March 2025
2014-2015 School Year

School Week of September 22, 2014

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Homeschooling: All Things

A New school year is ready to start

Well for the last couple weeks I have been cleaning out and getting rid of thing. I ordered all my books months ago and got them but they have been sitting in a corner waiting and waiting for me to organized my schoolroom. So it is a new year and my son is going into

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Homeschooling: All Things


It is that time of year. Out with the old and in with the new. My little girl is now old enough that I can start selling some of my old curriculum. I am going to do several blog posts here as well as posting to a few other sights. BTW, we live in a

Continue reading CURRICULUM SALE : Rod and Staff


Why do I Keep Homeschooling?

You know every time I go somewhere and the kids are with me or even if they are not and school comes up, I do not hide the fact that I homeschool. I tell them as if it is an everyday occurrence. Well, I guess it really is, for me! Well, let me tell you

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Homeschooling: All Things

School 2012-2013 Week 3

School so far is going great. This week for Bible we have learned the stories of Abraham and Sarah, Hagar and Ishmael as well as Isaac and all of the stories that go along with them. As you can see by their sweet drawings they are understanding our history. I still always get a giggle at the

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Homeschooling: All Things

School 2012-2013 Week 2

Well, another week down. I can not believe it has been two weeks already into the school year. Wow, how time flies. Anyhow, we had another good week. My son and I did have a couple migraines this week each that made school a bit tough, but I am use to it by now and

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In the News

Soybeans; What’s New and Beneficial About Soybeans

With my recent studies on a healthy lifestyle and eating for optimal health, I have had a transition to become a Ovo-Lacto vegetarian. I have been doing tons of research about protein, vegetarianism, soybeans, eating of God's bountiful earth pre-flood etc. And when I came across this article about soybeans I figured it would be a

Continue reading Soybeans; What’s New and Beneficial About Soybeans

Homeschooling: All Things

California Vaccination Waiver Threatened

AB 2109: Vaccination Waiver Threatened—Calls Needed

Call now to protect parental rights. HSLDA President Mike Smith has been an advocate of homeschooling for more than 30 years. Read more >>

Joint Legislative Action Alert—April 26, 2012

From: Roy Hanson—Family Protection Ministries and Mike Smith—HSLDA

Bill: AB

Continue reading California Vaccination Waiver Threatened

HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota:Bigger Week 19

OK, OK, here are those famous words once again. We had a great week. Actually it was short. I actually combined Friday's material to Thursday so I could have Friday off. You see my son's is turning 10 tomorrow (2-25) and I wanted to have Friday to get everything ready for his little party at

Continue reading Heart of Dakota:Bigger Week 19


Christmas at Our Home

This year I was not sure exactly how Christmas was going to turn out, but God is always good and gave us a spectacular Christmas. I was smart and did the majority of my Christmas shopping for the children months and months before Christmas! So they had a perfect Christmas. Even the adults had an

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Let’s Play

I am sure that most of my readers read the article put out by CurrClick about Play. I thought it was such a great article, that I wanted to re-post it for those who may have not received their email. I have seen and heard that sometimes as homeschooler we can get caught up

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Darn, Vacation is Over!

Well, we are back from vacation and we had such a great time. We went to Lego Land. I think this was my children's favorite place of all. I think this was my favorite too. We saved about $175.00 on entrance fees. For all of you who may want to go but can not afford

Continue reading Darn, Vacation is Over!

HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger, Week 6 Update

We have a very unusual schedule. We typically do school for 5 weeks and then take a week off of course during the holiday season it gets a bit tricky. Well, for those of you who follow my blog closely, you probably noticed that I did not have a week 6 update last week. Yup,

Continue reading Heart of Dakota: Bigger, Week 6 Update

Homeschooling: All Things

Help Me I am Failing at Homeschooling

I wanted to repost this letter here and share my answer to this common homeschooling problem with first timers as well as veteran homeschoolers. If you have ideas to share, please post your answers too.



This is our 1st yr. home schooling after 3 years of Public School (PS). It is not

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Homeschooling: All Things

Heartfelt Music

You know a while back I use to be in a group called Heartfelt. It was originally a quartet then we made it into 5 girls then 6 and went back to 5 and finally back to 4. Anyway, we recorded a CD just for fun and to be able to give other churches a look at

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Am I Sheltering My Child Too Much?

