February 2025
HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 14

My poor little girl was very sick for the first three days of school this week. I have to admit, as bad as it may sound, that it was actually really nice to only school one child. You see, my daughter is, well, the child who always makes the teacher have to stop class to

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 13 update

This was a lazy week for us. We did not do much of the academic things, but we kept up on our history, science, Bible study and math.

We enjoyed the History Activity on day 1 with the water, but Mom forgot the camera that day. Oh Well. Now both my children understand water flow

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Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 12

This is a hard time of year for me to stay focused on school. With all the performances either that I am in or I am directing and parties and shopping and cleaning and preparing. Uugghh, it can over-take my mind and life. I think that is why I am very thankful that I am using

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 11 update

It was interesting on Day one of Unit 11 how it talked about finding out where we came from. My son went right to the map and touch Poland, Austria, Czech and Germany. We really did  not get a chance to call anyone, but we talked to Grandma for a few minutes about her parents

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 10 update

What a great week. Well, I have to be honest, it was HARD at first. You see we had two weeks of vacation. One week away from home and then a week at home. So Monday was not easy to get back into the swing of things, but once we got the week going, by

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Let’s Play

I am sure that most of my readers read the article put out by CurrClick about Play. I thought it was such a great article, that I wanted to re-post it for those who may have not received their email. I have seen and heard that sometimes as homeschooler we can get caught up

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Does Nagging Work?

I was many years into parenting before I realized that the most powerful tool in my toolbox, masterful nagging, did not work.

I would remind, leave notes, cajole, tease, nag and harangue. Guess what? It didn't matter a bit.

In fact, they acquired an uncanny ability to tune me out. The more animated

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Teaching Writing in a Text-Message World

Writing is not going away.

In fact, writing is on the uptick!

A case can be made that writing is becoming our culture's dominant form of communication.   Email, text messages, tweets, and blog entries are all done in writing. Even on our electronic phones we do more texting than talking.

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Eisenhower Park

One of my favorite things to do is to go on hikes, have the kids wade in streams and look for all sorts of different type of animals, draw in their nature journal and just have some good old fashion fun without all the play equipment. However, here in Orange County, California, most of the

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Encouraging Kids Along the Path to Learning

The words path to learning offer us a great word picture. Word pictures (metaphors) can help us visualize and grab hold of a big concept and a deep meaning.

The word "education" is not a word picture. While the word "education" has plenty of meaning, it's hard to picture. And the word itself may

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger, Week 9 Update

So I know most of you who may have gotten this post a few days ago are saying where is the actual blog post? Well, I am on vacation and so far until this very moment I have not had a chance to sit down and write. So I thought I will just post the

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger, Week 8 Update

So am I a bad Mom? This week was just off. Every night starting Sunday night we went to bed no earlier then 10:30pm. Ok, now my kids go to be by 8:30 maybe 9:00 if I read or we are running late at night. So going to bed 2 hours after bedtime was not

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Cookbook and Christmas Cards!

I am a huge advocate for HSLDA, in case you all have not figured that out by now. So because of that I try to support them in other ways when I can. Sometimes they sell things that either make great gifts or things I really would like to have. And the few extra dollars

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Homeschooling: All Things

Lighthouse Publications Giveaway and Sweepstakes

Hey, I just received an email form Lighthouse Publications because I have purchased things from them in the past. Anyway, they are doing a big sale and a givaway and I thought I would let everyone know about it. They have some great readers, unit studies as well as copywork books etc. Here is the email

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger, Week 7 Update

OMGosh, we forgot to play Jeopardy this week. Our week started out pretty slow. This week with HOD I felt was a little slower and not quite as much to do as normal, but let me make darn sure you realize that this is NOT a complaint. It was actually nice, since towards the end

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger, Week 6 Update

We have a very unusual schedule. We typically do school for 5 weeks and then take a week off of course during the holiday season it gets a bit tricky. Well, for those of you who follow my blog closely, you probably noticed that I did not have a week 6 update last week. Yup,

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HSLDA sponsoring One Nation Under God event

Our nation was founded on Biblical principles, but we have lost sight of this in today�s culture. That is why we are calling all Christians to join together on November 12, 2011 to host the One Nation Under God Event in homes and churches across America.

