February 2025

Can You Use A Macbook For Ecot Online Homeschooling?

A Reader Asks:

Can you use a Mac or Macbook on ECOT online homeschooling or do you have to use PC??

Opera Company of Philadelphia “Hallelujah!” Random Act of Culture

My choir director directed me to this wonderful YouTube video. I would have just loved to be there when then did this, or better yet bring it to Orange County California!!!! Enjoy watching and listening!

HALLELUJAH, King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!!!! 

What Homeschooling Has Parenting Class?


A Reader has asked:

I want to take parenting classes. Do you know where or how I can do this?

Colleges Now Required to Determine “Validity” of High School Diplomas

Colleges Now Required to Determine “Validity” of High School Diplomas   FAFSA Form: Which Box to Check?

In the past, some parents were advised to choose “high school diploma” on the FAFSA form. However, due to the regulation change, making this selection could be problematic for homeschoolers whose schools do not appear on the

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What’s Your Personal Favorite Homeschooling Curriculum And Why?


A Reader wrote to me and said:

I don't really have one favorite. I loosely follow the classical approach, but I've also worked in a lot of Charlotte Mason's ideas, some unit studies, and whatever else I think will work best for each child. I have one child in Kindergarten, one in second grade,

Continue reading What’s Your Personal Favorite Homeschooling Curriculum And Why?

Halloween Fun

I read this article from All About God about how to have a more Christian Halloween. Thought you might enjoy it too!


Are you looking for some fun Christian Halloween ideas this year? Many parents don’t like the “dark side” to the origins of Halloween, but do not want their children to totally bypass

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Halloween Origins: What Are The Different Names?

Although Halloween origins began with the Celtic druids over 2,000 years ago, the seasonal practices are observed in many countries. Halloween falls within the Fall Equinox that starts from September 23 through November 4 approximately. This time period is celebrated in all cultures and is also known as:

Alban Elfed Autumn Equinox Fall Solstice Cornucopia

Continue reading Halloween Origins: What Are The Different Names?

What is the History of Halloween: A Christian Perspective?

When we consider the history of Halloween (a Christian perspective), it may seem as if the modern holiday has gotten out of hand. After all, doesn’t Halloween glorify evil? Is it right to send our children out as devils and vampires? Should we emphasize the saints, whose nearly forgotten feast day is the reason for

Continue reading What is the History of Halloween: A Christian Perspective?

National Housewife Day

When is this wonderful holiday. Well it is always on November 3rd.

Housewife Day recognizes the importance of stay at home wives and moms. Also referred to as "Retro" Housewife Day. These wonderful, caring creatures, build and enrich strong family environments. They help to instill family values and good character.

Housewife is an old term. It

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How Do God’s Ten Commandments Apply Today?

Many people today feel that God's Ten Commandments are no longer valid because they do not apply to our current society. They look to the Ten Commandments as being outdated and full of inflammatory language which doesn't sit well with our politically-correct viewpoint. The Ten Commandments are also considered by many people to have been

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We Did it…Christmas is Back

You did it! There's no question that your taking time to get involved has influenced Dominion Services and Richmond, Virginia, parade organizers to reverse an earlier decision to replace "Christmas" with "holiday."

Late yesterday afternoon, after thousands of emails and hundreds of phone calls to Dominion, parade organizers posted a statement on their website stating,

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City bans ‘Christmas’ in favor of ‘holiday’ parade – War against Christmas starting already

The city of Richmond, Virginia, has turned coward because the new sponsor of its annual parade wants to ban the word "Christmas."

When Dominion, an energy company, took over sponsorship of the parade, it told the city it no longer wanted to use "Christmas" as part of the parade name. Instead, Dominion said it will

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Questions on God?????

I found a great web site that has been such a wonderful source of information I had to share it with all my readers. It is called "All About God" and they deal with some real simple questions all the way down to some extremely tough ones too. Sexuality, Showing How God Is Real Scientifically,

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A Balloon To Space

You know I have never been one to be interested in space. But this year we are learning about our solar system with Apologia Science. It has been really interesting for us. But then this link came along and allowed me to see it in real life…real time and just made it real. You know

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Lewis and Clark Download-N-Go Series

I have to tell you that this Lewis and Clark Download N Go Series By Amanda Bennett could not be more comprehensible. And like always, the Download N Go Series has a generous amount of resources for you to use which is one of the things that keeps me coming back for more of

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What Do I Do When I Want To Stay Home From School Due To An Illness?