Did you all see the article by Gena Suarez that Old School House sent out a few weeks ago. I loved it and thought I would post it here for those who did not get it.

Do you "shelter" your children? We're finding that's a bad word in some circles. Something is creeping

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Art Class

From October 2010 to June 2011 We were involved in an Art class with our homeschooling group. We had so much fun with this class. How this got started was one of the ladies had purchased the Atlier Art DVD's and she figured it would be fun to have her daughter have a few friends

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HOD Week in Review

A New School Year

Well it is that time of year once more. Are you all diving into purchasing your new school year curriculum and supplies? Yea, I got mine purchased about a month ago. Well at least the major part of it. Just picking up little supplies here and there. New erasers, you know the fun ones, paper

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The Importance of Good Pencil Posture

Learning and reading involve many skills. As children move beyond the pre-school years, parents wonder if there are clues to look for regarding whether a child may have a learning issue. Did you know that how a child holds a pencil can actually be a clue that a child may have a vision-related learning

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The L.A. County Fair

Have you always wanted to go to the county fairs for educating your children more then the rides and food, but never do because it is so blasted busy? Well, LA County fair has been giving away free tickets to the fair for years. Oh, and it is open early in the morning to school

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Homeschooling: All Things

Who Is Your Child?

By Virginia Vagt

Children are all so different. We're with our children a lot. So we think we know them. And we do know a lot about them.

But the pace of our lives takes time away from our ability to make observations and reflect on the patterns we see. Don't we often

Continue reading Who Is Your Child?

Curriculum Reviews

CHEA Convention is Here

OK, so you are thinking, Kristin, what is the big deal about going to a homeschool convention? Well, let me tell you, as a homeschool Mom, we need to re-evaluate what we are doing all the time.  We need to make sure that we are using the right curriculum or Method. Remember that we can

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Gleaning Opportunity

Ok, so if you all live in the Orange County area of Southern California, then I have an opportunity for you and your family. Tanka Farms, down here by me, is making available gleaning opportunities for you and your family. This is a great way to teach our kids about doing for others as well

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Right to Reasonably Resist Unlawful Police Entry Struck Down

For those of you who do not have HSLDA, I had to re-post this article from HSLDA. This is the big "WHY" if you have not spent the $100 a year for this wonderful service this is the why you need to  beg or borrow the $100 to get it. By the way, they are

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Project Play



Did you know?

Since 1980, the childhood obesity rate has more than doubled for children ages 2 – 5 and more than tripled for children ages 6 – 11. Between 1981 and 1997, free playtime among 6 to 8 year olds dropped 25%

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Homeschooling: All Things

The Race

I didn’t have to go. He had already caught a ride with friends early in the morning while we slept. But I didn’t want my first-born child to think his mother never came to anything because she had so many little ones to tow along with her. So I loaded the car with his five

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Outsourcing Life

When a builder builds a house, he subcontracts much of the work. The carpenter has a job; the plumber puts in the pipes. Together, they collaborate to create something useful and hopefully well-constructed.

Parents sometimes subcontract some of their jobs. We have the schools teach our children and the churches instill them with values.

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Simple New Year, Simple Fresh Start

New Year and change go together. We make New Year resolutions to promise ourselves change. We want to insure that this year will be different, fresh, and more workable.

Homeschool families feel the same way. We want to insure that daily life will be different, fresh and more workable in the New Year. The

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CHEA Newsletter & Free Devotional

For those of you who live in Southern California like myself, you are probably very aware of CHEA and may even be a member. I get regular newsletter from them and I enjoy the articles. Sometimes that will even spur me to start a topic on my blog. However, yesterday at my homeschool park day one

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Celebrate Cerebrodiversity!

Men are from _______ , Women are from _______ . That boy just can't sit _______. Are you _______ to me? Keep your _______ on the board, young lady.

Venus, Mars, still, listening, eyes. Each of these phrases represents a concept in education and brain research called cerebrodiversity. It's the recognition that each of our

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Getting a Break?