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Homeschooling: All Things

How to Keep a Strong Voice for Homeschooling in Sacramento

Most of you are probably saying where is NutBugs Heart of Dakota Weekly Update this week. Well, Our schedule is that we school for 5 weeks on and then we take a week off. This allows us MANY breaks through out the year, especially since we school (for the most part) year round. So instead

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Curriculum Reviews

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 5 update

Ok, I realized I need to purchase a thesaurus for the phrase" We had a great week" I keep saying that each week and I am sure my readers are getting tired of that same line. Anyway, I have realized that the Early American History that I learned as a child was very watered down as

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Homeschooling: All Things

California Homeschoolers

I am not sure if all of you have seen this from HSLDA or not, so I thought I would re-post it here. This is from the President HSLDA, Michael Smith.



Great News In California!

AB 717 is a huge step toward restoring constitutional principles.

From: Family Protection Ministries and

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Homeschooling: All Things

Affidavit Time

It's time once again to file the Private School Affidavit (PSA) online between October 1-15 for us California Homeschoolers. The private school affidavit is now available online for filing at the CHEA web site.

I want to mention here that there are two new questions (41 & 42) on the form which ask questions in regards

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Multiple Streams of Homeschooling Income

Most of you who know me personally know that my husband has been in the real estate industry for over 20 years and has been our sole source of income. However, as we all know the real estate market busted a few years back

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Educating Children with Dyslexia

I know a lot of my readers have struggling children with Dyslexia. I have a friend who just found out why she has been struggling with her child in homeschooling him. She is currently struggling in this area too with her son. As most of you know I am fond of most of  Rod

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Heart of Dakota Week 4 update

Ok, so this week was not as exciting and good as last week, BUT, it had nothing to do with our curriculum. We were just having an off week. Everyday seemed to start later then we wanted. I was having a hard time sleeping at night all week,  I could not pull my behind out

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Homeschooling: All Things

Tanaka Farms has Free Petting Zoo!

Hey all you Southern California residents, Fall is here and the pumpkins are flourishing at Tanaka Farms! Opening weekend is here for the Tanaka Farms Pumpkin Patch. Yes, that is this weekend Oct 1 and 2nd.  For their opening weekend they are giving us a treat. FREE Petting Zoo with a purchase of a wagon ride

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HOD Week in Review

Seashore Videos For Bigger Hearts

 I had several people write to me saying they live in an area where they are not even close to a beach and they are also are using the Heart of Dakota Bigger Hearts. So I had put some great links to some videos in one of the comments section, but I figured there were

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Curriculum Reviews

Heart of Dakota Week 3 Update

Well, this week was pretty good. Our hick up was Math for my son. You see my son hates math. Probably somehow my fault in the earlier years, but none the less, he hates it and therefore is about 6 months behind his "grade" or "age".

(Just FYI, I figured out how to do a

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Homeschool Toolbar

Have some of you ever wondered what other homeschool blogs are out there that are about homeschooling? Have you done a search on Google or whatever other search engine you use and have come up with blogs that are just not what you are looking for? I found a great add on for your internet bar.

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Curriculum Reviews

Heart Of Dakota Week 2 Update

As suspected, we had another wonderful week. Currently we are learning about things on the sea shores and I finally thought to myself on Monday after school. "Self,' I said, "You live in Sunny Southern California, why the heck are you sitting in the house to learn about the sea shore. Take the book, a

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Homeschooling: All Things

Help Me I am Failing at Homeschooling

I wanted to repost this letter here and share my answer to this common homeschooling problem with first timers as well as veteran homeschoolers. If you have ideas to share, please post your answers too.



