March 2025

Webcast – Spreading The Homeschool Message





I just got this email this morning, so I thought I would post it right away. Hopefully some of you will be able to take advantage of thiswebcast TODAY!


Like to share homeschooling with others? Join Melanie Hexter for "Spreading the Home School Message." Here is a friendly

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FREE Curriculm and FREE Resources

  I want to make very sure that it is well known that not all of these sites I have posted are Christian, so please visit them first to make sure you approve of them before you send your children there. I have not seen anything myself that was completely wrong or offensive or even

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Homeschooler Buyers Co-op

So I realized there are many homeschoolers who have not heard of Homeschool Buyers Co-op. Just in my small Park Day group only a couple of us have ever heard of this web site. So I figured I have thousands of readers and there has to be many of you who have not heard of it

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Blackline Maps and the 50 States

I love using maps in my homeschooling. I know I am using Heart of Dakota and they pretty much have everything outlined for me in geography, but I still like to add in map skills whenever I can. I found a couple of sites that has some really great black-line maps for FREE and they print

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Chart Your Course To High School Success!

I know some of you are much closer then I am to the Highschool years, So when I saw this eamail from The Homeschool Channel, I thought I had to post it here. If you can not make it I am sure there is a way to get a mp3 of it. Just send

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Blackline Maps for FREE

I am a firm believer in using map as much as you possibly can. As a child growing up I remember that maps were only used in geography and even then it was minimal. Therefore as an adult I really had a hard time knowing where things were when people would talk about world events.

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Free Study Guide To The U.S. Constitution

I saw the other day, Charles Vincent from the "Official Wire" online paper saw that The People's Guide to the US Constitution American Handbook Publishing has just released a free Educator’s, Homeschool and Self-Study guides to the United States Constitution which is available at These accessory texts (you still have to buy the book) to

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Cookbook and Christmas Cards!

I am a huge advocate for HSLDA, in case you all have not figured that out by now. So because of that I try to support them in other ways when I can. Sometimes they sell things that either make great gifts or things I really would like to have. And the few extra dollars

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Multiple Streams of Homeschooling Income

Most of you who know me personally know that my husband has been in the real estate industry for over 20 years and has been our sole source of income. However, as we all know the real estate market busted a few years back

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Homeschool Toolbar

Have some of you ever wondered what other homeschool blogs are out there that are about homeschooling? Have you done a search on Google or whatever other search engine you use and have come up with blogs that are just not what you are looking for? I found a great add on for your internet bar.

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The L.A. County Fair

Have you always wanted to go to the county fairs for educating your children more then the rides and food, but never do because it is so blasted busy? Well, LA County fair has been giving away free tickets to the fair for years. Oh, and it is open early in the morning to school

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’19 Free Gifts’

Have you heard about the '19 Free Gifts' Promotion from our friends at The Old Schoolhouse Magazine?

Subscribe to TOS (or renew your two-year subscription) and in addition to a great magazine, you'll receive 19 free gifts, including…

> a Vocabulary Madness Puzzle Booklet from Shurley English > Building

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Free Easter LapBook

I know some of you have no idea what a lapbook is and others of you just absolutely love the thought of lapbooks. So lets start with what is a Lapbook fr those of you who have no idea what I am talking about.

A lapbook, simply put, is an interesting way of notebooking with

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HSLDA Poetry Contest

2011 Guidelines Submission Dates: May 1 through June 1 2011!

Entry Form

Click image above to download ( requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Poetry Contest Archives 2010   2009 2008   2007 2006   2005

Entries received before May 1 or postmarked after June 1 will be sent back or

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Free Online Class

You all know CurrClick is one of my favorite e-book/e-curriculum sites I go to. They are always giving something away for free and they have a wonderful selection of curriculum you can choose from. All you have to do is download it and you have it right away to either print or read off the

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CHEA Newsletter & Free Devotional

For those of you who live in Southern California like myself, you are probably very aware of CHEA and may even be a member. I get regular newsletter from them and I enjoy the articles. Sometimes that will even spur me to start a topic on my blog. However, yesterday at my homeschool park day one

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Lego Club

I am sure many of you have either gone onto CurrClick many times before or at least have heard of it. Well, they offer these free Lego Club classes where science is involved in it too. Hmm…Learning and having fun. LOVE IT! You know what is fantastic about these classes? They are Free. Oh, I am

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Crazy Christmas Lights

Crazy Christmas Light Displays In Tustin By Admin, on December 17th, 2010

How many Christmas movies have you seen where one neighbor is determined to have the best light display this year and as a result they either take down the entire western electrical grid or they fall off a ladder on top of

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Redbox $1 for 3 movie rentals

OK, so I usually don't do this but I did come across this deal and I know Red Box is everywhere.  I know me and my family use it often and we definitely are always looking to save a buck.  I know for time off during Christmas, we will very likely be renting

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Santa’s Sleigh Ride in Tustin

Christmas will be here sooner than you think but even St. Nick can spare a few minutes for the awesome kids in Tustin.  Every year Santa stops by for a visit with the help of Tustin's finest, the Tustin PD. 

