March 2025

How Do I Enroll In An Online Homeschooling For High School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I am interested in homeschooling. I will be in the 11th grade, and a friend of mine took online homeschooling to get his high school diploma half the time, because he took the classes all year long. Where would I find a legit class like this? How do I

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Any Homeschooling Moms Who Have Suffered From Any Type Of Depression?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

Any homeschool moms who have suffered from depression or any other mental illness? How do you deal with it with your busy schedule homeschooling? I suffer from OCD & panic attacks. I was just wondering if any of you have been through this kind of thing & how you

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Does Homeschooling For Years 11 And 12 Affect Getting Into Universities And How Quickly Can You Complete It?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I want to do homeschooling for years 11 and 12 so that I can graduate from school quicker. But I need to know whether or not homeschooling for year 12 stops you from getting into universities. And I also want to know how quickly it will take for me

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How Much Does Homeschooling Cost With A Personal Teacher?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I would like 2 know how much would homeschooling cost but not being taught by my parents. Almost like a tutor that comes to your house but a teacher. I want to be taught just like in a public high school but at home with a teacher because nothing

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How Long Should Homeschooling Take And What Curriculum Do You Use?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I was wondering how much time I should spend a day homeschooling my daughter. She will be in kindergarten this year. I have heard some people say it only takes an hour or two, but I want to make sure . Also I am looking for an afordable curriculm

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How Does Homeschooling Work For Parents Of Asperger Children? Where Do You Get Your Curriculum From?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I have a 10 yr old son with Asperger's Syndrome, and have had several years of nothing but problems with the public school system. I have thought about homeschooling him for quite some time now, and I was wondering what experiences people have.


What Is A Good Homeschooling Programs Online And Books?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

For a 7 year old. Who is currently in public school but reads and does math at a 2nd-3rd grade level. I see lots of different programs I feel overwhelmed. Is there a site that gives me the refresher courses I need because I never went to college I

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What Is The Best Homeschooling Cirriculum For A First Grader?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I am new to homeschooling my son, and I am involved with some local homeschooling groups. But, I am having some troubles with ideas on how to keep a schedule for my son and what to do with him during the day sometimes. Do you think it is better

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From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I'm thinking about starting up homeschooling again but I have no idea how to start up again. If anyone could tell me good websites where I can find good homeschooling products or curriculums that would be great because right now i'm not really sure what to do. I'm in

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Copywork E-Book

House Upon a Rock is a copywork book for Mathew 7:24-29. I feel it is made more for upper elementary grades, 4-6, due to the lining on the pages and length of the copywork. It is only 8 pages that are beautifully illustrated in back and white. It contains 3 pages of copywork plus

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The Little Red Hen Primer Reader

The Little Red Hen Primer Reader is a story I has read with many different animals character in its place, but the underlining lesson is the fact that if you do not work you do not get to reap what is sown. I actually really like this book a lot. After the story there

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Molly’s monthly Money-Saving Digests

Molly’s monthly Money-Saving Digests have so far been really great but this months, October 2009, What Can We Learn From the Great Depression? Was the best so far for me. Let me give an example of what really hit home for me.

We are in an age of everything we touch is disposable.

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Trail Guide to US Geography

Most of my regular readers know me well enough to know I am not much into a traditional unit study unless it has all the information (more like a theme study) at hand and I do not have to do much research. However, I think this 133-page unit study of the 50 states I received

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History of Civilization: The Ancient World

Funny thing about doing reviews, you always end up with something you either need or can really use. I happen to be finishing up our studies this fall about Ancient Egypt and so this review came at a perfect time.

I received an e-book by Milliken called History of Civilization: The Ancient World

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Free Ebook: Planning Your Course and Letting the Lord Determine Your Steps

The New School Year Has the new school year started with gusto at your house? Or guesses?

“I guess we’ll use this curriculum. I guess we’ll start on Monday. I guess we’ll use this folder, and I guess we could try unit studies this year.”

