? Do you just ring up and say "Bye now, im homeschooling my kids !" ?? Thanks 😀

What’s That Noise? TV and Sex

We have a TV in our house. Our rabbit ears pull in ABC and PBS only. That's enough for me to watch "Antiques Roadshow" and local news. We do not watch other programs on ABC, which I fondly refer to as "the sleaze channel."

How would I know ABC is so much sleaze?

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Do You Think Homeschooling Is Better Than The Conventional School System?


I've heard a lot of parents say they decided to homeschool their child since the learning will be individualized and will enable their child to learn at their own pace. Unlike the traditional school system where all students are placed in one classroom — the fast learners will have to slow down to keep

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What Would Be The Advantages Or Disadvantages Of Homeschooling In This Case?

Readers Forum:

If a student who is living in one state and is going to be moving to a new state in her junior year of high school, would you be alright with homeschooling due to the difference in curriculums and such between the two school districts? What are the advantages/disadvantages of doing so?

How Do You Home School Yourself?

Readers Forum:

School is really getting in the way of my education. I think I'd learn much more if I could stay home and teach myself. How do I do this? How does home schooling work? Are there home schooling books? Is there some type of home school organization? Or do I just quit school

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How Do You Start Off Homeschooling?

Readers Forum:

Just a question about homeschooling. My son is 16 years old and he is highly functional autistic. He is very smart yet when he is at school, some of the kids make fun of him and one even went as far to push him down. I found out all of this after his

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Is It Alright To Home School While On Welfare?

Readers Forum:

If the children are failing in public school, and the parents are receiving food stamps. Is it alright for the mother to quit her minimum wage job to home school 5 kids while still receiving food stamps and medicaid. She would still get this support if she were working.  

How Do I Find The Laws For Homeschooling In Md?

Readers Forum:

I have found several web sites, and I am a little confussed. Does anyone know anything about the church umbrella option? I am not planning on homeschooling until the school year 2010. My son will then start middle school, which I don't want him in public schools at that point, and can't afford

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Have You Noticed How Home School Naysayers Only Want To Talk About Socialization?

Readers Forum:

They cannot talk about educating the children because by now everyone knows, even though they are only a small percent, that home schooled students are winning all the spelling and geography bees, and that they are getting into the best colleges and graduating with honors. They also know that public schools do such

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How To Get Funding For Homeschooling In California?

Readers Forum:

I'm considering homeschooling and I've heard that one can get some special interest classes paid for such as music lessons and some funding for materials as well. Does anyone know how and where to get those funds for homeschooling in Alameda County, California?

Making Rock Candy Crytals

I’ve priced those crystal growing kits and WOW they’re expensive. So I searched online for a homemade alternative. After getting together all of the chemicals, we were ready to go.

One. Two. Three times we tried to grow these chemical crystals and nothing happened. (and I must say that the ammonia smell stayed in

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How Do Kids Earn Credits In A Home School Program?

Readers Forum:

How do credits work in a home school program? In a home school or regular school.

How Long Does It Take To Start Homeschooling?

Readers Forum:

So I'm going to start being homeschooled. I knew I wouldn't be able to start right away, but my assistant principal told me that with the entire process I probably wouldn't be able to start until the fall. Does it really take this long? What is the process you have to go through

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Where Can I Find A High School Level Home School Tutor?

Readers Forum:

I want to be homed schooled, I am a junior. My mother has sent me on a quest to find tutors who will home school me for about 4 or so hours a day. Are there any websites or services I can use to find certified teachers/tutors? Thanks!

How Many Homeschooling Events Do You Do In A Typical Month?

Readers Forum:

Our once a month activities with our homeschooling groups, Lit Club, Homeschool Recess, Themed Party, Preschool Play time, Family Fun Night, Bowling, and one major field trip to a science center or other museum. Our only thing that we do on a weekly basis, with a group, are library day, Gym, and Swim.

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How Do I Start A Successful Home School?

Readers Forum:

I would like to home school my own children, and invite others to attend as well. What are the requirements for doing this (any special licenses, etc.), and what steps should I take to get the ball rolling? Where do I get the supplies to begin? Any information would be greatly appreciated!