This is our 1st yr. home schooling after 3 years of Public School (PS). It is not

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Curriculum Reviews

Trying a New Curriculum: Heart of Dakota Week 1

This year I am trying a whole new curriculum for History, Geography, Timeline, Notebooking, Poetry, Bible and Science etc. Heart of Dakota. A friend showed me this curriculum at the beginning of last year and after a ton of research and the fact I LOVE the Charlotte Mason approach, I fell in love

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Homeschooling: All Things

Heartfelt Music

You know a while back I use to be in a group called Heartfelt. It was originally a quartet then we made it into 5 girls then 6 and went back to 5 and finally back to 4. Anyway, we recorded a CD just for fun and to be able to give other churches a look at

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Homeschooling Library

BOOKS ARE EXPENSIVE! I'd love to add a ton of educational literature to my homeschool library, but purchasing them can be extremely expensive. Well I found a place to go to build my library without spending hundreds of dollars. Homeschool Library. Two Moms got together and decided to provide homeschoolers and non homeschoolers alike with

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Am I Sheltering My Child Too Much?

Did you all see the article by Gena Suarez that Old School House sent out a few weeks ago. I loved it and thought I would post it here for those who did not get it.

Do you "shelter" your children? We're finding that's a bad word in some circles. Something is creeping

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All About Spelling

I did it! I found the best spelling program ever! The program name is All About Spelling. The program is so versatile. It can start at preschool aged children (my daughter) all the way to High School level (Level 6) because they are not specified to grade levels but they are arranged by concepts

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Art Class

From October 2010 to June 2011 We were involved in an Art class with our homeschooling group. We had so much fun with this class. How this got started was one of the ladies had purchased the Atlier Art DVD's and she figured it would be fun to have her daughter have a few friends

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Timeline in a Box

You know timelines can be a very useful thing in homeschooling, but there are some of us homeschoolers that just have no idea how to go about making one. Here is a great idea from     Debra Anderson     . I think I might give this one a try myself.

Timeline in a box:

When we were

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Homeschooling: All Things

Response to Alarming Recommendations by Miami-Dade County Grand Jury

I just received an email from HSLDA in regards to this. I know that this does not affect me now, but in the future this could affect thosse of us in California too. And to my friends and readers who live in Florida, I am sure you are well aware of what is going on.

Continue reading Response to Alarming Recommendations by Miami-Dade County Grand Jury

HOD Week in Review

A New School Year

Well it is that time of year once more. Are you all diving into purchasing your new school year curriculum and supplies? Yea, I got mine purchased about a month ago. Well at least the major part of it. Just picking up little supplies here and there. New erasers, you know the fun ones, paper

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Dream-Driven Kids…Why They Succeed

When you were young, did you tell your parents (or anyone) your dreams?

Maybe you yearned to be the fastest runner in the world? Or write books? Be a rock star? An artist? Olympic skater? A mom?

We tend to protect our dreams, so we don't always say them out loud. We don't

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The Importance of Good Pencil Posture

Learning and reading involve many skills. As children move beyond the pre-school years, parents wonder if there are clues to look for regarding whether a child may have a learning issue. Did you know that how a child holds a pencil can actually be a clue that a child may have a vision-related learning

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HSLDA Members and Friends:

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:

You know that HSLDA’s free e-lert service brings the latest news to your inbox.

But when you want in-depth analysis of issues that affect your family’s freedom to homeschool, HSLDA’s bimonthly magazine, The Home School Court Report, is the place to turn.

Here, you’ll find:

Feature stories on key homeschooling

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The L.A. County Fair

Have you always wanted to go to the county fairs for educating your children more then the rides and food, but never do because it is so blasted busy? Well, LA County fair has been giving away free tickets to the fair for years. Oh, and it is open early in the morning to school

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Knights of the Angel Realm

I just finished reading a good easy read and a very expressive book titled, “Knights of the Angel Realm”. This is a book written by an up and coming writer named Gretchen Rhue.