Do you dread the holidays? Just between you and me, I often do. But holidays and vacations matter. They matter to our minds. Why is that?

On the one hand, every mom on earth knows that holidays do not mean fewer tasks – just different ones. And holidays don't promise more sleep –

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Twas the Month Before Christmas…

Twas the month before Christmas When all through our land, Not a Christian was praying Nor taking a stand. See the PC Police had taken away, The reason for Christmas – no one could say.

The children were told by their schools not to sing, About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.

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Smart Kids Who Hate to Write

 My son absolutely HATES to write. I am an eclectic Charlotte Masoner, but all the writing that she has a child do just does not sit well with my son. You see he can re-tell a story almost word for word and he can make up a great 4+ sentence story too. BUT ask him

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Halloween Fun

I read this article from All About God about how to have a more Christian Halloween. Thought you might enjoy it too!


Are you looking for some fun Christian Halloween ideas this year? Many parents don’t like the “dark side” to the origins of Halloween, but do not want their children to totally bypass

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National Housewife Day

When is this wonderful holiday. Well it is always on November 3rd.

Housewife Day recognizes the importance of stay at home wives and moms. Also referred to as "Retro" Housewife Day. These wonderful, caring creatures, build and enrich strong family environments. They help to instill family values and good character.

Housewife is an old term. It

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Homeschooling: All Things

Project Play

Did you know? Since 1980, the childhood obesity rate has more than doubled for children ages 2 – 5 and more than tripled for children ages 6 – 11. Between 1981 and 1997, free playtime among 6 to 8 year olds dropped 25% and homework more than doubled. Since 2005, the amount of time children

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Homeschooling: All Things

Homeschool Day at Pump it Up


Homeschool Fun Day  Pump It Up

Pump It Up It's Like One Big, Amazing Playdate   Pop-In Playtime for Homeschoolers! It's a special open jump time when homeschooler can take a break from their studies and slide, bounce and play in the inflatables, while parents relax and unwind.  At this homeschool fun day,

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All Work & No Play Makes For Really Cute Bedrooms

So this summer has been very busy for me so far. Besides doing summer school 2-3 days a week, going on several field trips so far, play dates at the park a couple times a week, I decided to start my yearly clean up of the kids room. That means go through EVERY SINGLE toy

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I had to repost this article I just got in my email box a couple days ago. I have several friends who are thinking of going back to work and giving up on homeschooling. So I when I saw this article I thought I had to share it with everyone. Enjoy!



Years ago,

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Happy Independance Day

Price of Freedom Video

Oh say can you see….the bombs bursting in the air….for the land of the FREE and the home of the brave!

Today we thank God for the freedom we have here…I mean really thank God! We live in a country that is like no other. For all the good and

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Surprising Changes in DMV Policy

In the state of California, parents have not been authorized to teach driver education and driver training. Any parent wanting their child to obtain a driving permit needed to have him or her complete a driver education/driver training course through a public or private school, or commercial driving program. For many years homeschoolers were able

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Happy Father’s Day DAD’s of the World

My Dad Video

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's all over the world. May you have a wonderful day filled with love, fun and the closeness you all deserve. God bless you all!


Homeschooling Breeds Precocious Cats

I absolutly loved this article from Heart of the matter.


When my oldest daughter, Meghan, was four years old, we discovered that she was allergic to cats (and grass and dust). Uh oh. We were very attached to our feline lap warmer and just couldn’t see giving

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NERTZ! A Fun Family Game


Ok, I got this article form heart of the Matter and it is all about games. I found this game to be very interesting and thought I would post if for those who do not get their newsletter.  i plan on trying this game myself. have any of you ever

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Raquel and Grandma Sing

You know when your parents get to be in their 80's you treasure every moment you have with them. And unlike with my moms parents I have the wonderful invention of the video camera phone. I was able to capture a moment in time with my Mom and my aspiring singer daughter, Raquel that is really

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Ohio Superintendent Makes Up Law

Superintendent Makes Up Law  

Homeschool families in the Shelby County school district recently received a letter from the local superintendent’s office reminding them of Ohio’s legal requirements for homeschooling, which included a copy of the district’s notice of intent form. In her letter, the superintendent aggressively demanded information (her letter actually used “all-caps,” underlines