How Do I Make My Transition From Homeschooling To Public School Smooth?

Readers Forum:

At some point I went to public school. I have been homeschooling for five years. Now I am going back to public school. By the way do you have any tips for public school?

What Are The Biggest Threats To The Homeschooling Movement?

Readers Forum:

The homeschooling movement has been steadily growing for years now. What potential pitfalls lay on the horizon that you believe have the greatest likelihood to slow or even reverse the homeschooling community's growth?

How Do I Prepare From Going To Home School To High School?

Readers Forum:

My parents seemed really against me going to school, but then I asked about this 1 week attendance thing (Im home schooled btw) and it turns out they don't have that (My dad called for information) And I said I wanted to tour the school (assistant principal invited me) and my mom said

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If Your Home Schooled Child Wanted To Go To Public School, Would You Let Them?

Readers Forum:

I'm just curious 🙂 I have a lot of friends that are home schooled, and a few of them desperately want to go to public school, but their parents won't let them (for various reasons). Some of the reasons I don't really understand very well. So– would you let them go to public

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Online Homeschooling You Can Convert To In Around The Middle Of Your Freshman Year In Highschool?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I want to be homeschooling, and I'm a freshman. It's getting closer to half way through the year. I live in California, anybody know any links or online schools?

How Do You Get Homeschooling Accredited?

Readers Forum:

I am doing research for homeschooling, as is my dad. I found a lot, but I cannot figure out how to have your schooling accredited. And who to call to start homeschooling.

How Can I Home School My Son In English?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

We just moved to Costa Rica.My son is suppose to go to 1st grade next year but I want to put him in french school.He speaks only english so far and I want to keep that up.Any good websites that can give me ready lessons for home schooling?

What Is The Best Homeschooling Kit For 1st Graders?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I need advice on homeschooling. The possibility that I may have to homeschool my 1st grader is looming. I have some big decisions to make and want to prepare myself as much as possible. Does anyone know the best homeschooling kit? One that gives the most comprehensive curriculum to

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Which Home-school Curriculums Are Based On A Young Earth View Of History And Science?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I'm looking into home-school curriculum and have noticed that many say they are Biblical in basis, but are not being specific about their view of history. I want to choose textbooks/ curriculum that are not going to be filled with "millions of years ago". Can anyone offer assistance? Thanks

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How Do You Go From Plublic School To Home Shcooling Your Child?

Readers Forum:

Well my daughter goes to public school but lately she has been missing school do to her asthma she has always had this problem but it never occur to me that maybe we should do home school but How do you start to home school ?I really don't even know where to start

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What Are The Biggest Problems That Parents Who Home School Face?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

Do you struggle with not knowing all of the effective techniques that a certified teacher would know? Do you have trouble making the learning experiences fun and meaningful? If someone started a business as a home school consultant, what specific types of services should he or she provide to

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Encouraging the Reluctant Writer

Isn’t it amazing how different each of our children can be? As homeschoolers, we get to witness this first hand as we work with our students at home. Out of four children, I have one who can hardly wait to get started and could write pages upon pages of information or

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How Does College Application Work With Homeschooling?

Readers Forum:

I'm interested in leaving public high school, because I have no doubt that I can teach myself more than a congested classroom could. In homeschooling, how do you take AP (Advanced Placement) courses? How does the college application process work? Please thoroughly explain the entire process.

How Do I Find Information On Home Schooling For A High School Student That Isn’t Gonna Break The Bank?

Readers Forum:

My sister-in-law is having trouble with her 16 yr. old daughter and the school she is attending. She wants to finish her schooling from home but does not have alot of money to spend on curriculm and supplies. She is a single mom and just wants to help her daughter to finish school

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Is A High School Diploma From A Home Schooling Program The Same As One From An Actual High School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I had to drop out of high school due to exenuating circumstances and picked up where I left off through home schooling so I could graduate. I'm just wondering if the diploma I get from the home schooling will be worth the same, academically speaking, as if I had

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How Do You Obtain Credit For Home Schooling When Returning To High School?

Reader Forum:

I am homeschooling my 16 year old son this year to catch him up because he's very behind. He intends to go back to high school next year. What do I need to do to make sure he gets credit for the classes he takes while at home?

