March 2025

Homeschooler Buyers Co-op

So I realized there are many homeschoolers who have not heard of Homeschool Buyers Co-op. Just in my small Park Day group only a couple of us have ever heard of this web site. So I figured I have thousands of readers and there has to be many of you who have not heard of it

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Homeschooling Library

BOOKS ARE EXPENSIVE! I'd love to add a ton of educational literature to my homeschool library, but purchasing them can be extremely expensive. Well I found a place to go to build my library without spending hundreds of dollars. Homeschool Library. Two Moms got together and decided to provide homeschoolers and non homeschoolers alike with

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Knights of the Angel Realm

I just finished reading a good easy read and a very expressive book titled, “Knights of the Angel Realm”. This is a book written by an up and coming writer named Gretchen Rhue.

Knights of the Angel Realm, I think can be a great read for High

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Project Play



Did you know?

Since 1980, the childhood obesity rate has more than doubled for children ages 2 – 5 and more than tripled for children ages 6 – 11. Between 1981 and 1997, free playtime among 6 to 8 year olds dropped 25%

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Free Online Class

You all know CurrClick is one of my favorite e-book/e-curriculum sites I go to. They are always giving something away for free and they have a wonderful selection of curriculum you can choose from. All you have to do is download it and you have it right away to either print or read off the

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Dreams and Designs—Homemade Supplies to Complement Your Homeschool E-Book Review

I review many, many e-books. I purchase handfuls and several I receive for free from different giveaways. There is always 1 or 2 things I take away from these books and can incorporate into my homeschool to make it better and more fun for my children. But then there is a gem that comes along

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George Washington Unit Study with Lapbook

Children can learn so much from people in history, and George Washington is one of the best examples. George Washington is a great American soldier and President that your children will want to dive into and learn all about. Each day your child will explore and investigate with their Continue reading George Washington Unit Study with Lapbook


February 2010 Molly’s Money-Saving Digest

Did you know that over 1 million acres of potatoes are planted every year in the United States, for a yield of over 41 billion pounds? Yea, I never knew that either. I did know that potatoes are versatile veggies, but coming up with new inventive recipes are always helpful.

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Molly’s monthly Money-Saving Digests

Molly’s monthly Money-Saving Digests have so far been really great but this months, October 2009, What Can We Learn From the Great Depression? Was the best so far for me. Let me give an example of what really hit home for me.

We are in an age of everything we touch is

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Pockets Full of Time: Have You Seen My Cat

Little Pockets of Time, “Have You Seen My Cat?” by Fortunately for You is a great way for children to remember what they have read! I think this would be great with the lower elementary grades, say kindergarten through maybe third grade and maybe even preschool. I started it with my daughter who

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An Autumn Nature Study and More by: Katie’s Homschool Cottage

I am not much into unit studies myself unless they are all completely drawn out for me. But, I have to admit this unit study of An Autumn Nature Study and More by: Katie’s Homschool Cottage is very easy to use. It gives you so many resources to go to. Books, as

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Copywork E-Book

House Upon a Rock is a copywork book for Mathew 7:24-29. I feel it is made more for upper elementary grades, 4-6, due to the lining on the pages and length of the copywork. It is only 8 pages that are beautifully illustrated in back and white. It contains 3 pages of copywork plus

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The Little Red Hen Primer Reader

The Little Red Hen Primer Reader is a story I has read with many different animals character in its place, but the underlining lesson is the fact that if you do not work you do not get to reap what is sown. I actually really like this book a lot. After the story there

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Molly’s monthly Money-Saving Digests

Molly’s monthly Money-Saving Digests have so far been really great but this months, October 2009, What Can We Learn From the Great Depression? Was the best so far for me. Let me give an example of what really hit home for me.

We are in an age of everything we touch is disposable.

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Free Ebook: Planning Your Course and Letting the Lord Determine Your Steps

The New School Year Has the new school year started with gusto at your house? Or guesses?

“I guess we’ll use this curriculum. I guess we’ll start on Monday. I guess we’ll use this folder, and I guess we could try unit studies this year.”

Does any of this sound familiar? Time for a change?

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Colonel David Crockett Free E-Book

Foundation for Economic Education has a wonderful Free e-book on their site for you to download. It is called “Not Your to Give“. FEE’s about pages reads as follows…The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), one of the oldest free-market organizations in the United States, was founded in 1946 by Leonard E. Read to

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Fiesta of Freebies 2 E-Book, A Compilation of Homeschool Freebies

Ok, if you all are looking for a good source for online information I have found it for you. Fiesta of Freebies 2 E-Book, A Compilation of Homeschool Freebies. This e-book has internet sitesto compliment or even help you to develop a course of

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Amazing Math Free Ebook

August is here and it’s time to gear up for “Back-to-Homeschool.” Looking for some fun hands-on activities to get your year started right? The Old Schoolhouse® wants to help by offering our Teacher’s Toolbox readers one of our most popular modules, Amazing Mathematics, absolutely free!

How much fun can you have with math?

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Free E-Book

Hello Kristin,

Would you like to better understand the E-Book Revolution? I found an incredible FREE resource to help you do just that! “E-Homeschooling: Embracing the E-Book Revolution” is an E-Book filled with information about the tremendous value in E-Books.