FORUM: A reader asks

I'm really sick and I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I'm in High School. I have never taken a sick day since elementary school. What do I do? I'm in the Hacienda La Pluente Unified School District. Do I just stay home? Do I have to call the school?

Continue reading What Do I Do When I Want To Stay Home From School Due To An Illness?

How Do I Start A Home School Group In My Area?

FORUM: A reader asks

I live in a rural community total population is around 23,000. I know there are other home schoolers out there, I just want to start a local support group for our county. Any suggestions or advice would be wonderful. Thank You in advance!

HomeSchool Campus of OC

Have you ever wanted to teach your child a specific thing but you are just not grasping the concept yourself? What about PE. Yea, you go to the park, but you want to have your child do more? Or maybe you just want to be involved with a group of homeschoolers in a Continue reading HomeSchool Campus of OC

Project Play

Did you know? Since 1980, the childhood obesity rate has more than doubled for children ages 2 – 5 and more than tripled for children ages 6 – 11. Between 1981 and 1997, free playtime among 6 to 8 year olds dropped 25% and homework more than doubled. Since 2005, the amount of time children

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Question About North Carolina High School Homeschooling?

FORUM: A reader asks

I would like to start home schooling in the fall; I'll be starting my junior year. My main question is: Will I have required courses? One of the reasons I would like to try homeschool is to get the benefit of choosing my own classes. I'm aware that I'll have to

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It is important to keep accurate records of what you are doing. Your records will help keep you organized and aware of your children’s progress.  They will also be verification of your validity as a private homeschool should you ever be questioned. You want to be taken seriously not only for your own sake but

Continue reading REQUIRED RECORDS

States Adopting National Standards

I just received this article by Susan K. Stewart from one of the organizations here in California called CHEA. I thought it worthy enough to re-post for you all who are not members of  CHEA to read. Enjoy!     Last fall the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) together with the National

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Do You Enjoy Homeschooling Your Children?

FORUM: A reader asks

I am considering homeschooling. I have a 4 yr old and a 2 yr old. Are you happy with your dicision to homeschool? Are you very stressed? Is it expensive? What is your advice? Thank you

Homeschool Day at Pump it Up


Homeschool Fun Day  Pump It Up

Pump It Up It's Like One Big, Amazing Playdate   Pop-In Playtime for Homeschoolers! It's a special open jump time when homeschooler can take a break from their studies and slide, bounce and play in the inflatables, while parents relax and unwind.  At this homeschool fun day,

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Are There Any Tax Breaks For Homeschooling?

FORUM: A reader asks

Is there any tax breaks, like deductions for classes or curric. that you can claim on your federal taxes if you home school your children?

Teacher Appreciation

 Teacher Appreciation

Hi everyone,

Every year both Office Depot and Staples host a Teacher Appreciation Day. There are special deals, a goodie bag and a teacher appreciation breakfast for all teachers who show their teacher ID card. (Your HSLDA card or your teacher ID card is your teacher ID.) Sometimes these 2 companies even

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California Native Americans Unit Study

Most of my regular readers on my blog know me well enough to know I am not much into a traditional unit study unless I do not have to do much research. I received this small but mighty 16-page unit study of the California Native Indians as an e-book by HLN Family.com called Continue reading California Native Americans Unit Study

VBS 2010 at Calvary Church

Every year I participate in VBS at my church. And every year I LOVE IT! It is the best week out of the year. This year was no different. Well…maybe. I think after singing for VBS for 8 years now I have seen the best stage set up we have ever had. Our staff built

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How To Stay Focused On School When I Am At Home And On The Computer?

FORUM : A reader asks…

I am being home schooled. It is an online school called Utah Virtual Academy. I am always distracted by wanted to play video games or be on the Internet. My parents don't know I am having problems focusing because they would put me back in public school which is not

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I Started An Online Home School Program, But I Feel Like I Made A Big Mistake?

FORUM  A Reader asks:

I was in four AP classes and now I'm in none on this home school thing because they don't offer any. I feel like this isn't as good as a real high school. It's fully accredited and all, but I don't know. I feel guilty. My parents already payed $1000 for

Continue reading I Started An Online Home School Program, But I Feel Like I Made A Big Mistake?

What’s Your Personal Favorite Homeschooling Curriculum And Why?