How Do I Begin To Prepare My Children For Homeschooling Now?

Reader Forum:

I have a 2 1/2 yr. old and a 9-month old and I'm strongly considering homeschooling in a christian setting. I would like to know the process to homeschooling, the effectiveness of it and any other information that would be helpful.

How Can I Drop Out Of High School And Get On Home School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

In school there is this school psychologist that is really strict & hard on kids being absent & dropping out of high school. I want to get on an home schooling program because i have severe medical problems and i can't attend school a lot. How can i get

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Do People Know The Difference Between Homeschooling And Unschooling?

Readers Forum:

I was home schooled and believe me I did not get away with not studying. My mom would make me do all of my work, and if I didn't do it, I would have double to do the next day. Either that or I could work all night. What are our views on

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What Are The Real Benefits Of Homeschooling?

Readers Forum:

What Are The Real Benefits Of Homeschooling? While I can understand it for children with non-impairing cognitive abnormalities, how is it justified for normal, healthy children? Everywhere I look, there are more and more varying subjective answers from religion to provincialism, but I have never seen any empirical evidence in favor of homeschooling.

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How Do I Get The Book To Home School For A 6th Grader.?

Readers Forum:

I live in a Albuquerque N.M. I have to home school my child becouse he was beatup at school. How he is a afraid to go to that school. His grades are D and F becuse he did not thinking about his school work. So I diecided to home school.

What Are The Legal Requirements For Home Schooling Grade School Age Kids?

Readers Forum:

If I decide to home-school one or more of my children, what legal requirements do I have to meet in Illinois? One child is in 5th grade, the other would be in kindergarten next year. The reason would be the lack of quality education and quality teachers available where we live.

Learning Styles of Children

For as long as I live, I will never cease to be amazed at how so many different looking children can come from the same two parents.

My husband and I have five children – five very distinctly different looking children. The oldest is very Italian looking, like his father. He has very straight black

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How To Finish A Public School At Home?

Readers Forum:

I am home schooled;and I am going to high school next year, and I wanted to know how can I finish a public school at home? I know that I would have to go to school to take state exams and stuff like that, but I wanted to know how do I go

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I Want To Home School My Kids. What Do I Need And Is There Anything Legal That I Have To Do For Me To Do So?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I've been trying to get my son in school and its too many requirements and this that and the next, but I know and others know he's too intelligent to be in day care. So I thought maybe I could home school him. Where do I start? Do I

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What Type Of Diploma Do Home Schooled High School Students Earn?

Readers Forum:

I am considering homeschooling my high school aged son. What type of diploma will he earn (in Tennessee) if he is homeschooled – or will it just be a GED? I will be an independent home schooler, not affiliated with a church or other organization. I'm aware of the requirements, but have been

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Is It Possible To Home School A Middle Schooler While Working Full Time?

Readers Forum:

I'm debating home schooling my son after this school year (he's in 5th grade). But I work full time and cannot be a SAHM even though I'd like to. How hard do you think it would it be to home school him and work full time? Thanks!

When Did The Debate About Homeschooling Start?

Readers Forum:

How many years has the debate about homeschooling been going for, I'm writing an essay about it. Thanks.

How Do I Convince My Mom To Home School Me?

Readers Forum:

I've looked up so many programs for online school.I've written paragraphs about the benefits. I've weighed the pros and cons. I have a lot of websites written down, but she still thinks she'll have to get involved. I am terrified of public and private schools. So, I want to be home schooled. I

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How Many Hours Do You Home School Your 1st Or 2nd Grader?

Readers Forum:

He is 7 and currently in a public school he is reading on a 3rd grade level and he loves math addition subtraction and multiplication! I want to home school but need more info on other parents day. Is it scheduled?

Is It Possible To Do Homeschooling And Public Schooling Both At Once?

Readers Forum:

I'm 13, and I feel that some of my teachers do a bad job teaching. But some teachers are real good. Was wondering if I can do homeschooling for some subjects? Like math, perhaps? I really can't stand these teachers. I was seriously thinking about starting a riot with all the kids in

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How Do I Get Started With Homeschooling?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

My son will be entering Kindergarten in fall 08 and I plan on homeschooling him and his two little sister until 6th grade at least. I need help getting started. I don't know where to start and what needs to be done. I looked in to online academy, but

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What Is The Best High School Home School Program If I Live Out Of The Country?

