March 2025
In the News

Soybeans; What’s New and Beneficial About Soybeans

With my recent studies on a healthy lifestyle and eating for optimal health, I have had a transition to become a Ovo-Lacto vegetarian. I have been doing tons of research about protein, vegetarianism, soybeans, eating of God's bountiful earth pre-flood etc. And when I came across this article about soybeans I figured it would be a

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Webcast – Spreading The Homeschool Message





I just got this email this morning, so I thought I would post it right away. Hopefully some of you will be able to take advantage of thiswebcast TODAY!


Like to share homeschooling with others? Join Melanie Hexter for "Spreading the Home School Message." Here is a friendly

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Mandatory Kindergarten (CA) Bill Delayed

Mandatory Kindergarten??


Please be prepared to take action against AB 2203. HSLDA President Mike Smith has been an advocate of homeschooling for more than 30 years. Read more >>

From: Roy Hanson—Family Protection Ministries and Mike Smith—HSLDA

Bill: AB 2203 (as introduced 2/23/12)—5-Year-Old Compulsory Education


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Homeschooling: All Things

Oppose Expansion of Government Control over Education

Oppose Expansion of Government Control over Education

Act now to oppose AB 2203. HSLDA President Mike Smith has been an advocate of homeschooling for more than 30 years. Read more >> From: Roy Hanson’s Family Protection Ministries and Mike Smith’s HSLDA   Bill: AB 2203 (as

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TV Series Mocks Christians, Undermines Liberty

ABC-TV has decided that it can take direct aim at Christians with what amounts to hate speech. This is the premise of its new program GCB (which stands for Good Christian B*****es). We need to fight back.

This program ridicules Christians, Christianity, the Bible, and Christian symbols in ways that would be unthinkable if aimed

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Homeschooling: All Things

HSLDA High School Teacher Training Programs

This post is really only for those living in the Virginia area or who really want to travel to Virginia. It is also for those who have or are approaching High School time. HSLDA (which you should all be a member of) is having a live seminar for those approaching the high school days of

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HSLDA sponsoring One Nation Under God event

Our nation was founded on Biblical principles, but we have lost sight of this in today�s culture. That is why we are calling all Christians to join together on November 12, 2011 to host the One Nation Under God Event in homes and churches across America.

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Homeschooling: All Things

How to Keep a Strong Voice for Homeschooling in Sacramento

Most of you are probably saying where is NutBugs Heart of Dakota Weekly Update this week. Well, Our schedule is that we school for 5 weeks on and then we take a week off. This allows us MANY breaks through out the year, especially since we school (for the most part) year round. So instead

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Homeschooling: All Things

California Homeschoolers

I am not sure if all of you have seen this from HSLDA or not, so I thought I would re-post it here. This is from the President HSLDA, Michael Smith.



Great News In California!

AB 717 is a huge step toward restoring constitutional principles.

From: Family Protection Ministries and

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Homeschooling: All Things

Affidavit Time

It's time once again to file the Private School Affidavit (PSA) online between October 1-15 for us California Homeschoolers. The private school affidavit is now available online for filing at the CHEA web site.

I want to mention here that there are two new questions (41 & 42) on the form which ask questions in regards

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In the News

Cheap Theater Tickets

Ok, so how many of you like to go see a musical or a play or some sort of concert, raise your hand. Yea, me too. But how many of you do not go at all or as often as you like because of the price? My hand is up too!

I was told about

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Educating Children with Dyslexia

I know a lot of my readers have struggling children with Dyslexia. I have a friend who just found out why she has been struggling with her child in homeschooling him. She is currently struggling in this area too with her son. As most of you know I am fond of most of  Rod

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Homeschooling: All Things

Response to Alarming Recommendations by Miami-Dade County Grand Jury

I just received an email from HSLDA in regards to this. I know that this does not affect me now, but in the future this could affect thosse of us in California too. And to my friends and readers who live in Florida, I am sure you are well aware of what is going on.