They explain how to store them, organize them, and enjoy them—from school resource

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E-Homeschooling: Embracing the E-book Revolution

Now I have written a couple articles on e-books and my feelings on them. But I will take a moment to recap. I love them to a certain degree. I think having a reading book or a small unit or theme study is great. But when it comes down to a full year of curriculum.

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The Old Schoolhouse 19 Gift Promotion

The Old Schoolhouse is giving away 19 pretty cool gifts for those who would like to either start a new subscription or re-new an old one. Some are on line gifts other are actual gifts that will be sent to you as well as coupons for $$ off of products purchased at certain websites. Now

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Teaching Our Children to Be Homemakers

You know as I grew up I was taught some of the basic things to do to be a homemaker. However, looking back today I really wished my mom would have taught me a bit more. Like how to bake bread. How to make a menu for a week etc. Who knows maybe she taught

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I Wanna Be A Chef Unit Study

I found out one of my friends older kids who happens to be in public school was going to have a career day. So, I was thinking to myself…as a Homeschooler, how do I go about having a so called career day for my children later on as they get older. I want them to

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Menu planning E-Book

I got the opportunity to review a great little e-book called Menu Planning: How to plan menus for a whole month and enjoy it. First I have to say that Sheri Graham, the author, must have been in my house and watched what I do for menu planning. As I was reading this delightful e-book,

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Molly’s Money-Saving Digest for May 2009

TOS will be releasing a new E-book called “Molly’s Money-Saving Digest for May 2009. I have this wonderful opportunity to review this book before it comes out to you. This is such an impressive little book. It is an easy read, but packed full of laughs, information, quotes, how –to’s, money saving ideas and just

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All About Homophones

Wow Mary Rippel did it again! Here is another great program from All About Spelling. It’s All About Homophones. Teaching homophones can be really hard! Just in case you forgot, these are words that sound the same, but they aren’t spelled the same, and they, to top it off, don’t mean the same.

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Math Mammoth

Maria Miller is the author of the Math Mammoth, which is a series of math workbooks that are available in e-book format. Now first let me say that I am in no way a math genius nor do I know how to teach math well without some help from a good core curriculum. With

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Lets Make A Web Page eBook

Phyllis Wheeler is the author of Let’s Make a Web Page! eBook which she wrote to help 8-12 year old children learn to create a web page of their own. Phyllis really knows how to portray the building of a web page in a very easy plan to follow. Younger children will need a

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The Gift by: Jill Cooper

I just had to post this. I get an e-news from Living on a dime and this was in one of her lastest emails…..

She stood at the window watching the snow falling gently to the ground. Thanksgiving was over and soon it would be Christmas, her favorite time of the year. But her heart

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Old Schoolhouse December Module

Oh what joy!!! I just received the December module from the Old School House and the subject is “Lets be Scientists”. How fun.

My son loves science and I need all the help I can get to come up with fun things to do. This semester we are working on the human body

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Salem Ridge Books

I was sent three books, The American Twins of the Revolution, Glaucia the Greek Slave and Mary Jane all by Salem Ridge Press. Believe it or not a homeschool teenager who wanted to bring some of that old wonderful literature from the days gone by started this company. This is one company that

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Little Man in the Map by Schoolside Press

I absolutely hated geography in school. I never memorized the U.S.A. states and where they were, but then I was given this cute book called The Little Man in the Map, by E. Andrew Martonyi, illustrated by Ed Olson, Schoolside Press. The Little Man in the Map uses rhyming stories with coordinating pictures of

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Splish Book from TOS

And Then Mama Said…”It Takes Time to Learn to Read”. Isn’t that such a true statement? We sometimes forget this as a homeschooler and try to rush and push our children to keep up with so and so. But reality is that our children will read when their brain is good and ready!

This book

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November: Amusing Math Module

I just got my hands on the November Module of The Old School House Planner. I have all their modules so far and have used much of each one of them. This one I am not as satisfied with as I have been with the past ones. Now please do not get me wrong…do I

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The Missing Link

I just finished reading a great easy read extremely descriptive book titled, “The Missing Link: Found”. This is the first book in the Truth Seekers Mystery Series by Christina Gerwitz who happens to only be 17 years old and her mom, Felice Gerwitz, who is the founder of Media Angels, which happens to be Christian

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Homeschooling A B C’s by Knowledge Quest

Now first let me say that I am not a reader. When I first set out to homeschool I got book upon book upon book on how to homeschool, different curriculum’s to choose from and general education books. Did I read them all cover to cover? No! I skimmed over each book. Read the table

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Books, Digital or not Digital

This new day and age we are all so darn busy with our lives, we don’t even have time to sit down to a magazine and read it cover to cover. We have gone digital. Even my homeschool magazines have done this.

Now let me say that sentence sounds as if I am complaining. Well

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The Master Plan

Ok, You have got to check this out! This is a planner you can either print out and put in a 3 ring binder or keep on your computer. It is a PDF file and it is interactive. I think this is the best thing I have seen in a while to help you get

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