Knights of the Angel Realm, I think can be a great read for High

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Curriculum Reviews

K12 curriculum

I have been seeing the commercials on TV for the K-12 homeschool curriculum lately. There is this part of me that says…YEA…they are advertising to homeschool kids. What a fantastic opportunity for all of us who homeschool. TV says it OK! LOL!  But there is that part of me that thinks, well maybe this is

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Homeschooling: All Things

Who Is Your Child?

By Virginia Vagt

Children are all so different. We're with our children a lot. So we think we know them. And we do know a lot about them.

But the pace of our lives takes time away from our ability to make observations and reflect on the patterns we see. Don't we often

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Curriculum Reviews

CHEA Convention is Here

OK, so you are thinking, Kristin, what is the big deal about going to a homeschool convention? Well, let me tell you, as a homeschool Mom, we need to re-evaluate what we are doing all the time.  We need to make sure that we are using the right curriculum or Method. Remember that we can

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Gleaning Opportunity

Ok, so if you all live in the Orange County area of Southern California, then I have an opportunity for you and your family. Tanka Farms, down here by me, is making available gleaning opportunities for you and your family. This is a great way to teach our kids about doing for others as well

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’19 Free Gifts’

Have you heard about the '19 Free Gifts' Promotion from our friends at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine?

Subscribe to TOS (or renew your two-year subscription) and in addition to a great magazine, you'll receive 19 free gifts, including…

> a Vocabulary Madness Puzzle Booklet from Shurley English > Building

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Happy Easter

Ok, I think most of you have heard of Rebecca Black and her Friday video. Personally, I think for such a young teen, she did a pretty darn good job. After all her parents spent a pretty penny for that video.

But that is neither here nor there. My church, Calvary Church of Santa Ana,

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What is Easter?

On Easter Sunday, most Christians celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Did you know that this is typically the most well-attended Sunday service of the year next to Christmas. Sorry to say, but that is sad. What happens the rest of the year to those Christians that do not attend? Notice I said

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Free Easter LapBook

I know some of you have no idea what a lapbook is and others of you just absolutely love the thought of lapbooks. So lets start with what is a Lapbook fr those of you who have no idea what I am talking about.

A lapbook, simply put, is an interesting way of notebooking with

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HSLDA Poetry Contest

2011 Guidelines Submission Dates: May 1 through June 1 2011!

Entry Form

Click image above to download ( requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Poetry Contest Archives 2010   2009 2008   2007 2006   2005

Entries received before May 1 or postmarked after June 1 will be sent back or

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Homeschooling: All Things

Update on CHEA Pacific Convention


      Hello NITZ Family,

We at CHEA are looking forward to seeing many of you at the Pacific Homeschool SuperConference in just a few days. If you have not yet registered, it's not too late to come. See opportunities for online at-the-door registration below. Check out our exhibitors (list still growing),

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HSLDA Information Regarding the Election



Co-hosted by CHEA of California and HSLDA In cooperation with the Nevada Homeschool Network and Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Santa Clara, California April 7–9, 2011 Thursday through Saturday

Presidential forum and straw poll at the Pacific Homeschool SuperConference!

Dear Friends:

Would you like to impact the

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Project Play



Did you know?

Since 1980, the childhood obesity rate has more than doubled for children ages 2 – 5 and more than tripled for children ages 6 – 11. Between 1981 and 1997, free playtime among 6 to 8 year olds dropped 25%

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Free Online Class

You all know CurrClick is one of my favorite e-book/e-curriculum sites I go to. They are always giving something away for free and they have a wonderful selection of curriculum you can choose from. All you have to do is download it and you have it right away to either print or read off the

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Homeschooling: All Things

The Race

I didn’t have to go. He had already caught a ride with friends early in the morning while we slept. But I didn’t want my first-born child to think his mother never came to anything because she had so many little ones to tow along with her. So I loaded the car with his five

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6-Year-Old Hauled to Psych Ward Despite Parent’s Wishes

                                                                               Stock Photo According to this article at Today.com

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Outsourcing Life

When a builder builds a house, he subcontracts much of the work. The carpenter has a job; the plumber puts in the pipes. Together, they collaborate to create something useful and hopefully well-constructed.