From Our Readers Forum:

I live out of the country (Mexico) and I want to home school. Im in 10th grade. What is the best homeschooling program?

How Do Home School Kids Get Graded

Readers Forum:

I'm curious.Can par rents grade their kids that they are teaching,or is there a home school teacher that grades them. Are all their tests open book?I'm really curious. I'm talking about grade school and high school. And How Do They Take Tests And Do They Get Report Cards And If Yes How?

How Do You Get Started With Homeschooling?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

What are the first steps?… How do I start and get into homeschooling? And where can I get the curriculm and books that will help me get started with my education..?? I am in Canada BC… if anyone can help me… would you find the sources at like say

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How Come Home School Is Way Eaiser To Get To College Than Public School?

Readers Forum:

I've been in public school for 7 yrs and I started home school a few months ago & I would just like to get others opinions on this question. Thnx

What Is The Best Homeschooling Curriculum In Your Opinion And Why?

Readers Forum:

I am going to be homeschooling my 7 year old daughter in the fall and am overwhelmed by the choices of curriculum. What is the best and most kid friendly?

Where Can I Find Some Words For Homeschooling?

Readers Forum:

Where can i find Vocab words to use in homeschooling.I need some for 10th-12th grade and do u no where i can get any cheap books for homeschooling in Texas? Thanks.

What Are The Negative Effects Of Homeschooling?

Readers Forum:

Im homeschooling and I hate it. I want to show my parents how bad homeschooling is. How can I put it in its worst light. How can I convince my parents to let me go back to my old school. Or any other school would be better than homeschooling. Statistics. Testimonies. Anything negative

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How Do You Choose The Best Home-school Program?

Readers Forum:

I am thinking about home-schooling my children, ages 7 and 11, and I know there are different curriculum's for homeschool. I don't know where to go to find out about homeschooling resources or how to compare the different programs. In addition, what resources are available to home-school parents? How can you suplement the

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Homeschooling Parents: What Are The Top Facilitation Or Curriculum Tools You Look For Online?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I'm putting together a support website for parents, teachers and homeschoolers. Details would be great. What are your most difficult areas in facilitating the children's learning? What do you believe to be the most important areas? Do you work with other families or homeschooling communities? How many kids in

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Homemade Board Games


More than likely your home has quite a few board games. You may even have frequent family game nights.

But how about making your own homemade board games?

Your children can design the game , create it, and then play it! Here are some steps, but they

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How Can I Start My Home School Year Late?

Readers Forum:

I home school 3 children in kindergarten to high school. Due to stressful circumstances, we were not able to start our school year until now, I am freaking out because I don't know how to catch them up, We are required 180 days, and school here started mid august. Does anyone have any

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What Does It Take To Home School Children & How Much Does It Cost?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

What does it take to home school your kids & how much does it cost? I just need a ball park figure of cost. I would like to home school my son. I would rather he not attend public school anymore (It is a long story that I dont'

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How Do I Enroll In An Online Homeschooling For High School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I am interested in homeschooling. I will be in the 11th grade, and a friend of mine took online homeschooling to get his high school diploma half the time, because he took the classes all year long. Where would I find a legit class like this? How do I

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Any Homeschooling Moms Who Have Suffered From Any Type Of Depression?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

Any homeschool moms who have suffered from depression or any other mental illness? How do you deal with it with your busy schedule homeschooling? I suffer from OCD & panic attacks. I was just wondering if any of you have been through this kind of thing & how you

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How Is Home Schooling Compared To Public School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

Im a freshman in high school and i am considering being home schooled. I have very low grades and i think it might help me if i am able to move at a slower pace. Can any one tell me there opinions on transitioning from regular school, to home

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Does Homeschooling For Years 11 And 12 Affect Getting Into Universities And How Quickly Can You Complete It?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I want to do homeschooling for years 11 and 12 so that I can graduate from school quicker. But I need to know whether or not homeschooling for year 12 stops you from getting into universities. And I also want to know how quickly it will take for me

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I Have Been Home-schooled All Of My Life, But My Dad Is Sending Me To A Public School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I am thirteen and in year eight. All my life i've been home-schooled, but just recently, my dad decided to put me and my brother into a public school. He says we need to socialize properly. There is One more week of the holidays. What's it like(Public high school)?

