February 2010

Is It Alright To Home School While On Welfare?

Readers Forum:

If the children are failing in public school, and the parents are receiving food stamps. Is it alright for the mother to quit her minimum wage job to home school 5 kids while still receiving food stamps and medicaid. She would still get this support if she were working.  


How Do I Find The Laws For Homeschooling In Md?

Readers Forum:

I have found several web sites, and I am a little confussed. Does anyone know anything about the church umbrella option? I am not planning on homeschooling until the school year 2010. My son will then start middle school, which I don't want him in public schools at that point, and can't afford

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Have You Noticed How Home School Naysayers Only Want To Talk About Socialization?

Readers Forum:

They cannot talk about educating the children because by now everyone knows, even though they are only a small percent, that home schooled students are winning all the spelling and geography bees, and that they are getting into the best colleges and graduating with honors. They also know that public schools do such

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How To Get Funding For Homeschooling In California?

Readers Forum:

I'm considering homeschooling and I've heard that one can get some special interest classes paid for such as music lessons and some funding for materials as well. Does anyone know how and where to get those funds for homeschooling in Alameda County, California?


Making Rock Candy Crytals

I’ve priced those crystal growing kits and WOW they’re expensive. So I searched online for a homemade alternative. After getting together all of the chemicals, we were ready to go.

One. Two. Three times we tried to grow these chemical crystals and nothing happened. (and I must say that the ammonia smell stayed in

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How Do Kids Earn Credits In A Home School Program?

Readers Forum:

How do credits work in a home school program? In a home school or regular school.


How Long Does It Take To Start Homeschooling?

Readers Forum:

So I'm going to start being homeschooled. I knew I wouldn't be able to start right away, but my assistant principal told me that with the entire process I probably wouldn't be able to start until the fall. Does it really take this long? What is the process you have to go through

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Where Can I Find A High School Level Home School Tutor?

Readers Forum:

I want to be homed schooled, I am a junior. My mother has sent me on a quest to find tutors who will home school me for about 4 or so hours a day. Are there any websites or services I can use to find certified teachers/tutors? Thanks!


How Many Homeschooling Events Do You Do In A Typical Month?

Readers Forum:

Our once a month activities with our homeschooling groups, Lit Club, Homeschool Recess, Themed Party, Preschool Play time, Family Fun Night, Bowling, and one major field trip to a science center or other museum. Our only thing that we do on a weekly basis, with a group, are library day, Gym, and Swim.

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