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California Surprising Changes in DMV Policy

Surprising Changes in DMV Policy

In the state of California, parents have not been authorized to teach driver education and driver training. Any parent wanting their child to obtain a driving permit needed to have him or her complete a driver education/driver training course through a public or private school, or commercial driving program. For

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Local Mom Review

A Short Neurological Test

Ok, so this is one of those pass it along emails you get, but I thought it was very interesting, enough so I wanted to post it here. I was very amazed at how I was able to pick out the letters and actually read without a problem the short letter below. My son, 8

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As announced last week, Senator Jim DeMint on Tuesday introduced S.R. 519, a resolution urging the President not to deliver the Convention on the Rights of the Child to the Senate for its advice and consent. Now it is time to make phone calls. We need 34 co-sponsors of S.R. 519 in

Continue reading Parental


New Protocol for UN Children’s Treaty

I recieved this email from Mike Farris from and thought that it was worthy enough to repost here on my blog. Please read through it and discuss it within your own homeschool groups and see what some of the thoughts are of your group.


New Protocol for UN Children's Treaty Will Create International

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Cow’s Tail

My family and I subscribe to "God's World News" and have enjoyed reading their magazine for sometime now. They have magnificent and interesting articles for the kids to read at their reading and age level and if you can receive emails with wonderful articles in them for the parents to read that sometime really

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Encouragement Along the Way

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may

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Serving Christ No Matter Where You Are

Every week our head pastor sends out a letter to us all writing of what is going on and what is coming up for the following week at our church. There are many letters I have read and say to myself…"That was great", but this week he was so eloquent in his wording of how

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Focus/Attention Processing Dysfunction Characteristics

Because I deal with an ADD child on a daily basis and an ADD husband I figured there had to be many more people out there that read my blog that might be interested in reading about this subject too. So I scoured the internet for articles that related to us homeschoolers with ADD children

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Moms and Their Many Hats

Motherhood equals a Woman of many hats. I don’t mean those crazy big church going hats that are all fancy like. I mean hats that are sometimes messy. Hats that are not in the literal sense at all. These hats are the actual roles given to us to play. As a mother I can be

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Home Schooling and Community Service

I am the daughter of a home health nurse who worked in one of the poorest counties in our state. Whenever my brother and I were out of school (either we students had a holiday, it was the weekend or summer break) we had to go with Mom to visit her patients.

I have

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Learning Styles of Children

For as long as I live, I will never cease to be amazed at how so many different looking children can come from the same two parents.

My husband and I have five children – five very distinctly different looking children. The oldest is very Italian looking, like his father. He has very straight black

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Genetics and Ability

I read this articel and I had to re-post it here to share with all of you. Most of us at one time or another have thought that we can not homeschool through Higschool. Or maybe our family and friends feel this. But if we remember that we are not teaching

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Picture Show Theater

I have the best place for the best price in a family night out. Ok, it may not be a huge movie screen of SOME of the AMC type theaters, but it is clean, the popcorn tastes the same, the soda is bubbly, the movie sounds and looks the same and you get to see it for

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The History of APRONS

The History of  'APRONS'   I don't think our kids Know what an apron is. The principal use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath, because she only had a few, it was easier to wash aprons than dresses and they used less material, but along with that, it served as a potholder for removing Hot

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Ahh, it is that time of year once more. VBS time. My kids have already been to one VBS this year at another church. VBS is not about getting rid of the kids for a half of a day, but about reaching out to your kids un-churched friends and the un-churched community around us. VBS

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Are You Thinking Of Quitting Homeschooling?