I especially enjoyed a few years ago when my son was able

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Tustin Area Historical Society

So it's been quite a while since I've visited the Tustin Area Historical Society but just like any place that houses and displays history, I find it fascinating.

It is surprising when you start to dig into the history of Tustin, you learn much more than you bargained for. 

It's not a big place,

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Jesse Tree

 Over the years as my children have grown up I have done several things to help them understand the REAL meaning of Christmas. I have always wanted to make a Jesse Tree, but the holidays come up on me way too soon and so I end up not getting it together in time.  This year

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HSLDA: A Time for Thanksgiving


HSLDA posting:

A Time for Thanksgiving  

  Vol. 101, Prg. 1-5 November 15-19, 2010  

Whether your kids are 5 or 15, you can have fun learning more about the history of Thanksgiving with them. On this week’s Home School Heartbeat, Mike Smith shares ways to make the Pilgrim story come alive for

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Planners, Planners and Even More Planners

Planner, Planners everywhere…for Free!

One of the best known sites with a huge variety is . You can find just about every form imaginable for homeschoolers and the site is extremely easy to navigate through. There you will find some handwriting sheets, nature study forms, planning sheets, journal sheets, household forms, calendars, timeline forms, schedules for

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Old Schoolhouse CONTEST


The Adventure Begins . . . Giveaway!

The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine and Amanda Bennett Unit Studies have teamed up to celebrate the successful launch of Download N Go™ with a Sweet Treat Prize Package in The Adventure Begins . . . Giveaway!

They're offering one

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Free Movies from Regal Movies

I am sure there are several of my readers that already know about the free movies from Regal Entertainment Group during the summer months, but then again, there are some who don't. So I am here to educate you about the few things in this world that are truly FREE!

Regal Entertainment

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Free Ebook: Planning Your Course and Letting the Lord Determine Your Steps

The New School Year Has the new school year started with gusto at your house? Or guesses?

“I guess we’ll use this curriculum. I guess we’ll start on Monday. I guess we’ll use this folder, and I guess we could try unit studies this year.”

Does any of this sound familiar? Time for a change?

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Colonel David Crockett Free E-Book

Foundation for Economic Education has a wonderful Free e-book on their site for you to download. It is called “Not Your to Give“. FEE’s about pages reads as follows…The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), one of the oldest free-market organizations in the United States, was founded in 1946 by Leonard E. Read to

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Even Boys Can Use Paper Dolls

If you have been with me since the beginning of NutBugs, you know I did a review on using puppets in homeschooling. We have, on and off, used the idea and loved it. My kids get a kick out of it and they enjoy my silly voices as well as correct me when I switch

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Amazing Math Free Ebook

August is here and it’s time to gear up for “Back-to-Homeschool.” Looking for some fun hands-on activities to get your year started right? The Old Schoolhouse® wants to help by offering our Teacher’s Toolbox readers one of our most popular modules, Amazing Mathematics, absolutely free!

How much fun can you have with math?

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Free E-Book

Hello Kristin,

Would you like to better understand the E-Book Revolution? I found an incredible FREE resource to help you do just that! “E-Homeschooling: Embracing the E-Book Revolution” is an E-Book filled with information about the tremendous value in E-Books.

They explain how to store them, organize them, and enjoy them—from school resource

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Free, Free, Free

It is that time of year again. Yes, it is time to start thinking about the fall and our curriculum choices. Here in Southern California we are having our CHEA convention this week. Unfortunately I am un-able to attend this year. I just do not have the money to go. I am so bummed. This

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Easter Freebies

Easter is almost here and The Old School House has done it again. They are giving away a whole bunch of fun free activities for you and your kids to do for Easter. So here is the link you will need to download all those fun crafts!

Here’s the link for the Freebies: Continue reading Easter Freebies


Nativity Set Giveaway

Hey remember the Nativity set I reviewed from One 2 Believe? Well, one of my associated form The Old School Hose Review Team is having a contest and she is giving away her nativity set. You can go to her contest page here at a Better Life then I deserve and enter

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File Folder Games

Oh boy oh boy! I just found a great site. File Folder Games I love file folder games and I have spent many a day and night trying to find some free ones on the Internet. Now this site pops up. I guess I am not the only one out there wanting this too.

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