Parents sometimes subcontract some of their jobs. We have the schools teach our children and the churches instill them with values.

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Simple New Year, Simple Fresh Start

New Year and change go together. We make New Year resolutions to promise ourselves change. We want to insure that this year will be different, fresh, and more workable.

Homeschool families feel the same way. We want to insure that daily life will be different, fresh and more workable in the New Year. The

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CHEA Newsletter & Free Devotional

For those of you who live in Southern California like myself, you are probably very aware of CHEA and may even be a member. I get regular newsletter from them and I enjoy the articles. Sometimes that will even spur me to start a topic on my blog. However, yesterday at my homeschool park day one

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Lego Club

I am sure many of you have either gone onto CurrClick many times before or at least have heard of it. Well, they offer these free Lego Club classes where science is involved in it too. Hmm…Learning and having fun. LOVE IT! You know what is fantastic about these classes? They are Free. Oh, I am

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Following the Rules

I was going to write an article about how you have a new year upon us and how we should start the new year with preparedness in homeschooling by joining HSLDA. Then I came across this wonderful article by Homeschool Inc. and I decided to repost it here instead. I could have not written it

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Celebrate Cerebrodiversity!

Men are from _______ , Women are from _______ . That boy just can't sit _______. Are you _______ to me? Keep your _______ on the board, young lady.

Venus, Mars, still, listening, eyes. Each of these phrases represents a concept in education and brain research called cerebrodiversity. It's the recognition that each of our

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New Year – New Vision

New Year's resolutions are fleeting things, leaving our minds with the next distraction. Rather than making resolutions, seek renewal. Renewal of yourself, physically, mentally and emotionally – and renewal of your approach and attitude.

Here are a few ideas to consider as we approach 2011:

1. Worry less. How many things we worry

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Homeschooling: All Things

Pioneer Park

I belong to a Park Day group here in my hometown Tustin, CA. Our goal is to get together once a week either for a simple Park day or a Nature Walk. We typically visit parks either in Tustin, Santa Ana, Orange or Irvine and on occasion go to parks farther away for our Nature

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Getting a Break?

Do you dread the holidays? Just between you and me, I often do. But holidays and vacations matter. They matter to our minds. Why is that?

On the one hand, every mom on earth knows that holidays do not mean fewer tasks – just different ones. And holidays don't promise more sleep –

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Smart Kids Who Hate to Write

 My son absolutely HATES to write. I am an eclectic Charlotte Masoner, but all the writing that she has a child do just does not sit well with my son. You see he can re-tell a story almost word for word and he can make up a great 4+ sentence story too. BUT ask him

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Advent Calendar

Last year I found the cutest on line Advent Calendar


Give While You Shop: Clicks for Homeschooling

Here’s a great way to help homeschoolers any time you shop online: purchase materials from a company that gives to the Home School Foundation. All you have to do is go to Clicks for Homeschooling and click on the link to the store of your choice. Then you shop just like normal, and the store

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Jesse Tree

 Over the years as my children have grown up I have done several things to help them understand the REAL meaning of Christmas. I have always wanted to make a Jesse Tree, but the holidays come up on me way too soon and so I end up not getting it together in time.  This year

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Advent Calendar

You know I have each year for advent missed the first couple days and never really started our advent till the first of December. As well as I never really do much more then read Bible verses. Which is fine, but my son is 8 and my daughter is 5 and it is time for the

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HSLDA: A Time for Thanksgiving


HSLDA posting:

