February 2025

California History


Fourth Grade California History Education Program     Dear Irvine Park Railroad Friends,

We are now accepting reservations for Irvine Park Railroad's Fourth Grade California History Education Program! Call today to reserve your spot for one of these days: 

Public Day: Saturday, February 11, 2012  10:00 am and 1:00 pm 

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Blackline Maps for FREE

I am a firm believer in using map as much as you possibly can. As a child growing up I remember that maps were only used in geography and even then it was minimal. Therefore as an adult I really had a hard time knowing where things were when people would talk about world events.

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger, Week 7 Update

OMGosh, we forgot to play Jeopardy this week. Our week started out pretty slow. This week with HOD I felt was a little slower and not quite as much to do as normal, but let me make darn sure you realize that this is NOT a complaint. It was actually nice, since towards the end

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HSLDA sponsoring One Nation Under God event

Our nation was founded on Biblical principles, but we have lost sight of this in today�s culture. That is why we are calling all Christians to join together on November 12, 2011 to host the One Nation Under God Event in homes and churches across America.

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Homeschooling: All Things

How to Keep a Strong Voice for Homeschooling in Sacramento

Most of you are probably saying where is NutBugs Heart of Dakota Weekly Update this week. Well, Our schedule is that we school for 5 weeks on and then we take a week off. This allows us MANY breaks through out the year, especially since we school (for the most part) year round. So instead

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Multiple Streams of Homeschooling Income

Most of you who know me personally know that my husband has been in the real estate industry for over 20 years and has been our sole source of income. However, as we all know the real estate market busted a few years back

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In the News

Cheap Theater Tickets

Ok, so how many of you like to go see a musical or a play or some sort of concert, raise your hand. Yea, me too. But how many of you do not go at all or as often as you like because of the price? My hand is up too!

I was told about

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Homeschooling: All Things

Tanaka Farms has Free Petting Zoo!

Hey all you Southern California residents, Fall is here and the pumpkins are flourishing at Tanaka Farms! Opening weekend is here for the Tanaka Farms Pumpkin Patch. Yes, that is this weekend Oct 1 and 2nd.  For their opening weekend they are giving us a treat. FREE Petting Zoo with a purchase of a wagon ride

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Local Mom Review

50 Years for Tustin Tillers Days

Rustin in Tustin is a great blog for all the happenings here in the Tustin, California area as well as just outside of Tustin. I go to them alot for things to do here in my home town. Plus they have some great things you can buy that have TUSTIN on it. As

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HOD Week in Review

Seashore Videos For Bigger Hearts

 I had several people write to me saying they live in an area where they are not even close to a beach and they are also are using the Heart of Dakota Bigger Hearts. So I had put some great links to some videos in one of the comments section, but I figured there were

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Homeschooling: All Things

Heartfelt Music

You know a while back I use to be in a group called Heartfelt. It was originally a quartet then we made it into 5 girls then 6 and went back to 5 and finally back to 4. Anyway, we recorded a CD just for fun and to be able to give other churches a look at

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The L.A. County Fair

Have you always wanted to go to the county fairs for educating your children more then the rides and food, but never do because it is so blasted busy? Well, LA County fair has been giving away free tickets to the fair for years. Oh, and it is open early in the morning to school

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Knights of the Angel Realm

I just finished reading a good easy read and a very expressive book titled, “Knights of the Angel Realm”. This is a book written by an up and coming writer named Gretchen Rhue.

Knights of the Angel Realm, I think can be a great read for High

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Local Mom Review

Lux Salon

I won a $50.00 gift certificate about a year ago from FISH FM and I have never used it. Tells you I need to take more time for me now and then. Well, with my birthday coming up on May 9th and a few re-vamps of my mind about so much needed Mommy time, I decided

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Project Play



Did you know?

Since 1980, the childhood obesity rate has more than doubled for children ages 2 – 5 and more than tripled for children ages 6 – 11. Between 1981 and 1997, free playtime among 6 to 8 year olds dropped 25%

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Homeschooling: All Things

Pioneer Park

I belong to a Park Day group here in my hometown Tustin, CA. Our goal is to get together once a week either for a simple Park day or a Nature Walk. We typically visit parks either in Tustin, Santa Ana, Orange or Irvine and on occasion go to parks farther away for our Nature

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Children’s Concert

I teach the children's choir at Calvary Church of Santa Ana, and we had our final concert of 2010 on Saturday, December 19th. My dear hubby recorded the whole thing for us. I still am not sure what went wrong with Hark the Hearld Angels Sing, but the rest of the concert was a hit! Some how

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Crazy Christmas Lights

Crazy Christmas Light Displays In Tustin By Admin, on December 17th, 2010

How many Christmas movies have you seen where one neighbor is determined to have the best light display this year and as a result they either take down the entire western electrical grid or they fall off a ladder on top of

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Redbox $1 for 3 movie rentals

OK, so I usually don't do this but I did come across this deal and I know Red Box is everywhere.  I know me and my family use it often and we definitely are always looking to save a buck.  I know for time off during Christmas, we will very likely be renting

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Santa’s Sleigh Ride in Tustin

Christmas will be here sooner than you think but even St. Nick can spare a few minutes for the awesome kids in Tustin.  Every year Santa stops by for a visit with the help of Tustin's finest, the Tustin PD. 

