July 2010

How To Stay Focused On School When I Am At Home And On The Computer?

FORUM : A reader asks…

I am being home schooled. It is an online school called Utah Virtual Academy. I am always distracted by wanted to play video games or be on the Internet. My parents don't know I am having problems focusing because they would put me back in public school which is not

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I Started An Online Home School Program, But I Feel Like I Made A Big Mistake?

FORUM  A Reader asks:

I was in four AP classes and now I'm in none on this home school thing because they don't offer any. I feel like this isn't as good as a real high school. It's fully accredited and all, but I don't know. I feel guilty. My parents already payed $1000 for

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What’s Your Personal Favorite Homeschooling Curriculum And Why?

FORUM: A reader asks

I don't really have one favorite. I loosely follow the classical approach, but I've also worked in a lot of Charlotte Mason's ideas, some unit studies, and whatever else I think will work best for each child. I have one child in Kindergarten, one in second grade, and one in 9th

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Homeschooling: All Things

Roller Coasters, Download N Go™ Series

Roller Coasters, Download N Go™ Series By Amanda Bennett is actually very easy to use and laid out agreeably for any homeschool teacher. It really could not be simpler to use! She has given you plenty of resources, like books, which she give you the ISBN numbers for those books (nice), as well as links

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Copying the Hymns: All Things Bright and Beautiful

Copywork is one of those essential parts of homeschooling. We know that it not only helps with the child’s handwriting, but also with their vocabulary, their grammar as well as spelling and much more. Copying the Hymns: All Things Bright and Beautiful by Bogart Family Resources has done a beautiful job of putting together

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Homeschooling: All Things

Little Learners’ Literature Play, Learn, Create and Move

  I love to read to my kids and love my kids to read to me. Little Learners’ Literature Play, Learn, Create and Move: A Look at Life: Lighthouses and Rescues takes a spin on a good literature book for young children. In this case she suggests a literature books to read that you

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All Work & No Play Makes For Really Cute Bedrooms

So this summer has been very busy for me so far. Besides doing summer school 2-3 days a week, going on several field trips so far, play dates at the park a couple times a week, I decided to start my yearly clean up of the kids room. That means go through EVERY SINGLE toy

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Curriculum Reviews

Let’s Learn About Sea Mammals

Now this is my kind of unit study. I like it when people write a course and put in everything you need. Another words you open the pdf and print it out and just go to town. This is what Ann Huss has done with her Let’s Learn About Sea Mammals unit study.  

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I had to repost this article I just got in my email box a couple days ago. I have several friends who are thinking of going back to work and giving up on homeschooling. So I when I saw this article I thought I had to share it with everyone. Enjoy!



Years ago,

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What Are Some Good Ideas For A Circle Time Board Theme “from Home To School?”?

FORUM: A reader asks

I am a teacher in a toddler room and our curriculum starts in a few days and i need some ideas for a circle time board with the theme of "From Home to school" Its basically showing the children the concept's of being at home vs being at school. Any ideas

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Is Homeschooling In The Balearic Islands Legal?

FORUM: A reader asks

I want to homeschool my daughter but we live in Mallorca,so i just wanted to know whether its legal,is it legal?


Secular Homeschooling For Missouri Children/low Cost Preffered?

FORUM: A reader asks

I'm trying to find a superb Secular curriculum that for my daughter's this year. I have two girls, one will be entering the fifth grade and one in the third grade this year. I am a mom who likes having a plan to go by. I can always incorporate other ideas

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Happy Independance Day

Price of Freedom Video

Oh say can you see….the bombs bursting in the air….for the land of the FREE and the home of the brave!

Today we thank God for the freedom we have here…I mean really thank God! We live in a country that is like no other. For all the good and

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With July 4th coming up I wanted to really impact you all with some to think about. Our friends, our family, people we know or even you may have been involved in taking away the one freedom our country was founded on.

As we come up the this holiday, I want