March 2025

School Week of 4-28 through 5-2-14

First let me start off by saying May will be EXTREMELY busy for me. I have something going every weekend. I won’t even have time to stop and celebrate my birthday on the 9th. I have concerts that i am singing in and concerts that my children’s choirs I teach are singing in. Whew, I

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School Week of 4-21 through 4-25-14

Well we finished up our week in science with a great experiment. We have been learning about Rodents ad their kind or not so kind for the past couple weeks. Very interesting stuff. I have a greater appreciation for Beavers now. Not that I never had an appreciation for them before. But to see how

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FREE Curriculm and FREE Resources

  I want to make very sure that it is well known that not all of these sites I have posted are Christian, so please visit them first to make sure you approve of them before you send your children there. I have not seen anything myself that was completely wrong or offensive or even

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Homeschooler Buyers Co-op

So I realized there are many homeschoolers who have not heard of Homeschool Buyers Co-op. Just in my small Park Day group only a couple of us have ever heard of this web site. So I figured I have thousands of readers and there has to be many of you who have not heard of it

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Blackline Maps and the 50 States

I love using maps in my homeschooling. I know I am using Heart of Dakota and they pretty much have everything outlined for me in geography, but I still like to add in map skills whenever I can. I found a couple of sites that has some really great black-line maps for FREE and they print

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California History


Fourth Grade California History Education Program     Dear Irvine Park Railroad Friends,

We are now accepting reservations for Irvine Park Railroad's Fourth Grade California History Education Program! Call today to reserve your spot for one of these days: 

Public Day: Saturday, February 11, 2012  10:00 am and 1:00 pm 

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Blackline Maps for FREE

I am a firm believer in using map as much as you possibly can. As a child growing up I remember that maps were only used in geography and even then it was minimal. Therefore as an adult I really had a hard time knowing where things were when people would talk about world events.

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Free Study Guide To The U.S. Constitution

I saw the other day, Charles Vincent from the "Official Wire" online paper saw that The People's Guide to the US Constitution American Handbook Publishing has just released a free Educator’s, Homeschool and Self-Study guides to the United States Constitution which is available at These accessory texts (you still have to buy the book) to

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Heart of Dakota Week 4 update

Ok, so this week was not as exciting and good as last week, BUT, it had nothing to do with our curriculum. We were just having an off week. Everyday seemed to start later then we wanted. I was having a hard time sleeping at night all week,  I could not pull my behind out

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Curriculum Reviews

Heart of Dakota Week 3 Update

Well, this week was pretty good. Our hick up was Math for my son. You see my son hates math. Probably somehow my fault in the earlier years, but none the less, he hates it and therefore is about 6 months behind his "grade" or "age".

(Just FYI, I figured out how to do a

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Curriculum Reviews

Heart Of Dakota Week 2 Update

As suspected, we had another wonderful week. Currently we are learning about things on the sea shores and I finally thought to myself on Monday after school. "Self,' I said, "You live in Sunny Southern California, why the heck are you sitting in the house to learn about the sea shore. Take the book, a

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Curriculum Reviews

Trying a New Curriculum: Heart of Dakota Week 1

This year I am trying a whole new curriculum for History, Geography, Timeline, Notebooking, Poetry, Bible and Science etc. Heart of Dakota. A friend showed me this curriculum at the beginning of last year and after a ton of research and the fact I LOVE the Charlotte Mason approach, I fell in love

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Timeline in a Box

You know timelines can be a very useful thing in homeschooling, but there are some of us homeschoolers that just have no idea how to go about making one. Here is a great idea from     Debra Anderson     . I think I might give this one a try myself.

Timeline in a box:

When we were

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Curriculum Reviews

Lewis and Clark Download-N-Go Series

I have to tell you that this Lewis and Clark Download N Go Series By Amanda Bennett could not be more comprehensible. And like always, the Download N Go Series has a generous amount of resources for you to use which is one of the things that keeps me coming back for more of

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California Native Americans Unit Study

Most of my regular readers on my blog know me well enough to know I am not much into a traditional unit study unless I do not have to do much research. I received this small but mighty 16-page unit study of the California Native Indians as an e-book by HLN called Continue reading California Native Americans Unit Study


Vincent Van Gogh Flash Cards

OMGoodness, I have found it! One thing I have always disliked about doing a study on artists is the fact that I have to research all the paintings they have painted or if I find a site that has 20 or more of the painting they have completed all in one place, then the pictures