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Dream-Driven Kids…Why They Succeed

When you were young, did you tell your parents (or anyone) your dreams?

Maybe you yearned to be the fastest runner in the world? Or write books? Be a rock star? An artist? Olympic skater? A mom?

We tend to protect our dreams, so we don't always say them out loud. We don't

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Homeschooling: All Things

Who Is Your Child?

By Virginia Vagt

Children are all so different. We're with our children a lot. So we think we know them. And we do know a lot about them.

But the pace of our lives takes time away from our ability to make observations and reflect on the patterns we see. Don't we often

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Gleaning Opportunity

Ok, so if you all live in the Orange County area of Southern California, then I have an opportunity for you and your family. Tanka Farms, down here by me, is making available gleaning opportunities for you and your family. This is a great way to teach our kids about doing for others as well

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Right to Reasonably Resist Unlawful Police Entry Struck Down

For those of you who do not have HSLDA, I had to re-post this article from HSLDA. This is the big "WHY" if you have not spent the $100 a year for this wonderful service this is the why you need to  beg or borrow the $100 to get it. By the way, they are

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HSLDA Information Regarding the Election



Co-hosted by CHEA of California and HSLDA In cooperation with the Nevada Homeschool Network and Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Santa Clara, California April 7–9, 2011 Thursday through Saturday

Presidential forum and straw poll at the Pacific Homeschool SuperConference!

Dear Friends:

Would you like to impact the

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Project Play



Did you know?

Since 1980, the childhood obesity rate has more than doubled for children ages 2 – 5 and more than tripled for children ages 6 – 11. Between 1981 and 1997, free playtime among 6 to 8 year olds dropped 25%

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Homeschooling: All Things

The Race

I didn’t have to go. He had already caught a ride with friends early in the morning while we slept. But I didn’t want my first-born child to think his mother never came to anything because she had so many little ones to tow along with her. So I loaded the car with his five

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6-Year-Old Hauled to Psych Ward Despite Parent’s Wishes

                                                                               Stock Photo According to this article at

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Celebrate Cerebrodiversity!

Men are from _______ , Women are from _______ . That boy just can't sit _______. Are you _______ to me? Keep your _______ on the board, young lady.

Venus, Mars, still, listening, eyes. Each of these phrases represents a concept in education and brain research called cerebrodiversity. It's the recognition that each of our

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Smart Kids Who Hate to Write

 My son absolutely HATES to write. I am an eclectic Charlotte Masoner, but all the writing that she has a child do just does not sit well with my son. You see he can re-tell a story almost word for word and he can make up a great 4+ sentence story too. BUT ask him

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Give While You Shop: Clicks for Homeschooling

Here’s a great way to help homeschoolers any time you shop online: purchase materials from a company that gives to the Home School Foundation. All you have to do is go to Clicks for Homeschooling and click on the link to the store of your choice. Then you shop just like normal, and the store

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Colleges Now Required to Determine “Validity” of High School Diplomas

Colleges Now Required to Determine “Validity” of High School Diplomas   FAFSA Form: Which Box to Check?

In the past, some parents were advised to choose “high school diploma” on the FAFSA form. However, due to the regulation change, making this selection could be problematic for homeschoolers whose schools do not appear on the

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Halloween Origins: What Are The Different Names?

Although Halloween origins began with the Celtic druids over 2,000 years ago, the seasonal practices are observed in many countries. Halloween falls within the Fall Equinox that starts from September 23 through November 4 approximately. This time period is celebrated in all cultures and is also known as:

Alban Elfed Autumn Equinox Fall Solstice Cornucopia

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What is the History of Halloween: A Christian Perspective?

When we consider the history of Halloween (a Christian perspective), it may seem as if the modern holiday has gotten out of hand. After all, doesn’t Halloween glorify evil? Is it right to send our children out as devils and vampires? Should we emphasize the saints, whose nearly forgotten feast day is the reason for

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National Housewife Day

When is this wonderful holiday. Well it is always on November 3rd.