I especially enjoyed a few years ago when my son was able

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Tustin Area Historical Society

So it's been quite a while since I've visited the Tustin Area Historical Society but just like any place that houses and displays history, I find it fascinating.

It is surprising when you start to dig into the history of Tustin, you learn much more than you bargained for. 

It's not a big place,

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Opera Company of Philadelphia “Hallelujah!” Random Act of Culture

My choir director directed me to this wonderful YouTube video. I would have just loved to be there when then did this, or better yet bring it to Orange County California!!!! Enjoy watching and listening!

HALLELUJAH, King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!!!! 


Questions on God?????

I found a great web site that has been such a wonderful source of information I had to share it with all my readers. It is called "All About God" and they deal with some real simple questions all the way down to some extremely tough ones too. Sexuality, Showing How God Is Real Scientifically,

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Homeschooling: All Things

HomeSchool Campus of OC

Have you ever wanted to teach your child a specific thing but you are just not grasping the concept yourself? What about PE. Yea, you go to the park, but you want to have your child do more? Or maybe you just want to be involved with a group of homeschoolers in a Continue reading HomeSchool Campus of OC

Homeschooling: All Things

Project Play

Did you know? Since 1980, the childhood obesity rate has more than doubled for children ages 2 – 5 and more than tripled for children ages 6 – 11. Between 1981 and 1997, free playtime among 6 to 8 year olds dropped 25% and homework more than doubled. Since 2005, the amount of time children

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Homeschooling: All Things

Homeschool Day at Pump it Up


Homeschool Fun Day  Pump It Up

Pump It Up It's Like One Big, Amazing Playdate   Pop-In Playtime for Homeschoolers! It's a special open jump time when homeschooler can take a break from their studies and slide, bounce and play in the inflatables, while parents relax and unwind.  At this homeschool fun day,

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Homeschooling: All Things

Teacher Appreciation

 Teacher Appreciation

Hi everyone,

Every year both Office Depot and Staples host a Teacher Appreciation Day. There are special deals, a goodie bag and a teacher appreciation breakfast for all teachers who show their teacher ID card. (Your HSLDA card or your teacher ID card is your teacher ID.) Sometimes these 2 companies even

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Happy Independance Day

Price of Freedom Video

Oh say can you see….the bombs bursting in the air….for the land of the FREE and the home of the brave!

Today we thank God for the freedom we have here…I mean really thank God! We live in a country that is like no other. For all the good and

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With July 4th coming up I wanted to really impact you all with some to think about. Our friends, our family, people we know or even you may have been involved in taking away the one freedom our country was founded on.

As we come up the this holiday, I want



Surprising Changes in DMV Policy

In the state of California, parents have not been authorized to teach driver education and driver training. Any parent wanting their child to obtain a driving permit needed to have him or her complete a driver education/driver training course through a public or private school, or commercial driving program. For many years homeschoolers were able

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Is Jesus Real?

I am not go to write anything here…just watch the video and tell me is Your Jesus Real?

Click here: Plastic Jesus


Free Movies from Regal Movies

I am sure there are several of my readers that already know about the free movies from Regal Entertainment Group during the summer months, but then again, there are some who don't. So I am here to educate you about the few things in this world that are truly FREE!

Regal Entertainment

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Local Mom Review

A Short Neurological Test

Ok, so this is one of those pass it along emails you get, but I thought it was very interesting, enough so I wanted to post it here. I was very amazed at how I was able to pick out the letters and actually read without a problem the short letter below. My son, 8

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Parental Rights.com

As ParentalRights.com announced last week, Senator Jim DeMint on Tuesday introduced S.R. 519, a resolution urging the President not to deliver the Convention on the Rights of the Child to the Senate for its advice and consent. Now it is time to make phone calls. We need 34 co-sponsors of S.R. 519 in

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Picture Show Theater

I have the best place for the best price in a family night out. Ok, it may not be a huge movie screen of SOME of the AMC type theaters, but it is clean, the popcorn tastes the same, the soda is bubbly, the movie sounds and looks the same and you get to see it for

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Christian California Homeschooling Group

I don’t know about you, but I am always looking for great sites to go to that offer me tons of information regarding homeschooling development. I also like it when I can put my two cents in and give advice as well as get advice back. And what can be even more

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Ahh, it is that time of year once more. VBS time. My kids have already been to one VBS this year at another church. VBS is not about getting rid of the kids for a half of a day, but about reaching out to your kids un-churched friends and the un-churched community around us. VBS

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Local Mom Review

Oak Canyon Nature Center

I had the opportunity to go on a hike with my home school group this past week. We decided to try a different park and so we decided on Oak Canyon Nature Center. It is locate at 6700 Walnut Canyon Road in Anaheim. Now this is a 58-acre natural park nestled in Anaheim Hills. There

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Local Mom Review

Hair Cut and a Shave

You know I use to color my hair and have highlights put in. Yea, that was well over $125 every 6 weeks. Yes, you guessed it, I am back to my natural color. I was always jealous that my husband could go and get a hair cut for $20.00.. Well, now I am even more

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Local Mom Review

Ikea, The Lunch Spot?

You know as a mom who is on the go a lot, I am always looking for a place where I can have a good lunch that is somewhat affordable and that is better for the kids then a hamburger and french fries. One of my favorite places is Ikea.

OK so now you say…What?

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