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Step By Step, Piece by Piece: Mini-Offices

The mini-office concept was started in public school by a teacher that was having trouble with kids focusing. So she took some legal size file folders and created a small cubicle for each student. But that didn’t solve the problem at all. The true problem was that instead of not focusing-they were asking each other

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Any Home School Families Where Both Parents Work?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

Right now, my husband stays home with my 20-month-old son. We're going to home school him, but our home situation may change between now and then. Any experienced home school families, with both parents working, able to give some advice?

How Much Does Homeschooling Cost With A Personal Teacher?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I would like 2 know how much would homeschooling cost but not being taught by my parents. Almost like a tutor that comes to your house but a teacher. I want to be taught just like in a public high school but at home with a teacher because nothing

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How Long Should Homeschooling Take And What Curriculum Do You Use?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I was wondering how much time I should spend a day homeschooling my daughter. She will be in kindergarten this year. I have heard some people say it only takes an hour or two, but I want to make sure . Also I am looking for an afordable curriculm

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How Does Homeschooling Work For Parents Of Asperger Children? Where Do You Get Your Curriculum From?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I have a 10 yr old son with Asperger's Syndrome, and have had several years of nothing but problems with the public school system. I have thought about homeschooling him for quite some time now, and I was wondering what experiences people have.

What Is The Transition From Home School To Public School Like?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I'm writing a story, and one of my characters has been home schooled all her life and, due to her mother's career change, has to start public high school as a freshman. Does the curriculum differ? How does one adapt to the social structure of public school? Do home

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Home School???

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

My son has been diagnosed with a terrible illness. His illness has caused him to miss many days of school last year. He is on a 504 so it was fine for him to miss school. His doctors recommend that he be home schooled this year instead of returning

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What Is A Good Homeschooling Programs Online And Books?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

For a 7 year old. Who is currently in public school but reads and does math at a 2nd-3rd grade level. I see lots of different programs I feel overwhelmed. Is there a site that gives me the refresher courses I need because I never went to college I

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What Is The Best Homeschooling Cirriculum For A First Grader?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I am new to homeschooling my son, and I am involved with some local homeschooling groups. But, I am having some troubles with ideas on how to keep a schedule for my son and what to do with him during the day sometimes. Do you think it is better

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From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I'm thinking about starting up homeschooling again but I have no idea how to start up again. If anyone could tell me good websites where I can find good homeschooling products or curriculums that would be great because right now i'm not really sure what to do. I'm in

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Genetics and Ability

I read this articel and I had to re-post it here to share with all of you. Most of us at one time or another have thought that we can not homeschool through Higschool. Or maybe our family and friends feel this. But if we remember that we are not teaching

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Online Learning – Yes or No?

Online education resources can play an important primary or secondary role in your children's education. They may be a great choice if you'd like to spend less time planning or have specific learning goals that you'd like to achieve. Points to consider when choosing a course: 1. Where do the courses come from? Is it a reliable source?

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Picture Show Theater

I have the best place for the best price in a family night out. Ok, it may not be a huge movie screen of SOME of the AMC type theaters, but it is clean, the popcorn tastes the same, the soda is bubbly, the movie sounds and looks the same and you get to see it for

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The History of APRONS

The History of  'APRONS'   I don't think our kids Know what an apron is. The principal use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath, because she only had a few, it was easier to wash aprons than dresses and they used less material, but along with that, it served as a potholder for removing Hot

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Laugh For the Day

We all need to laugh once in a while. Got 1 minute? I got a great little laugh for you. Do you all remember Abbot and Costello? They were so greatin thier day! This is a really cute video that is pure and clean. Now I have never heard of the car they refer to,

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Portfolios Tell Your Child’s School History

I read this article on portfolios by Homeschool inc. and I thought I would post what they said and add a few of my ideas to it.

Need a creative way to describe your student's year? Try creating a portfolio! Some of you will need to create a portfolio because you're required to; others will just want

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The Harms of Homeschooling? Where Are the Premises?