FORUM: A reader asks

I don't really have one favorite. I loosely follow the classical approach, but I've also worked in a lot of Charlotte Mason's ideas, some unit studies, and whatever else I think will work best for each child. I have one child in Kindergarten, one in second grade, and one in 9th

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Roller Coasters, Download N Go™ Series

Roller Coasters, Download N Go™ Series By Amanda Bennett is actually very easy to use and laid out agreeably for any homeschool teacher. It really could not be simpler to use! She has given you plenty of resources, like books, which she give you the ISBN numbers for those books (nice), as well as links

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Copying the Hymns: All Things Bright and Beautiful

Copywork is one of those essential parts of homeschooling. We know that it not only helps with the child’s handwriting, but also with their vocabulary, their grammar as well as spelling and much more. Copying the Hymns: All Things Bright and Beautiful by Bogart Family Resources has done a beautiful job of putting together

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Little Learners’ Literature Play, Learn, Create and Move

  I love to read to my kids and love my kids to read to me. Little Learners’ Literature Play, Learn, Create and Move: A Look at Life: Lighthouses and Rescues takes a spin on a good literature book for young children. In this case she suggests a literature books to read that you

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All Work & No Play Makes For Really Cute Bedrooms

So this summer has been very busy for me so far. Besides doing summer school 2-3 days a week, going on several field trips so far, play dates at the park a couple times a week, I decided to start my yearly clean up of the kids room. That means go through EVERY SINGLE toy

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Let’s Learn About Sea Mammals

Now this is my kind of unit study. I like it when people write a course and put in everything you need. Another words you open the pdf and print it out and just go to town. This is what Ann Huss has done with her Let’s Learn About Sea Mammals unit study.  

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I had to repost this article I just got in my email box a couple days ago. I have several friends who are thinking of going back to work and giving up on homeschooling. So I when I saw this article I thought I had to share it with everyone. Enjoy!



Years ago,

Continue reading Work…Homeschool???

What Are Some Good Ideas For A Circle Time Board Theme “from Home To School?”?

FORUM: A reader asks

I am a teacher in a toddler room and our curriculum starts in a few days and i need some ideas for a circle time board with the theme of "From Home to school" Its basically showing the children the concept's of being at home vs being at school. Any ideas

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Is Homeschooling In The Balearic Islands Legal?

FORUM: A reader asks

I want to homeschool my daughter but we live in Mallorca,so i just wanted to know whether its legal,is it legal?

Secular Homeschooling For Missouri Children/low Cost Preffered?

FORUM: A reader asks

I'm trying to find a superb Secular curriculum that for my daughter's this year. I have two girls, one will be entering the fifth grade and one in the third grade this year. I am a mom who likes having a plan to go by. I can always incorporate other ideas

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Happy Independance Day

Price of Freedom Video

Oh say can you see….the bombs bursting in the air….for the land of the FREE and the home of the brave!

Today we thank God for the freedom we have here…I mean really thank God! We live in a country that is like no other. For all the good and

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With July 4th coming up I wanted to really impact you all with some to think about. Our friends, our family, people we know or even you may have been involved in taking away the one freedom our country was founded on.

As we come up the this holiday, I want


The Little But Mighty Ant

Ewwwwwwe, ants! I dislike ants an awful lot. They come into your home and take over and but at least they are not too hard to get rid of. Well Brandenburg Studies has put together a FANTASTIC unit study for us called The Little But Mighty Ant. Even though we may not

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Happy Scribes July Copybook

They say that if you want your children’s handwriting to be beautiful, then you have to have them practice it daily. The problem is what do you make them write. Scripture? Boring sayings by people we do not really know? One of the ways is to have them write simple information about the month of

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Surprising Changes in DMV Policy

In the state of California, parents have not been authorized to teach driver education and driver training. Any parent wanting their child to obtain a driving permit needed to have him or her complete a driver education/driver training course through a public or private school, or commercial driving program. For many years homeschoolers were able

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How to Stop Homeschooling

Now I have had a few people write me and ask about how to stop homeschooling in the past and I never really knew exactly what to say to them except to encourage them and tell them to stay involved with their kids as much as they can! But low and

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Homeschooling Statistics

Meg Wilson has read many negative statistics about homeschooling as we all have? But we have all read some encouraging and positive benefits that put my mind at ease and my heart at rest.

These positive benefits are also can be some of the reasons why we all have decided to teach at home:

– Homeschooled children don’t

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Happy Father’s Day DAD’s of the World

My Dad Video

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's all over the world. May you have a wonderful day filled with love, fun and the closeness you all deserve. God bless you all!

Planners, Planners and Even More Planners

Planner, Planners everywhere…for Free!