A Time for Thanksgiving  

  Vol. 101, Prg. 1-5 November 15-19, 2010  

Whether your kids are 5 or 15, you can have fun learning more about the history of Thanksgiving with them. On this week’s Home School Heartbeat, Mike Smith shares ways to make the Pilgrim story come alive for

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The Talents2Work site offers a unique service to the Christian and homeschool community—a forum for Christian entrepreneurs to market their products and services to the members within their affiliated organization, as well as around the world. The Talents2Work Shopping Directory lets you shop with confidence, knowing that all vendors are operating according to Christian

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Colleges Now Required to Determine “Validity” of High School Diplomas

Colleges Now Required to Determine “Validity” of High School Diplomas   FAFSA Form: Which Box to Check?

In the past, some parents were advised to choose “high school diploma” on the FAFSA form. However, due to the regulation change, making this selection could be problematic for homeschoolers whose schools do not appear on the

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Halloween Fun

I read this article from All About God about how to have a more Christian Halloween. Thought you might enjoy it too!


Are you looking for some fun Christian Halloween ideas this year? Many parents don’t like the “dark side” to the origins of Halloween, but do not want their children to totally bypass

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Halloween Origins: What Are The Different Names?

Although Halloween origins began with the Celtic druids over 2,000 years ago, the seasonal practices are observed in many countries. Halloween falls within the Fall Equinox that starts from September 23 through November 4 approximately. This time period is celebrated in all cultures and is also known as:

Alban Elfed Autumn Equinox Fall Solstice Cornucopia

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What is the History of Halloween: A Christian Perspective?

When we consider the history of Halloween (a Christian perspective), it may seem as if the modern holiday has gotten out of hand. After all, doesn’t Halloween glorify evil? Is it right to send our children out as devils and vampires? Should we emphasize the saints, whose nearly forgotten feast day is the reason for

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How Do God’s Ten Commandments Apply Today?

Many people today feel that God's Ten Commandments are no longer valid because they do not apply to our current society. They look to the Ten Commandments as being outdated and full of inflammatory language which doesn't sit well with our politically-correct viewpoint. The Ten Commandments are also considered by many people to have been

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Homeschooling: All Things

A Balloon To Space

You know I have never been one to be interested in space. But this year we are learning about our solar system with Apologia Science. It has been really interesting for us. But then this link came along and allowed me to see it in real life…real time and just made it real. You know

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Curriculum Reviews

Lewis and Clark Download-N-Go Series

I have to tell you that this Lewis and Clark Download N Go Series By Amanda Bennett could not be more comprehensible. And like always, the Download N Go Series has a generous amount of resources for you to use which is one of the things that keeps me coming back for more of

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Homeschooling: All Things

HomeSchool Campus of OC

Have you ever wanted to teach your child a specific thing but you are just not grasping the concept yourself? What about PE. Yea, you go to the park, but you want to have your child do more? Or maybe you just want to be involved with a group of homeschoolers in a Continue reading HomeSchool Campus of OC

Homeschooling: All Things

Project Play

Did you know? Since 1980, the childhood obesity rate has more than doubled for children ages 2 – 5 and more than tripled for children ages 6 – 11. Between 1981 and 1997, free playtime among 6 to 8 year olds dropped 25% and homework more than doubled. Since 2005, the amount of time children

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Homeschooling: All Things


It is important to keep accurate records of what you are doing. Your records will help keep you organized and aware of your children’s progress.  They will also be verification of your validity as a private homeschool should you ever be questioned. You want to be taken seriously not only for your own sake but

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Homeschooling: All Things

States Adopting National Standards

I just received this article by Susan K. Stewart from one of the organizations here in California called CHEA. I thought it worthy enough to re-post for you all who are not members of  CHEA to read. Enjoy!     Last fall the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) together with the National

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Homeschooling: All Things

Homeschool Day at Pump it Up


Homeschool Fun Day  Pump It Up

Pump It Up It's Like One Big, Amazing Playdate   Pop-In Playtime for Homeschoolers! It's a special open jump time when homeschooler can take a break from their studies and slide, bounce and play in the inflatables, while parents relax and unwind.  At this homeschool fun day,

