February 2025

Mandatory Kindergarten (CA) Bill Delayed

Mandatory Kindergarten??


Please be prepared to take action against AB 2203. HSLDA President Mike Smith has been an advocate of homeschooling for more than 30 years. Read more >>

From: Roy Hanson—Family Protection Ministries and Mike Smith—HSLDA

Bill: AB 2203 (as introduced 2/23/12)—5-Year-Old Compulsory Education


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FREE Curriculm and FREE Resources

  I want to make very sure that it is well known that not all of these sites I have posted are Christian, so please visit them first to make sure you approve of them before you send your children there. I have not seen anything myself that was completely wrong or offensive or even

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Christmas at Our Home

This year I was not sure exactly how Christmas was going to turn out, but God is always good and gave us a spectacular Christmas. I was smart and did the majority of my Christmas shopping for the children months and months before Christmas! So they had a perfect Christmas. Even the adults had an

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Cookbook and Christmas Cards!

I am a huge advocate for HSLDA, in case you all have not figured that out by now. So because of that I try to support them in other ways when I can. Sometimes they sell things that either make great gifts or things I really would like to have. And the few extra dollars

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Happy Easter

Ok, I think most of you have heard of Rebecca Black and her Friday video. Personally, I think for such a young teen, she did a pretty darn good job. After all her parents spent a pretty penny for that video.

But that is neither here nor there. My church, Calvary Church of Santa Ana,

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What is Easter?

On Easter Sunday, most Christians celebrate the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Did you know that this is typically the most well-attended Sunday service of the year next to Christmas. Sorry to say, but that is sad. What happens the rest of the year to those Christians that do not attend? Notice I said

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Free Easter LapBook

I know some of you have no idea what a lapbook is and others of you just absolutely love the thought of lapbooks. So lets start with what is a Lapbook fr those of you who have no idea what I am talking about.

A lapbook, simply put, is an interesting way of notebooking with

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Children’s Concert

I teach the children's choir at Calvary Church of Santa Ana, and we had our final concert of 2010 on Saturday, December 19th. My dear hubby recorded the whole thing for us. I still am not sure what went wrong with Hark the Hearld Angels Sing, but the rest of the concert was a hit! Some how

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Choir Christmas Party Fun

So last night (Sat 18th) I went to my church choir party. We played this very fun game. Now I have to say that no one wanted to really play this game when we were told what it was, but the end result was absolutely hilarious. The game was to take a traditional Christmas song

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Crazy Christmas Lights

Crazy Christmas Light Displays In Tustin By Admin, on December 17th, 2010

How many Christmas movies have you seen where one neighbor is determined to have the best light display this year and as a result they either take down the entire western electrical grid or they fall off a ladder on top of

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Twas the Month Before Christmas…

Twas the month before Christmas When all through our land, Not a Christian was praying Nor taking a stand. See the PC Police had taken away, The reason for Christmas – no one could say.

The children were told by their schools not to sing, About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.

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Redbox $1 for 3 movie rentals

OK, so I usually don't do this but I did come across this deal and I know Red Box is everywhere.  I know me and my family use it often and we definitely are always looking to save a buck.  I know for time off during Christmas, we will very likely be renting

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Santa’s Sleigh Ride in Tustin

Christmas will be here sooner than you think but even St. Nick can spare a few minutes for the awesome kids in Tustin.  Every year Santa stops by for a visit with the help of Tustin's finest, the Tustin PD. 

I especially enjoyed a few years ago when my son was able

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Advent Calendar

Last year I found the cutest on line Advent Calendar


Give While You Shop: Clicks for Homeschooling

Here’s a great way to help homeschoolers any time you shop online: purchase materials from a company that gives to the Home School Foundation. All you have to do is go to Clicks for Homeschooling and click on the link to the store of your choice. Then you shop just like normal, and the store

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Jesse Tree

 Over the years as my children have grown up I have done several things to help them understand the REAL meaning of Christmas. I have always wanted to make a Jesse Tree, but the holidays come up on me way too soon and so I end up not getting it together in time.  This year

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Advent Calendar

You know I have each year for advent missed the first couple days and never really started our advent till the first of December. As well as I never really do much more then read Bible verses. Which is fine, but my son is 8 and my daughter is 5 and it is time for the

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HSLDA: A Time for Thanksgiving


HSLDA posting:

A Time for Thanksgiving  

  Vol. 101, Prg. 1-5 November 15-19, 2010  

Whether your kids are 5 or 15, you can have fun learning more about the history of Thanksgiving with them. On this week’s Home School Heartbeat, Mike Smith shares ways to make the Pilgrim story come alive for

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Halloween Fun

I read this article from All About God about how to have a more Christian Halloween. Thought you might enjoy it too!