One of the best known sites with a huge variety is DonnaYoung.org . You can find just about every form imaginable for homeschoolers and the site is extremely easy to navigate through. There you will find some handwriting sheets, nature study forms, planning sheets, journal sheets, household forms, calendars, timeline forms, schedules for

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Homeschooling Breeds Precocious Cats

I absolutly loved this article from Heart of the matter.


When my oldest daughter, Meghan, was four years old, we discovered that she was allergic to cats (and grass and dust). Uh oh. We were very attached to our feline lap warmer and just couldn’t see giving

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Is Jesus Real?

I am not go to write anything here…just watch the video and tell me is Your Jesus Real?

Click here: Plastic Jesus

NERTZ! A Fun Family Game


Ok, I got this article form heart of the Matter and it is all about games. I found this game to be very interesting and thought I would post if for those who do not get their newsletter.  i plan on trying this game myself. have any of you ever

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Old Schoolhouse CONTEST


The Adventure Begins . . . Giveaway!

The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine and Amanda Bennett Unit Studies have teamed up to celebrate the successful launch of Download N Go™ with a Sweet Treat Prize Package in The Adventure Begins . . . Giveaway!

They're offering one

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Visit HSLDA at the 27th Annual Christian Home Educators of California Convention

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:

The 27th Annual Christian Home Educators of California Convention is coming to your area July 16–18. This event will be held at the Pasadena Convention Center, 300 East Green Street, Pasadena, CA 91101.

HSLDA will host a

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Are you looking for a fun way to shake things up with your little eggheads?

Schoolhouse Scrambles™ will offer the variety that you need to keep school interesting, while still giving you the depth that you desire in educating your children. Focusing on grades 3 through 8, you and your children

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Free Movies from Regal Movies

I am sure there are several of my readers that already know about the free movies from Regal Entertainment Group during the summer months, but then again, there are some who don't. So I am here to educate you about the few things in this world that are truly FREE!

Regal Entertainment

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Raquel and Grandma Sing

You know when your parents get to be in their 80's you treasure every moment you have with them. And unlike with my moms parents I have the wonderful invention of the video camera phone. I was able to capture a moment in time with my Mom and my aspiring singer daughter, Raquel that is really

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Vincent Van Gogh Flash Cards

OMGoodness, I have found it! One thing I have always disliked about doing a study on artists is the fact that I have to research all the paintings they have painted or if I find a site that has 20 or more of the painting they have completed all in one place, then the pictures

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To Grade or Not to Grade

That is the question. Do you give grades in your home school? There are pros and cons. Not giving grades supports a more natural approach to learning. Is your child engaged, involved and learning? If you choose to assess learning by the use of something other than tests, grading can seem irrelevant. Can your

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Ohio Superintendent Makes Up Law

Superintendent Makes Up Law  

Homeschool families in the Shelby County school district recently received a letter from the local superintendent’s office reminding them of Ohio’s legal requirements for homeschooling, which included a copy of the district’s notice of intent form. In her letter, the superintendent aggressively demanded information (her letter actually used “all-caps,” underlines

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California Surprising Changes in DMV Policy

Surprising Changes in DMV Policy

In the state of California, parents have not been authorized to teach driver education and driver training. Any parent wanting their child to obtain a driving permit needed to have him or her complete a driver education/driver training course through a public or private school, or commercial driving program. For

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This Interview Brought to You by…

I love to ask my kids questions. You can learn a lot that way! Yes, I ask the traditional, "How was your day?" when an older child comes home from work, or from community college, or from a visit. But I also ask other questions that help me to know who they are, how they

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Study an Artist

Do you have a hard time teaching your children about artists? Have you ever thought after teaching you children about a particular artist that a week later they remember nothing? Yea, me too. One of the ways I have helped my children to remember things is either by note-booking or by lapbooking or my favorite,

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Weight Gain Joke

Ok, This is probably really, really wrong to post this on a homeschooling web site, but I am going to anyway because I think it is too funny not too! besides we are all woman and we can all relate to this in one way or another. Right?



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Used or New?

Most, if not all, homeschoolers wrestle with the decision of purchasing new or used education materials. As we've traveled to conferences, we've noticed that many of you first frequent the used book sales and then look to purchase new materials to match the editions you've found at the sale. In many instances, combining used

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Mom’s Sick Day

What happens when mom/teacher is under-the electric-blanket-set-on-10-and-shivering sick? If you have a substitute teacher to call (like grandma or a great friend), consider yourself lucky! You can "enjoy" a guilt-free day. But what if you don't have reinforcements to muster?       Your sick day might not look like a regular school day, but there are plenty

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All Chocolate, A Fun Study

You know I love chocolate. I am kind of weird and never liked it as a child, but my kids do. When I got the chance to do a study on chocolate for only a $1.00 I figured I could not loose. I have now found my favorite mini unit studies to do with my

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A Short Neurological Test

Ok, so this is one of those pass it along emails you get, but I thought it was very interesting, enough so I wanted to post it here. I was very amazed at how I was able to pick out the letters and actually read without a problem the short letter below. My son, 8

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How do you cook? Bet you teach that same way!