Most traditional school systems have a need for cookie cutter children. You see if they allow for individualism, they might not be able to keep control. We see this all the time in a traditional school settings where one kid stands up to be different and is either quieted by the

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Academics and Beyond

When I started homeschooling I thought for sure that homeschool was all about getting the grade so to speak. I thought that it was so important to make sure my kids lived up to the homeschoolstandard. You know reading at age 3 and writing at age 4, playing 3 musical instruments by age 5

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Local Mom Review

Oak Canyon Nature Center

I had the opportunity to go on a hike with my home school group this past week. We decided to try a different park and so we decided on Oak Canyon Nature Center. It is locate at 6700 Walnut Canyon Road in Anaheim. Now this is a 58-acre natural park nestled in Anaheim Hills. There

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Local Mom Review

Hair Cut and a Shave

You know I use to color my hair and have highlights put in. Yea, that was well over $125 every 6 weeks. Yes, you guessed it, I am back to my natural color. I was always jealous that my husband could go and get a hair cut for $20.00.. Well, now I am even more

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A Parent’s Right To Raise Their Children

A parent’s right to raise their children as they see fit is a time-honored American tradition, but today it is being threatened. The Supreme Court’s Troxel v. Granville decision in 2000 undermined a 75-year heritage of Constitutionally-protected, fundamental parental rights, which 8 of the 9 justices abandoned. At the same time, a growing body of

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I Wanna Be A Chef Unit Study

I found out one of my friends older kids who happens to be in public school was going to have a career day. So, I was thinking to myself…as a Homeschooler, how do I go about having a so called career day for my children later on as they get older. I want them to

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Do Not Be Ashamed

I find it interesting that a high school principal can see the problem, but not our society.

This is a statement that was read over the PA system at the football game at Roane County High School, Kingston, Tennessee, by school Principal, Jody McLeod”It has always been the custom at Roane County High School football

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Local Mom Review

Ikea, The Lunch Spot?

You know as a mom who is on the go a lot, I am always looking for a place where I can have a good lunch that is somewhat affordable and that is better for the kids then a hamburger and french fries. One of my favorite places is Ikea.

OK so now you say…What?

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The Push to Make Our Children Read

I just loved this short little article I read this morning and had to share it with all my friends….

A Late Bloomer Blossoms Into Something BigFamilies today feel a lot of pressure to have their children reading by age 6 or 7, or even age 5. Yet President Woodrow Wilson stands out as a

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Homeschool Fair in the Newspaper

I thought this was a great way to finish off our day at the homeschool fair. I found this article written about the fair. Hey if you don;t mind if I can brag for a moment, My kids did great at the science and art fair. Six 1st place ribbons as well as two best

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Sheltering our Children

You know, now a days when we hear people say that they shelter their children it is not intended to be a compliment. Why is that? Why is sheltering such a bad thing to do? So I was asking myself what exactly does it mean to shelter my kids? Do I shelter my kids? Is

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Mothers Day

It comes around one time a year. The day I can do absolutely nothing and have my family do it all for me. The day I do not have to be active in the taking care of the family and the house and have the family be actively taking care of the house and me.

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Two Sides to Every Coin

Home educating is not without challenges. Let’s face it, there are days when it can just wear us down. How many times have you thought: Homeschooling is tough because……

“There’s so much to do!”The flip side: Homeschooling is great, because while our children are still at home, we get to re-prioritize our lives and let

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A Homeschool Moms Psalm

A friend of mine sent this to me. I am not sure if she came up with this or if she got it from somewhere else, but I thought it was a great and I wanted to post here in my blog. The bible verses were taken from Psalm 4.

“Answer me when I call

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Choosing Your School Year Schedule

One of the most difficult tasks to accomplish with homeschooling is planning your schedule. We sit down a month or so before we are ready to begin school and we outline everything we want to accomplish. Then we plan out what we are going to accomplish each day of every week. We are going to

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To Grade Or Not To Grade: That Is the Question

I used to be a firm believer in not issuing grades and not “testing” my children. Sure, I drilled them regularly but I never gave them written or oral tests because I wanted their education to be full of encouragement and mastery. I believed that receiving a “C” or or an “80%” on a test

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Inspirational Prayers

I do not know who this picture is of but I do know this is circulating through emails like mad. So i just had to post it here. I thought this was just one of the cutest pictures I have seen in a long time. Hope it gives you a little inspiration and a smile.Continue reading Inspirational Prayers


What is the Goofiest Questions Asked About Homeschoolers?

So this weeks Heart of the Matter Weekly Meme question is great and I can not wait to read some of the responses. But meanwhile, here is mine.