Housewife Day recognizes the importance of stay at home wives and moms. Also referred to as "Retro" Housewife Day. These wonderful, caring creatures, build and enrich strong family environments. They help to instill family values and good character.

Housewife is an old term. It

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We Did it…Christmas is Back

You did it! There's no question that your taking time to get involved has influenced Dominion Services and Richmond, Virginia, parade organizers to reverse an earlier decision to replace "Christmas" with "holiday."

Late yesterday afternoon, after thousands of emails and hundreds of phone calls to Dominion, parade organizers posted a statement on their website stating,

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City bans ‘Christmas’ in favor of ‘holiday’ parade – War against Christmas starting already

The city of Richmond, Virginia, has turned coward because the new sponsor of its annual parade wants to ban the word "Christmas."

When Dominion, an energy company, took over sponsorship of the parade, it told the city it no longer wanted to use "Christmas" as part of the parade name. Instead, Dominion said it will

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Questions on God?????

I found a great web site that has been such a wonderful source of information I had to share it with all my readers. It is called "All About God" and they deal with some real simple questions all the way down to some extremely tough ones too. Sexuality, Showing How God Is Real Scientifically,

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Surprising Changes in DMV Policy

In the state of California, parents have not been authorized to teach driver education and driver training. Any parent wanting their child to obtain a driving permit needed to have him or her complete a driver education/driver training course through a public or private school, or commercial driving program. For many years homeschoolers were able

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Planners, Planners and Even More Planners

Planner, Planners everywhere…for Free!

One of the best known sites with a huge variety is . You can find just about every form imaginable for homeschoolers and the site is extremely easy to navigate through. There you will find some handwriting sheets, nature study forms, planning sheets, journal sheets, household forms, calendars, timeline forms, schedules for

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Homeschooling Breeds Precocious Cats

I absolutly loved this article from Heart of the matter.


When my oldest daughter, Meghan, was four years old, we discovered that she was allergic to cats (and grass and dust). Uh oh. We were very attached to our feline lap warmer and just couldn’t see giving

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NERTZ! A Fun Family Game


Ok, I got this article form heart of the Matter and it is all about games. I found this game to be very interesting and thought I would post if for those who do not get their newsletter.  i plan on trying this game myself. have any of you ever

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Visit HSLDA at the 27th Annual Christian Home Educators of California Convention

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:

The 27th Annual Christian Home Educators of California Convention is coming to your area July 16–18. This event will be held at the Pasadena Convention Center, 300 East Green Street, Pasadena, CA 91101.

HSLDA will host a

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To Grade or Not to Grade

That is the question. Do you give grades in your home school? There are pros and cons. Not giving grades supports a more natural approach to learning. Is your child engaged, involved and learning? If you choose to assess learning by the use of something other than tests, grading can seem irrelevant. Can your

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Ohio Superintendent Makes Up Law

Superintendent Makes Up Law  

Homeschool families in the Shelby County school district recently received a letter from the local superintendent’s office reminding them of Ohio’s legal requirements for homeschooling, which included a copy of the district’s notice of intent form. In her letter, the superintendent aggressively demanded information (her letter actually used “all-caps,” underlines

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California Surprising Changes in DMV Policy

Surprising Changes in DMV Policy

In the state of California, parents have not been authorized to teach driver education and driver training. Any parent wanting their child to obtain a driving permit needed to have him or her complete a driver education/driver training course through a public or private school, or commercial driving program. For

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This Interview Brought to You by…

I love to ask my kids questions. You can learn a lot that way! Yes, I ask the traditional, "How was your day?" when an older child comes home from work, or from community college, or from a visit. But I also ask other questions that help me to know who they are, how they

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As announced last week, Senator Jim DeMint on Tuesday introduced S.R. 519, a resolution urging the President not to deliver the Convention on the Rights of the Child to the Senate for its advice and consent. Now it is time to make phone calls. We need 34 co-sponsors of S.R. 519 in

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New Protocol for UN Children’s Treaty

I recieved this email from Mike Farris from and thought that it was worthy enough to repost here on my blog. Please read through it and discuss it within your own homeschool groups and see what some of the thoughts are of your group.


