March 2025

What Do I Do When I Want To Stay Home From School Due To An Illness?

FORUM: A reader asks

I'm really sick and I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I'm in High School. I have never taken a sick day since elementary school. What do I do? I'm in the Hacienda La Pluente Unified School District. Do I just stay home? Do I have to call the school?

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What Are Some Good Ideas For A Circle Time Board Theme “from Home To School?”?

FORUM: A reader asks

I am a teacher in a toddler room and our curriculum starts in a few days and i need some ideas for a circle time board with the theme of "From Home to school" Its basically showing the children the concept's of being at home vs being at school. Any ideas

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How Do I Make My Transition From Homeschooling To Public School Smooth?

Readers Forum:

At some point I went to public school. I have been homeschooling for five years. Now I am going back to public school. By the way do you have any tips for public school?


How Do I Prepare From Going To Home School To High School?

Readers Forum:

My parents seemed really against me going to school, but then I asked about this 1 week attendance thing (Im home schooled btw) and it turns out they don't have that (My dad called for information) And I said I wanted to tour the school (assistant principal invited me) and my mom said

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How Do You Go From Plublic School To Home Shcooling Your Child?

Readers Forum:

Well my daughter goes to public school but lately she has been missing school do to her asthma she has always had this problem but it never occur to me that maybe we should do home school but How do you start to home school ?I really don't even know where to start

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Is A High School Diploma From A Home Schooling Program The Same As One From An Actual High School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I had to drop out of high school due to exenuating circumstances and picked up where I left off through home schooling so I could graduate. I'm just wondering if the diploma I get from the home schooling will be worth the same, academically speaking, as if I had

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Any Homeschooling Moms Who Have Suffered From Any Type Of Depression?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

Any homeschool moms who have suffered from depression or any other mental illness? How do you deal with it with your busy schedule homeschooling? I suffer from OCD & panic attacks. I was just wondering if any of you have been through this kind of thing & how you

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How Does Homeschooling Work For Parents Of Asperger Children? Where Do You Get Your Curriculum From?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I have a 10 yr old son with Asperger's Syndrome, and have had several years of nothing but problems with the public school system. I have thought about homeschooling him for quite some time now, and I was wondering what experiences people have.


What Is The Transition From Home School To Public School Like?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I'm writing a story, and one of my characters has been home schooled all her life and, due to her mother's career change, has to start public high school as a freshman. Does the curriculum differ? How does one adapt to the social structure of public school? Do home

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