Picture a lovely, sunny day at the park. It is about 11:30 in the afternoon and my kids 6 and 3 are playing on the playground with

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Homeschool Burn Out

Homeschool Burn Out. I have yet to get to this point, but as I have heard many of time…the day will come. I read this article in The Heart of The Matter The Homeschool burn Out, Rising for the Ashes. and I thought, wow, what a great article to have in my archive for

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My Christmas Wish to You

Well, the time has finally come. It is Christmas Eve and all the work and shopping and wrapping and baking we have done is all about to be demolished. Sometimes I look back at Christmas and ask myself was it all worth it. The answer…Yes! For me, the month of December is all about learning

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Get Rid of the Gimmees

This is such a great post, 9 Steps to a Meaningful Christmas for You and Your Family, by Terri Johnson at Knowledge Quest.

Christmas can be a magical time for children. Yet this holiday can also bring out whininess, disappointment and an ungrateful “gimme, gimme” attitude in our normally sweet children. How can we,

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Christmas can be a magical time for children, yet…

What a great post by Jill Johnson at Knowledge Quest.

Christmas can be a magical time for children. Yet this holiday can also bring out whininess, disappointment and an ungrateful “gimme, gimme” attitude in our normally sweet children. How can we, as caring parents, counter-act this contagious and disheartening attitude? Let’s use the word CHRISTMAS

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Raising our Leaders

If you read my blog, then you have kids. If you have kids then I know you want to raise your kids to the best they can be. I know my goal is to raise up our next generation of leaders to make our world better then what it is now. If that is one

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Curriculum Reviews

Trigger Memory System

Trigger Memory System, has fantastic tool for your children. Clean n’ Flip Charts. Now what are these charts you ask. They are flip charts for your children that explain how to clean their room, bathroom, kitchen and do their laundry. I have been lookig at these for some time now and I was

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When a Child Acts Out in Public to Get Their Way

When your child acts out in public to get their way, you CAN get control back. Here, James Lehman, MSW lays out some step-by-step techniques for you to use next time you hit the mall or grocery store.

I’ve worked with many parents over the years who routinely gave in when their children acted

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Splish Book from TOS

And Then Mama Said…”It Takes Time to Learn to Read”. Isn’t that such a true statement? We sometimes forget this as a homeschooler and try to rush and push our children to keep up with so and so. But reality is that our children will read when their brain is good and ready!

This book

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The Future Belongs to Our Children

OK, so I know there is this continuous battle between the public school Christians and the Homeschooling Christians. A lot of times the public school Christians feel like us homeschoolers are calling them bad parents or bad Christians for putting their children in the Devils path. And the homeschooler feels the public schoolers are calling

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Hot Topic for Discussion

Now I think most people would agree that when a certain gene in an animal is not used over an extremely long period of time that the gene goes dormant. Would you say that in the animal kingdom most male animals find a female animal to procreate so that their species can live on and

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Gay Pledge Cards in Calif. Schools

Now I know allot of my friends are saying…Oh I am not worried about this homosexual thing coming to my school. I have Christian teachers. Or worst yet they are putting on the rose colored glasses and thinking it will never come to the schools here in the O.C. we are pretty conservative here in

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Homeschooling: All Things


Real Mothers don’t eat quiche; they don’t have time to make it. Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils are probably in the sandbox. Real Mothers often have sticky floors, filthy ovens and happy kids. Real Mothers know that dried play dough doesn’t come out of carpets. Real Mothers don’t want to know what the

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The Computer is a Great Tool for Homeschooling Families

The Familyman Todd Wilson, Familyman Ministries

Let me just jump in and say that the computer is a great tool for homeschooling families. We use it for typing, piano, math, and grammar. The computer allows our children to learn at their own pace and get hands on instruction. . .sometimes from a person

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Extra Activities, Helping or Hindering?

You know Heart of the Matter asked a very good question. Do all the extra activities WE have our children do help or hinder our family time. I am going to make it real sweet and simple. Hinder.

I know some mothers who have their child in a cooking class, (like she can’t teach her

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Letting the kids help with housework

You know creating a balance throughout the day in chores, homeschooling, mommy duties, cooking, cleaning, wife duties, taking care of Mom can be challenging. I do a pretty good job of it, but I still struggle with my never ending to do list I have going on not only in my head, but also on

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