New Protocol for UN Children's Treaty Will Create International

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Focus/Attention Processing Dysfunction Characteristics

Because I deal with an ADD child on a daily basis and an ADD husband I figured there had to be many more people out there that read my blog that might be interested in reading about this subject too. So I scoured the internet for articles that related to us homeschoolers with ADD children

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What’s That Noise? TV and Sex

We have a TV in our house. Our rabbit ears pull in ABC and PBS only. That's enough for me to watch "Antiques Roadshow" and local news. We do not watch other programs on ABC, which I fondly refer to as "the sleaze channel."

How would I know ABC is so much sleaze?

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Online Learning – Yes or No?

Online education resources can play an important primary or secondary role in your children's education. They may be a great choice if you'd like to spend less time planning or have specific learning goals that you'd like to achieve. Points to consider when choosing a course: 1. Where do the courses come from? Is it a reliable source?

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The Harms of Homeschooling? Where Are the Premises?



Before you read this article I have to put my two cents in about this. I think no matter what side you are on, it does not matter whether you agree or disagree with homeschooling, public school or private school etc. It seems to me if you are going to write

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Praying and Learning about Haiti

The horrific news from Haiti has filled your living room. News reports a unimaginable death toll between 100,000 to 200,000 people. 3 million people were affected. Nearly the entire capital city of Port-au-Prince is devastated and covered in rubble. Is it too late to help? The initial media-enthusiasm is waning, yet millions of people in

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What is metamorphosis?

Most all of us learned that extremely long word in or around the 4th grade, long before it could roll off our tongues easily and certainly before we could understand the complexity of what it is that we call metamorphosis.

In fact, it is my belief, no not my belief, I

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Homeschooling Report Dispels Many Education Myths

I read this article from the Dakota Voiceyesterday. It was all about the superior academic performance of homeschooled students. People are always concerned that homeschooled kids can be out of touch and not socialized and immatureand don’t get a good education due to the fact that a non licences person is teaching the

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Court Ordering a 10-year Old Girl From Homeschooling Into a Public School.

Yea, you read the title correctly. Judge Orders Homeschooler into Public School for Being Too Religious. Now wait till you read it. She was not directed to go to public school because she was behind in her academics. No, she was directed to

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Do parents have right to educate?

Here was a good article that I came across the other day By Heather Duncan, I think it will get all homeschoolers as well as parents in general to rethink about parental rights.

A crucial question will soon face parents if present United Nations initiatives gain acceptance in the United States:

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State to State Compliance Information

I know here in California homeschooling is really easy to do without a lot of hoops to jump through for the government. But in some state there are many more compliance issues to deal with. I found this site called that answers most if not all your compliance issues for each

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Homeschooling: An Alternative to Private School

The July 4th-10th, 2009 edition of The Economist has two articles about public vs. private schools and entrance into top universities in America and Britain (Learning lessons from private schools and Staying on board). According to The Economist, “even in the recession, (private schools) are proving surprisingly resilient.”


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A Teacher Learns the Truth About Education

A Teacher Learns the Truth About Education

by Lauren Bleser

I was given this article to read and I found it absolutly wonderful so I had to share it with my readers. Thank you to Lauren Bleser who wrote it. You can check it out at…

In 2002, I graduated with my

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A Parent’s Right To Raise Their Children

A parent’s right to raise their children as they see fit is a time-honored American tradition, but today it is being threatened. The Supreme Court’s Troxel v. Granville decision in 2000 undermined a 75-year heritage of Constitutionally-protected, fundamental parental rights, which 8 of the 9 justices abandoned. At the same time, a growing body of

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Do Not Be Ashamed

I find it interesting that a high school principal can see the problem, but not our society.

This is a statement that was read over the PA system at the football game at Roane County High School, Kingston, Tennessee, by school Principal, Jody McLeod”It has always been the custom at Roane County High School football

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The Push to Make Our Children Read

I just loved this short little article I read this morning and had to share it with all my friends….