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Study an Artist

Do you have a hard time teaching your children about artists? Have you ever thought after teaching you children about a particular artist that a week later they remember nothing? Yea, me too. One of the ways I have helped my children to remember things is either by note-booking or by lapbooking or my favorite,

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Curriculum Reviews

Map Trek: Ancient World Atlas and Outline Maps of World History

When we study history it should not ever be overlooked that geography should exist right along side it. The problem is finding the right tools to do the job. Terri Johnson from Bramley Books and Knowledge Quest has put together a wonderful compilation of maps. If you have never seen her maps you are in

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Ben Franklin Download N Go By Amanda Bennett

The Ben Franklin, Download N Go By Amanda Bennett is extremely easy to use and is described and arranged quit nicely for the teachers use. It really could not be easier for you to use especially for those of us who really like curriculum or unit studies with no preparation!

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Veritas Press: History and Bible

Veritas Press has been a long time favorite of mine for our Bible History and World History curriculum. Veritas Press teaches History as well as the Bible in chronological order. This can be invaluable in a child’s life. It can teach them to put names and dates in order as well as time and

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George Washington Unit Study with Lapbook

Children can learn so much from people in history, and George Washington is one of the best examples. George Washington is a great American soldier and President that your children will want to dive into and learn all about. Each day your child will explore and investigate with their Continue reading George Washington Unit Study with Lapbook


The Great Ice Age Lapbook by Hands of a Child

If you have read any of my reviews you know how much I adore Hands of a Child Lapbooks? There are a few things you will need to supply like some scissors, glue, paper and a file folder etc. the supplies you need are minimal and you probably have them laying around already. They are

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Theodore Roosevelt Lapbook by Hands of a Child

I adore Hands of a child lapbooks? They are entirely prepared for you. In the Theodore Roosevelt lapbook they give you 60 pages, which includes 20, hands on activities for your lapbook as well as the research pages plus you get a list of books, websites and links to construct a well-formed study of

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Curriculum Reviews

Asia Lapbook by Hands of a Child

You know what I love the most about Hands of a Child lapbooks? They are completely done for you. And when I say completely, I mean 100%. In the Continent of Asia Study they give you 23 pages of information so that you can complete this lapbook without ever having to do research. Now

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Trail Guide to US Geography

Most of my regular readers know me well enough to know I am not much into a traditional unit study unless it has all the information (more like a theme study) at hand and I do not have to do much research. However, I think this 133-page unit study of the 50 states I received

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History of Civilization: The Ancient World

Funny thing about doing reviews, you always end up with something you either need or can really use. I happen to be finishing up our studies this fall about Ancient Egypt and so this review came at a perfect time.

I received an e-book by Milliken called History of Civilization: The Ancient World

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Colonel David Crockett Free E-Book

Foundation for Economic Education has a wonderful Free e-book on their site for you to download. It is called “Not Your to Give“. FEE’s about pages reads as follows…The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), one of the oldest free-market organizations in the United States, was founded in 1946 by Leonard E. Read to

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Even Boys Can Use Paper Dolls

If you have been with me since the beginning of NutBugs, you know I did a review on using puppets in homeschooling. We have, on and off, used the idea and loved it. My kids get a kick out of it and they enjoy my silly voices as well as correct me when I switch

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Curriculum Reviews

Tapestry of Grace

You know I have found over the years that there is no right or wrong way to teach your children. In every homeschool there are many different methods used and many different curriculums out there that say they are the best or better then the next. What makes a curriculum work for me is the

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Curriculum Reviews

Homeschooling in the Woods

If you love to lapbook, you will LOVE this product.

Homeschool in the Woods sent to me the New Testament Lapbook. I already had purchased the Old Testament and loved it, but then to be so lucky as to get to review the New Testament one too. WOW! Lucky me!

Amy Pak is the creator

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Little Man in the Map by Schoolside Press

I absolutely hated geography in school. I never memorized the U.S.A. states and where they were, but then I was given this cute book called The Little Man in the Map, by E. Andrew Martonyi, illustrated by Ed Olson, Schoolside Press. The Little Man in the Map uses rhyming stories with coordinating pictures of

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File Folder Games

Oh boy oh boy! I just found a great site. File Folder Games I love file folder games and I have spent many a day and night trying to find some free ones on the Internet. Now this site pops up. I guess I am not the only one out there wanting this too.

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