Do you rarely follow a recipe as written? Maybe you throw out the recipe altogether and start from scratch? When you teach, you probably write your own curriculum or take what you have and change it. We bet you shape everything to fit your children's needs, and yours. For you, homeschooling is the ultimate

Continue reading How do you cook? Bet you teach that same way!

Parental Rights.com

As ParentalRights.com announced last week, Senator Jim DeMint on Tuesday introduced S.R. 519, a resolution urging the President not to deliver the Convention on the Rights of the Child to the Senate for its advice and consent. Now it is time to make phone calls. We need 34 co-sponsors of S.R. 519 in

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All Owsl; A Fun Study

Growing up my father loved owls. That was his favorite animal. When he died I inherited several of his statues and knick-knacks of owls and they are all around my home. Now that my kids are older I think it may be time to explain exactly what these wonderful creations that my Dad was so

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Take a Walk with Your Camera!

Spring is a wonderful time of year to enjoy the outdoors after being inside most of the winter. Why not take your camera (and students) on a walk? You could use this as an art activity.      Next time you go for a walk or run errands, take the camera. Record your visit. What catches your

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Hummingbird Copy Work & Fun

You know one of the wonders of God is the hummingbird. They are an incredible creature and my kids love them. We have a humming bird feeder sitting right outside our schoolroom window. My kids wanted to learn more about these beautiful creatures so along came an amazing copy workbook all about hummingbirds.   Continue reading Hummingbird Copy Work & Fun

Homeschool Leaders Go To Washington

Homeschool Leaders Go To Washington

Will Estrada Director of Federal Relations

May 11, 2010

Eighty-three homeschool leaders spent three days in the Washington, D.C. area in April, lobbying members of Congress. These homeschool leaders represented homeschool organizations from 37 states and Puerto Rico, and came to the district as part of HSLDA’s National Homeschool

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K-2 Earth and Space Science: Weather

The K-2 Earth and Space Science: Weather is such a fun unit study and I have only begun to really work with it. From the moment I opened this unit study I realized that this was my kind of workbook. I like it when a company has written everything out for you and that

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Teaching While Handling a Crisis

When we start to homeschool, we picture that we will teach our kids during "the best of times." We picture our children reading around a cozy kitchen table, on a porch, or in comfy chairs. We expect to hear, "I get it!" happily bubble up from our children, morning after morning, as they learn in

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America’s Monuments, Symbols, & National Parks Copywork & Fun!

Our countries great monuments are fascinating and most kids are enthralled by their grandeur and what they are and why they were made. But sometimes when our kids ask those questions we, as homeschoolers, think we much break out a huge unit study on this one thing that our child has asked us about. Well

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New Creation

New Creation

This video is from my church, Calvary Church of Santa Ana service on April 25th. I felt very privileged to be able to sing with our worship pastor, Victor, on this song. This was a very risky visual arts thing to do in a church, but it really worked and it was extremely

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Spring Organization

Surrounded by homeschool paraphernalia? Containing the inevitable clutter will help you save time, energy and money (if you have to replace things you cannot find). Here are some tips to help you manage your school materials. Books: Keep books you currently use within easy reach of your work area. Books that you no longer need or

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Map Trek: Ancient World Atlas and Outline Maps of World History

When we study history it should not ever be overlooked that geography should exist right along side it. The problem is finding the right tools to do the job. Terri Johnson from Bramley Books and Knowledge Quest has put together a wonderful compilation of maps. If you have never seen her maps you are in

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A Time to Say Goodbye

A dear friend of mine passed away on Saturday. I got the call from his sister today. She had been trying to contact me for a few days to let me know. It was a devastating call and a heartbreaking story. You see Robert had diabetes and did not take care of himself. He thought

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Ben Franklin Download N Go By Amanda Bennett

The Ben Franklin, Download N Go By Amanda Bennett is extremely easy to use and is described and arranged quit nicely for the teachers use. It really could not be easier for you to use especially for those of us who really like curriculum or unit studies with no preparation!