A Late Bloomer Blossoms Into Something BigFamilies today feel a lot of pressure to have their children reading by age 6 or 7, or even age 5. Yet President Woodrow Wilson stands out as a

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Homeschool Fair in the Newspaper

I thought this was a great way to finish off our day at the homeschool fair. I found this article written about the fair. Hey if you don;t mind if I can brag for a moment, My kids did great at the science and art fair. Six 1st place ribbons as well as two best

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Two Sides to Every Coin

Home educating is not without challenges. Let’s face it, there are days when it can just wear us down. How many times have you thought: Homeschooling is tough because……

“There’s so much to do!”The flip side: Homeschooling is great, because while our children are still at home, we get to re-prioritize our lives and let

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Choosing Your School Year Schedule

One of the most difficult tasks to accomplish with homeschooling is planning your schedule. We sit down a month or so before we are ready to begin school and we outline everything we want to accomplish. Then we plan out what we are going to accomplish each day of every week. We are going to

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The Jonas Brothers band

The Jonas Brothers band is an incredibly popular trio of three homeschooled brothers: Paul (Kevin) Jonas, 21, Joseph (Joe) Jonas, 19, and Nicholas (Nick) Jonas, 16. The Jonas Brothers grew up in a home where music was a large part of everyday life.

Their father, Rev. Kevin Jonas, is co-founder of Christ for the Nations

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To Grade Or Not To Grade: That Is the Question

I used to be a firm believer in not issuing grades and not “testing” my children. Sure, I drilled them regularly but I never gave them written or oral tests because I wanted their education to be full of encouragement and mastery. I believed that receiving a “C” or or an “80%” on a test

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Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act

Just a few minutes ago I was on my review teams blog and I read about this new Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act. This act was signed into law in August but will not take effect until Feb. 10th, 2009.

What this law basically says is that items that come in contact with a child

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Gay Pledge Cards in Calif. Schools

Now I know allot of my friends are saying…Oh I am not worried about this homosexual thing coming to my school. I have Christian teachers. Or worst yet they are putting on the rose colored glasses and thinking it will never come to the schools here in the O.C. we are pretty conservative here in

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Another Reason To Homeschool Our Kids

I suppose this sort of thing shouldn’t be shocking. You have to go to the original site that wrote the article and see the video. Pretty bad!!!! This Article is by Charlie Sykes

This is a video of Diantha Harris, a lifelong democrat and avid Barack Obama supporter. She is also a lousy schoolteacher,

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Please Don’t Jump into Homeschooling Blindly

by Andrea Hermitt, Education Examiner When I started homeschooling my children over five years ago, I noticed that the vast majority of people had little understanding of what homeschooling meant. People

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The Socialism of Public Schooling

The Socialism of Public SchoolingBy Jacob G. Hornberger

While the nation is on the subject of socialism, we really ought to talk about public schooling. With the possible exception of the military, it’s the best example of a socialist institution one could ever find. It’s not a coincidence that public schooling is one of Fidel

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The Best Place To Teach Children Is In The HOME

I found the greatest article on homeschooling. It sums it all up in a very brief article!!!!!

The FamilymanTodd Wilson, Familyman Ministries

After a quick Google search, I found that the term Home Economics was coined in 1899. I’m guessing that some pubic school brainiac officials decided that school needed to be more

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Extra Activities, Helping or Hindering?

You know Heart of the Matter asked a very good question. Do all the extra activities WE have our children do help or hinder our family time. I am going to make it real sweet and simple. Hinder.

I know some mothers who have their child in a cooking class, (like she can’t teach her

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Homeschoolers Threaten Our Cultural Comfort

You see them at the grocery, or in a discount store.It’s a big family by today’s standards – “just like stair steps,” as the old folks say. Freshly scrubbed boys with neatly trimmed hair and girls with braids, in clean but unfashionable clothes follow mom through the store as she fills her no-frills shopping list.There’s

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