Before you read this article I have to put my two cents in about this. I think no matter what side you are on, it does not matter whether you agree or disagree with homeschooling, public school or private school etc. It seems to me if you are going to write

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Praying and Learning about Haiti

The horrific news from Haiti has filled your living room. News reports a unimaginable death toll between 100,000 to 200,000 people. 3 million people were affected. Nearly the entire capital city of Port-au-Prince is devastated and covered in rubble. Is it too late to help? The initial media-enthusiasm is waning, yet millions of people in

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What is metamorphosis?

Most all of us learned that extremely long word in or around the 4th grade, long before it could roll off our tongues easily and certainly before we could understand the complexity of what it is that we call metamorphosis.

In fact, it is my belief, no not my belief, I

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Exploring God’s Creation – The Butterfly Theme Study

Spring has sprung. Ok, well maybe not quite yet, but before you know it, it will be upon us. The bees will be buzzing and the flowers will be growing and the butterflies will be fluttering. Right now is a great time to get your curriculum together for spring. And as you may have guessed I

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George Washington Unit Study with Lapbook

Children can learn so much from people in history, and George Washington is one of the best examples. George Washington is a great American soldier and President that your children will want to dive into and learn all about. Each day your child will explore and investigate with their Continue reading George Washington Unit Study with Lapbook

February 2010 Molly’s Money-Saving Digest

Did you know that over 1 million acres of potatoes are planted every year in the United States, for a yield of over 41 billion pounds? Yea, I never knew that either. I did know that potatoes are versatile veggies, but coming up with new inventive recipes are always helpful.

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In the Days of the Knights and Castles Lapbook

I know some of you think that there is a lot of cutting involved in lapbooks, and there is, but the one thing you get from a lapbook like In the Days of the Knights and Castles is a well-rounded study of a this subject. Kids seem to retain

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Learning Staircases

     Help learning happen by building a "learning staircase" for your child. After you've defined the concept to be taught, break the lesson into small steps – start on the bottom one and keep going! First, set the goal you want your child to achieve. Then, set reasonable expectations for each day's accomplishments. If your

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How a Pet Can Teach your Homeschool

Six Things a Homeschool Family Can Learn from their Dog

1. Just Because…you take a nap,doesn't make you worthless. 2. Just Because…the newspaper is in your neighbor's driveway doesn't mean you can't read the headlines. 3. Just Because…you bark, doesn't mean people will listen. 4. Just Because…there's nothing in the refrigerator, doesn't mean there isn't

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Porthole Perspective?!?

Porthole Perspective?!? On a ship, sailors can look out at the ocean through a porthole. But this doesn't give them much viewing area! In fact, all they can see is what's in front of them. Have you been seeing your life, your homeschool, from a porthole perspective?      When we only see the problems and

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Valentine’s Day History, Symbols, Games Unit Study

Have you always wanted your child to learn all about Valentine's Day? This Valentine's Unit Study with Study Guide is a great way to have an easy research of one of our countries holidays. Some of the topics Journey Through Learning includes on this one are, what the history of Valentine's Day is all

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Amphibians Unit Study with Study Guide

Ok, who knows what an amphibian really is? What is the difference between a Frog and a Toad? I found some tadpoles, but what do I feed them? Or maybe you have always wondered what the defense mechanisms of amphibians are. Well, I think Journey Through Learning has a great

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My Homeschool Support Group Scrapbook

One of the blessings of homeschooling is to find other families that are like minded and share in the same dreams you do for your children. One way to meet those families is by joining a support group. I belong to a park day support group that meets every Thursday here in Tustin, California. These

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December Book Bag 2009, Common Questions about the Human Body

December Book Bag 2009, Common Questions about the Human Body is a very unique question and answer book about the human body. There are 73 pages of question s about the whole human body. Your child will peak into different systems of the body as you run through each of the 1 to

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Multiplication Pocket Games by A Journey Through Learning

You have never seen a Lapbook like this before. This is a cross between a lapbook and a file folder game. And I love it! File Folder games are great way of allowing the child to have fun all while they are learning. And what homeschool parent does not like their children to have fun

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