Are you looking for some fun Christian Halloween ideas this year? Many parents don’t like the “dark side” to the origins of Halloween, but do not want their children to totally bypass

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Halloween Origins: What Are The Different Names?

Although Halloween origins began with the Celtic druids over 2,000 years ago, the seasonal practices are observed in many countries. Halloween falls within the Fall Equinox that starts from September 23 through November 4 approximately. This time period is celebrated in all cultures and is also known as:

Alban Elfed Autumn Equinox Fall Solstice Cornucopia

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What is the History of Halloween: A Christian Perspective?

When we consider the history of Halloween (a Christian perspective), it may seem as if the modern holiday has gotten out of hand. After all, doesn’t Halloween glorify evil? Is it right to send our children out as devils and vampires? Should we emphasize the saints, whose nearly forgotten feast day is the reason for

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Happy Independance Day

Price of Freedom Video

Oh say can you see….the bombs bursting in the air….for the land of the FREE and the home of the brave!

Today we thank God for the freedom we have here…I mean really thank God! We live in a country that is like no other. For all the good and

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With July 4th coming up I wanted to really impact you all with some to think about. Our friends, our family, people we know or even you may have been involved in taking away the one freedom our country was founded on.

As we come up the this holiday, I want



Happy Scribes July Copybook

They say that if you want your children’s handwriting to be beautiful, then you have to have them practice it daily. The problem is what do you make them write. Scripture? Boring sayings by people we do not really know? One of the ways is to have them write simple information about the month of

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Peep, Peep!

It’s that time of year again. Yes it is Easter Time! the aisle at the my grocery store have all those cute little Marshmallow Peeps. And now not are they only in the shape of a chick but bunnies and flowers and they come in pink, blue, green and more.

So I decided to find

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Family Video

This is how a homeschooler spends all that extra time they have when they take time off from school for the holidays. They plan a school project in the form of a video. Well, at least it is fun learning. Here is the link just in case the video does not work. I was

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New Year Resolutions?

I have never been one for trying to make a huge list of New Year Resolutions. However, I do have lots of things I would like to accomplish during 2009 (most in regards to homeschooling and the Children’s Choir I teach at church) but I am not sure if those are really considered New Years

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the 12 Days After Christmas

well, I am back. Even though I did not leave on a vacation I turned my computer off for a few days. Now that I am back on line, I thought I would start off with something I thought was very funny and soooo very true for the after holiday blues! Enjoy.

On the day

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Finding Joy

Joy. What is joy? Is it happiness, fun, kindness, love? I think it is so many things to so many people. Now the question is when you know what joy is to you, how do you find it? Especially during the bustle and hurriedness of the Holiday season. Notice I said holiday not Christmas. When

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Get Rid of the Gimmees

This is such a great post, 9 Steps to a Meaningful Christmas for You and Your Family, by Terri Johnson at Knowledge Quest.

Christmas can be a magical time for children. Yet this holiday can also bring out whininess, disappointment and an ungrateful “gimme, gimme” attitude in our normally sweet children. How can we,

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The Gift by: Jill Cooper

I just had to post this. I get an e-news from Living on a dime and this was in one of her lastest emails…..

She stood at the window watching the snow falling gently to the ground. Thanksgiving was over and soon it would be Christmas, her favorite time of the year. But her heart

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Christmas can be a magical time for children, yet…

What a great post by Jill Johnson at Knowledge Quest.

Christmas can be a magical time for children. Yet this holiday can also bring out whininess, disappointment and an ungrateful “gimme, gimme” attitude in our normally sweet children. How can we, as caring parents, counter-act this contagious and disheartening attitude? Let’s use the word CHRISTMAS

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