March 2025
Homeschooling: All Things

School Week of 5-19 thru 5-23-2014

Ruminant animals. Yea, the first thing we all think of is a cow. but as we learned this week, ruminants are not just cows. It is you bovine order that are all cud chewers. So just to name a handful, Gazelles and Antelope and Impalas, Bison, Buffalo, Wilder beast Caprines, Deer, Giraffe, are all ruminant

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Homeschooling: All Things

school Week 1-20-14



Well, what a week. I know last week I did not write anything. These past couple of weeks has been extremely busy for us here and I don;t seem to be home enough to spend time in front of the computer to actually write anything. So this is going to be very

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Homeschooling: All Things

School Week 1-13-14

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger week 30

OMGosh! There is only 4 weeks left of school. I am not sure if I am happy or sad. I love teaching the kids so much, but I am ready for a little break.

Well, anyway, this week was a good week. We got all our stuff done plus we had time to do a

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger week 28

Oh my, I think I have short timers’ syndrome. There is only 5 more weeks left of school and even though I enjoy school so much I am so ready for summer. I am sure there are several of you out there like that too. Well, anyway, Unit 28 was just as good

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 27

 There is only a few weeks left of school. I still cannot believe we are on week 27. This week we learned about John Muir. OK, I say this every once in a while, I had no idea who he was. He was kind of like Audubon, but he did not kill the animals to

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Question About North Carolina High School Homeschooling?

FORUM: A reader asks

I would like to start home schooling in the fall; I'll be starting my junior year. My main question is: Will I have required courses? One of the reasons I would like to try homeschool is to get the benefit of choosing my own classes. I'm aware that I'll have to

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Where Can I Find A High School Level Home School Tutor?

Readers Forum:

I want to be homed schooled, I am a junior. My mother has sent me on a quest to find tutors who will home school me for about 4 or so hours a day. Are there any websites or services I can use to find certified teachers/tutors? Thanks!


How Do I Prepare From Going To Home School To High School?

Readers Forum:

My parents seemed really against me going to school, but then I asked about this 1 week attendance thing (Im home schooled btw) and it turns out they don't have that (My dad called for information) And I said I wanted to tour the school (assistant principal invited me) and my mom said

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How Do I Find Information On Home Schooling For A High School Student That Isn’t Gonna Break The Bank?

Readers Forum:

My sister-in-law is having trouble with her 16 yr. old daughter and the school she is attending. She wants to finish her schooling from home but does not have alot of money to spend on curriculm and supplies. She is a single mom and just wants to help her daughter to finish school

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Is A High School Diploma From A Home Schooling Program The Same As One From An Actual High School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I had to drop out of high school due to exenuating circumstances and picked up where I left off through home schooling so I could graduate. I'm just wondering if the diploma I get from the home schooling will be worth the same, academically speaking, as if I had

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How Do You Obtain Credit For Home Schooling When Returning To High School?

Reader Forum:

I am homeschooling my 16 year old son this year to catch him up because he's very behind. He intends to go back to high school next year. What do I need to do to make sure he gets credit for the classes he takes while at home?


How Can I Drop Out Of High School And Get On Home School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

In school there is this school psychologist that is really strict & hard on kids being absent & dropping out of high school. I want to get on an home schooling program because i have severe medical problems and i can't attend school a lot. How can i get

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What Type Of Diploma Do Home Schooled High School Students Earn?

Readers Forum:

I am considering homeschooling my high school aged son. What type of diploma will he earn (in Tennessee) if he is homeschooled – or will it just be a GED? I will be an independent home schooler, not affiliated with a church or other organization. I'm aware of the requirements, but have been

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What Is The Best High School Home School Program If I Live Out Of The Country?

From Our Readers Forum:

I live out of the country (Mexico) and I want to home school. Im in 10th grade. What is the best homeschooling program?


How Do I Enroll In An Online Homeschooling For High School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I am interested in homeschooling. I will be in the 11th grade, and a friend of mine took online homeschooling to get his high school diploma half the time, because he took the classes all year long. Where would I find a legit class like this? How do I

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