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New Protocol for UN Children’s Treaty

I recieved this email from Mike Farris from ParentalRights.org and thought that it was worthy enough to repost here on my blog. Please read through it and discuss it within your own homeschool groups and see what some of the thoughts are of your group.


New Protocol for UN Children's Treaty Will Create International

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Easter 2010

My church, Calvary Church of Santa Ana, is well known for their technology and their ability to use the arts, wether it be music or, painting or computer or film. For Easter they took many of the members of Calvary and video taped them of why they were lost and now they are found. I

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Cow’s Tail

My family and I subscribe to "God's World News" and have enjoyed reading their magazine for sometime now. They have magnificent and interesting articles for the kids to read at their reading and age level and if you can receive emails with wonderful articles in them for the parents to read that sometime really

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Encouragement Along the Way

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may

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Flash Cards

So how many of us print out all sorts of flash cards so we can play games like go fish or old maid to help make math or phonics more fun? Or how many curriculum's come with flash cards. The problem is how to keep them neat. I usually put a rubber band around them

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Dreams and Designs—Homemade Supplies to Complement Your Homeschool E-Book Review

I review many, many e-books. I purchase handfuls and several I receive for free from different giveaways. There is always 1 or 2 things I take away from these books and can incorporate into my homeschool to make it better and more fun for my children. But then there is a gem that comes along

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Veritas Press: History and Bible

Veritas Press has been a long time favorite of mine for our Bible History and World History curriculum. Veritas Press teaches History as well as the Bible in chronological order. This can be invaluable in a child’s life. It can teach them to put names and dates in order as well as time and

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Spark Their Reading Interest

If getting your child to read is like pulling teeth, try one of these reading games to spark their interest!

Take a Hike – List all of the letters of the alphabet on a writing pad. Then, start walking! As you walk, have your children look for things that begin with that letter. Write

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Children Already Know How to Be Children

Ever think of it this way: Children already know how to be children! What they need to learn is how to be grownups. Overall…it takes grownups to teach them. Healthy and helpful socialization isn't something a child catches, like the flu. It's a process whereby someone intentionally teaches a child social rules, etiquette, morals, values,

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Homeschool Buyers Co-Op

How would you like to purchase homeschool curriculum at a discount. I want to introduce you to Homeschool Buyers Co-Op. The Homeschool Buyers Co-op is the nation's largest purchasing cooperative for homeschooling families.

You see it is very simple, school districts get educational discounts — why not homeschoolers? The reason is simple: school districts

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Apologia Science

I have been longing to find a good science curriculum that would cover science from beginning to end and would be hands on and would also guide me, the non-science person, all the way through each subject. I have found that curriculum. I was given Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the Fifth

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Serving Christ No Matter Where You Are

Every week our head pastor sends out a letter to us all writing of what is going on and what is coming up for the following week at our church. There are many letters I have read and say to myself…"That was great", but this week he was so eloquent in his wording of how

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Help, My 4 Year Old Can’t Count


Hi my 4 yo child can't count she does not recognize the simbol that the number means and she can't associated with the ammount of items, or counters. She will repeat the numbers in order from one to ten, but when I point to a individual number she will tell me a differente number

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Kite Capers Download N Go Series

I have to admit this unit study, Kite Capers; Download N Go Series By Amanda Bennett could not be more user friendly for the teacher. Kite Capers has many resources for you to use such as books, as well as on line links to videos, which I love, poetry, worksheets, vocabulary etc. Some of

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Focus/Attention Processing Dysfunction Characteristics

Because I deal with an ADD child on a daily basis and an ADD husband I figured there had to be many more people out there that read my blog that might be interested in reading about this subject too. So I scoured the internet for articles that related to us homeschoolers with ADD children

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Big Truths for Little People

I have been looking for a book that would help me to teach the basic catechesis to my children in a way that would be fun and desirable to them, yet Biblically sound lessons that would not take an hour to do. I was told about Big Truths for Little People by Susan and Richie

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Parenting Tips

Dearest Friends,

As I continue to refine my parenting, I continue stumbling across many different child training methods. This morning I stumbled across this post from the archives of "a holy experience." Ann's words of wisdom were so very encouraging to me. I wanted to share this link with you.

Warmly, Jen 

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Deschool Before Returning to School

"Deschooling" is taking a little time to get the "school" out of your child's (and your) system. A break from anything "schooly" gives children the time and space to explore their own interests and settle into a less structured lifestyle. When you've been involved in an institutional school system, it's all too easy to measure

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