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Homeschooling: All Things

Teacher Appreciation

 Teacher Appreciation

Hi everyone,

Every year both Office Depot and Staples host a Teacher Appreciation Day. There are special deals, a goodie bag and a teacher appreciation breakfast for all teachers who show their teacher ID card. (Your HSLDA card or your teacher ID card is your teacher ID.) Sometimes these 2 companies even

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California Native Americans Unit Study

Most of my regular readers on my blog know me well enough to know I am not much into a traditional unit study unless I do not have to do much research. I received this small but mighty 16-page unit study of the California Native Indians as an e-book by HLN Family.com called Continue reading California Native Americans Unit Study


How To Stay Focused On School When I Am At Home And On The Computer?

FORUM : A reader asks…

I am being home schooled. It is an online school called Utah Virtual Academy. I am always distracted by wanted to play video games or be on the Internet. My parents don't know I am having problems focusing because they would put me back in public school which is not

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What’s Your Personal Favorite Homeschooling Curriculum And Why?

FORUM: A reader asks

I don't really have one favorite. I loosely follow the classical approach, but I've also worked in a lot of Charlotte Mason's ideas, some unit studies, and whatever else I think will work best for each child. I have one child in Kindergarten, one in second grade, and one in 9th

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Homeschooling: All Things

Roller Coasters, Download N Go™ Series

Roller Coasters, Download N Go™ Series By Amanda Bennett is actually very easy to use and laid out agreeably for any homeschool teacher. It really could not be simpler to use! She has given you plenty of resources, like books, which she give you the ISBN numbers for those books (nice), as well as links

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Copying the Hymns: All Things Bright and Beautiful

Copywork is one of those essential parts of homeschooling. We know that it not only helps with the child’s handwriting, but also with their vocabulary, their grammar as well as spelling and much more. Copying the Hymns: All Things Bright and Beautiful by Bogart Family Resources has done a beautiful job of putting together

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Homeschooling: All Things

Little Learners’ Literature Play, Learn, Create and Move

  I love to read to my kids and love my kids to read to me. Little Learners’ Literature Play, Learn, Create and Move: A Look at Life: Lighthouses and Rescues takes a spin on a good literature book for young children. In this case she suggests a literature books to read that you

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Curriculum Reviews

Let’s Learn About Sea Mammals

Now this is my kind of unit study. I like it when people write a course and put in everything you need. Another words you open the pdf and print it out and just go to town. This is what Ann Huss has done with her Let’s Learn About Sea Mammals unit study.  

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I had to repost this article I just got in my email box a couple days ago. I have several friends who are thinking of going back to work and giving up on homeschooling. So I when I saw this article I thought I had to share it with everyone. Enjoy!



Years ago,

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Homeschooling: All Things

The Little But Mighty Ant

Ewwwwwwe, ants! I dislike ants an awful lot. They come into your home and take over and but at least they are not too hard to get rid of. Well Brandenburg Studies has put together a FANTASTIC unit study for us called The Little But Mighty Ant. Even though we may not

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Happy Scribes July Copybook

They say that if you want your children’s handwriting to be beautiful, then you have to have them practice it daily. The problem is what do you make them write. Scripture? Boring sayings by people we do not really know? One of the ways is to have them write simple information about the month of

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Homeschooling: All Things

How to Stop Homeschooling

Now I have had a few people write me and ask about how to stop homeschooling in the past and I never really knew exactly what to say to them except to encourage them and tell them to stay involved with their kids as much as they can! But low and

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Homeschooling: All Things

Homeschooling Statistics

Meg Wilson has read many negative statistics about homeschooling as we all have? But we have all read some encouraging and positive benefits that put my mind at ease and my heart at rest.

These positive benefits are also can be some of the reasons why we all have decided to teach at home:

– Homeschooled children don’t

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