Does any of this sound familiar? Time for a change?

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Even Boys Can Use Paper Dolls

If you have been with me since the beginning of NutBugs, you know I did a review on using puppets in homeschooling. We have, on and off, used the idea and loved it. My kids get a kick out of it and they enjoy my silly voices as well as correct me when I switch

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A New School Year

Well, it is that time of year once more. And here we are some of us homeschoolers scurrying and trying to get everything put together and others all done and ready to go. So I thought after talking with a few friends and they were asking me how I do my year, that I would

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Fiesta of Freebies 2 E-Book, A Compilation of Homeschool Freebies

Ok, if you all are looking for a good source for online information I have found it for you. Fiesta of Freebies 2 E-Book, A Compilation of Homeschool Freebies. This e-book has internet sitesto compliment or even help you to develop a course of

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Amazing Math Free Ebook

August is here and it’s time to gear up for “Back-to-Homeschool.” Looking for some fun hands-on activities to get your year started right? The Old Schoolhouse® wants to help by offering our Teacher’s Toolbox readers one of our most popular modules, Amazing Mathematics, absolutely free!

How much fun can you have with math?

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Free, Free, Free

It is that time of year again. Yes, it is time to start thinking about the fall and our curriculum choices. Here in Southern California we are having our CHEA convention this week. Unfortunately I am un-able to attend this year. I just do not have the money to go. I am so bummed. This

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E-Homeschooling: Embracing the E-book Revolution

Now I have written a couple articles on e-books and my feelings on them. But I will take a moment to recap. I love them to a certain degree. I think having a reading book or a small unit or theme study is great. But when it comes down to a full year of curriculum.

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Academics and Beyond

When I started homeschooling I thought for sure that homeschool was all about getting the grade so to speak. I thought that it was so important to make sure my kids lived up to the homeschoolstandard. You know reading at age 3 and writing at age 4, playing 3 musical instruments by age 5

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I Wanna Be A Chef Unit Study

I found out one of my friends older kids who happens to be in public school was going to have a career day. So, I was thinking to myself…as a Homeschooler, how do I go about having a so called career day for my children later on as they get older. I want them to

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Curriculum Reviews

Latina Christiana: Memoria Press

I have wanted to start teaching a foreign language to my kids for some time now. I bought a Spanish set last year, but it was so detailed it was just TOOOOOOO much for him. So when I decided that I really wanted to start with Latin because of it’s help with learning all other

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Curriculum Reviews

Tapestry of Grace

You know I have found over the years that there is no right or wrong way to teach your children. In every homeschool there are many different methods used and many different curriculums out there that say they are the best or better then the next. What makes a curriculum work for me is the

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Easter Freebies

Easter is almost here and The Old School House has done it again. They are giving away a whole bunch of fun free activities for you and your kids to do for Easter. So here is the link you will need to download all those fun crafts!

Here’s the link for the Freebies: Continue reading Easter Freebies

Homeschooling: All Things

Schleich Action Figures

What a joy it was to open this box. My kids were overjoyed to see a box full of animals from Schleich to add to their collection. You know there are those that claim they are hand painted and then when you look at it the eyes are all crooked or something. Not Schleich!

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Curriculum Reviews

Critical Thinking

Critical Thining is a company who has so many parent, teacher in addition to other educational awards as well as they should. First let me say that I actually have been using Critical Thinking Language Arts for my son for a year now and we love it. But then I got so lucky as

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Homeschooling: All Things

Alphabet Alley Magnet Playset

Ok, this has got to be one of the greatest little products my daughter (3) has received to review for me. When I got this in the mail I first thought of those peel and cling/stick things (can not remember the name) I had as a child. Oh, but no this is so much more

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Curriculum Reviews

Homeschooling in the Woods

If you love to lapbook, you will LOVE this product.

Homeschool in the Woods sent to me the New Testament Lapbook. I already had purchased the Old Testament and loved it, but then to be so lucky as to get to review the New Testament one too. WOW! Lucky me!

Amy Pak is the creator

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Homeschooling: All Things

Savings of up to 80%

Do you like saving up to 80%? Get next year’s shopping done early and for less money at the March Madness sale inthe Schoolhouse Store! Check out some of the unit studies and copy work to help round out this school year or for fun summer activities. Almost 200 items are on sale from

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Homeschooling: All Things

One 2 Believe – Noah’s Ark

One 2 Believe has shipped to me once again. YEA!!!! So far we have NOT been disappointed by any of their products. They are of great quality and will withstand time and time again of play.

This time they shipped to us Noah’s Ark. This was a great way for them to have

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Artistic Pursuits: the Art curriculum for Creativity

Artistic Pursuits: the Art curriculum for Creativity. That is their title. You know what? It fits perfectly. I received Grades K-3 Book One. An Introduction to Visual Arts. After just 2 lessons I realized that this was a wonderfully gentle introduction not only to art but famous art pieces and artists.

I have been

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Curriculum Reviews

Five in a Row

Last year my son and I learned a little bit about Early American History. Just mainly the Indians. We used a well know literature based curriculum. To this day my son can recite the information he learned from those books. Now you may be asking why do I bring that up when I am reviewing

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Choosing Your School Year Schedule

One of the most difficult tasks to accomplish with homeschooling is planning your schedule. We sit down a month or so before we are ready to begin school and we outline everything we want to accomplish. Then we plan out what we are going to accomplish each day of every week. We are going to

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Math Tudor

I was never did well in school at math and the teachers I had either did not want to, did not have the time or could not take the time to slow it down for me. So I fell behind. When High School came around it got even worst. Math has never been a strong

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So let me tell you about SpellQuizzer. This is a computer-based program where you enter the child’s spelling list and make audio recordings of the words. Then it quizzes the child, playing each word back to him one at a time, checking his spelling as he types in the words. Or you can type

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Bible Story Songs

You know as a singer and a children’s choir director at my church, I know just how powerful music can be. The words can teach you something that you may have known but never knew how to feel it. It can evoke feelings for God that no spoken word can. It can help you memorize

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Curriculum Reviews

Heads Up! Reading Strips

I received some reading strips for review From Heads Up!. These are for the student who has a little trouble keeping his place while reading. They place the strip over the text as they read which in turn would help them to focus in on their place and to follow through to the next

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Curriculum Reviews

Write Shop

I had a chance to look over a product by Writeshop. WriteShop is designed to teach composition skills in a step-by-step manner. Through a series of engaging lessons, students learn the four most common kinds of writing—descriptive, informative, narrative, and persuasive (essays)—by means of the following basic building blocks: Brainstorming, Editing, Writing and

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All About Homophones

Wow Mary Rippel did it again! Here is another great program from All About Spelling. It’s All About Homophones. Teaching homophones can be really hard! Just in case you forgot, these are words that sound the same, but they aren’t spelled the same, and they, to top it off, don’t mean the same.

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I was really excited to review Kinderbach since I am a singer and teach the children’s choir at my church. First let me say that this program is geared towards the very young child who does not have any type of music training. My son, 6, did like the program, however he was quit

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Math Mammoth

Maria Miller is the author of the Math Mammoth, which is a series of math workbooks that are available in e-book format. Now first let me say that I am in no way a math genius nor do I know how to teach math well without some help from a good core curriculum. With

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Homeschooling: All Things

ABC & 123 Lapbook

We made the cutest tacktile ABC and 123 Lapbook. You just have to check out the pictures. Click here to see it.


Lets Make A Web Page eBook

Phyllis Wheeler is the author of Let’s Make a Web Page! eBook which she wrote to help 8-12 year old children learn to create a web page of their own. Phyllis really knows how to portray the building of a web page in a very easy plan to follow. Younger children will need a

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