March 2025

The History of APRONS

The History of  'APRONS'   I don't think our kids Know what an apron is. The principal use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath, because she only had a few, it was easier to wash aprons than dresses and they used less material, but along with that, it served as a potholder for removing Hot

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Laugh For the Day

We all need to laugh once in a while. Got 1 minute? I got a great little laugh for you. Do you all remember Abbot and Costello? They were so greatin thier day! This is a really cute video that is pure and clean. Now I have never heard of the car they refer to,

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Portfolios Tell Your Child’s School History

I read this article on portfolios by Homeschool inc. and I thought I would post what they said and add a few of my ideas to it.

Need a creative way to describe your student's year? Try creating a portfolio! Some of you will need to create a portfolio because you're required to; others will just want

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Personal Life

A Song of Love to God: Sung by Yours Truly

I have had so many of my friends that do not go to my church ask me to sing for them. Just this morning one of my friends told me she wanted to hear me sing and that I have not broken into song as of yet for our park day group. Well, like a

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Ahh, it is that time of year once more. VBS time. My kids have already been to one VBS this year at another church. VBS is not about getting rid of the kids for a half of a day, but about reaching out to your kids un-churched friends and the un-churched community around us. VBS

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Where Was God?

She jumped up as soon as she saw the surgeon come out of the operating room. She said: ‘How is my little boy? Is he going to be all right? When can I

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Local Mom Review

Oak Canyon Nature Center

I had the opportunity to go on a hike with my home school group this past week. We decided to try a different park and so we decided on Oak Canyon Nature Center. It is locate at 6700 Walnut Canyon Road in Anaheim. Now this is a 58-acre natural park nestled in Anaheim Hills. There

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Local Mom Review

Hair Cut and a Shave

You know I use to color my hair and have highlights put in. Yea, that was well over $125 every 6 weeks. Yes, you guessed it, I am back to my natural color. I was always jealous that my husband could go and get a hair cut for $20.00.. Well, now I am even more

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Do Not Be Ashamed

I find it interesting that a high school principal can see the problem, but not our society.

This is a statement that was read over the PA system at the football game at Roane County High School, Kingston, Tennessee, by school Principal, Jody McLeod”It has always been the custom at Roane County High School football

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Local Mom Review

Ikea, The Lunch Spot?

You know as a mom who is on the go a lot, I am always looking for a place where I can have a good lunch that is somewhat affordable and that is better for the kids then a hamburger and french fries. One of my favorite places is Ikea.

OK so now you say…What?

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Sheltering our Children

You know, now a days when we hear people say that they shelter their children it is not intended to be a compliment. Why is that? Why is sheltering such a bad thing to do? So I was asking myself what exactly does it mean to shelter my kids? Do I shelter my kids? Is

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Mothers Day

It comes around one time a year. The day I can do absolutely nothing and have my family do it all for me. The day I do not have to be active in the taking care of the family and the house and have the family be actively taking care of the house and me.

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Peep, Peep!

It’s that time of year again. Yes it is Easter Time! the aisle at the my grocery store have all those cute little Marshmallow Peeps. And now not are they only in the shape of a chick but bunnies and flowers and they come in pink, blue, green and more.

So I decided to find

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A Homeschool Moms Psalm

A friend of mine sent this to me. I am not sure if she came up with this or if she got it from somewhere else, but I thought it was a great and I wanted to post here in my blog. The bible verses were taken from Psalm 4.

“Answer me when I call

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Inspirational Prayers

I do not know who this picture is of but I do know this is circulating through emails like mad. So i just had to post it here. I thought this was just one of the cutest pictures I have seen in a long time. Hope it gives you a little inspiration and a smile.Continue reading Inspirational Prayers

Personal Life

The Old Age version of "’My Favourite Things"

Sung to the song ‘My Favourite Things’ from the Sound of Music. Have a laugh on me!

Botox and nose drops and needles for knitting,Walkers and handrails and new dental fittings,Bundles of magazines tied up in string,These are a few of my favourite things.

Cadillacs and cataracts, hearing aids and glasses,Polident and Fixodent and false

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Personal Life

Thoughts on Inauguration Day & President

Everyone who knows my family and me knows we were very opposed to Obama. Not because of his skin color, but because of his policies on several issues like abortion, homeschooling etc. Things that were close and dear to my heart and to families around the USA.

One of the things that really bothered me

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Family Video

This is how a homeschooler spends all that extra time they have when they take time off from school for the holidays. They plan a school project in the form of a video. Well, at least it is fun learning. Here is the link just in case the video does not work. I was

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Bible Study

OK, today I finally can answer the question of how we got along with beasts and why they never ate us. How we were able to walk hand and paw with dinosaurs, tiger, bears and never die because of their carnivorous temperament. If you are curious, go to and read my thoughts on

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Personal Life


Ding Dong the chocolates gone, the chocolates gone, the chocolates gone. Ding Dong the chocolates gone for good!

Oh my gosh. All the chocolate we got for Christmas and petite-fores (spell?). They were all so very yummy, but oh my goodness I could not control the glutton in me! I was having dreams of being

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The Bible in One Year…Join Me

The start of a new year. Can you believe it is 2009. Well, my 1 and only resolution for 2009 was to start that Bible study I wrote about a few days ago. Which then gave me the idea to make a new blog for my study notes. So for any of you who would

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Personal Life

Christmas Family Portrait

Every year we get a picture with Santa or a professional picture of our family. This year we just were not able to do that. So instead we took a family portrait here at home. I also figured it was time to change the picture on my blog. Raquel is a little under 2 there

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New Year Resolutions?

I have never been one for trying to make a huge list of New Year Resolutions. However, I do have lots of things I would like to accomplish during 2009 (most in regards to homeschooling and the Children’s Choir I teach at church) but I am not sure if those are really considered New Years

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My Christmas Wish to You

Well, the time has finally come. It is Christmas Eve and all the work and shopping and wrapping and baking we have done is all about to be demolished. Sometimes I look back at Christmas and ask myself was it all worth it. The answer…Yes! For me, the month of December is all about learning

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Finding Joy

Joy. What is joy? Is it happiness, fun, kindness, love? I think it is so many things to so many people. Now the question is when you know what joy is to you, how do you find it? Especially during the bustle and hurriedness of the Holiday season. Notice I said holiday not Christmas. When

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Homeschooling: All Things

ABC & 123 Lapbook

We made the cutest tacktile ABC and 123 Lapbook. You just have to check out the pictures. Click here to see it.

Personal Life

Raquel The Cheerleading Captain

This has got to be the cutest thing. On 4th of July my family and I went to Tustin High School to watch the firework show as well as the entertainment. My daughter brought with her a set of pom poms to cheer on the fireworks. When the cheerleader saw her dancing around with them

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Hot Topic for Discussion

Now I think most people would agree that when a certain gene in an animal is not used over an extremely long period of time that the gene goes dormant. Would you say that in the animal kingdom most male animals find a female animal to procreate so that their species can live on and

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Homeschooling: All Things

I Made My Own Theme Study

I am so proud of myself. After weeks of searching site after site I never found a theme study on clocks. No not one on time, but one on clocks. I ended up spending 4 days researching different sites on the subject. I found a couple great sites that gave me most of the information

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One 2 Believe In, Nativity Set

I was so excited the other day to get a big box on my front door and in this box was a beautiful nativity set just right for children to play and learn with. My kids tore through the box and started playing with it right away. I was going to put it back in

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Homeschooling: All Things


Real Mothers don’t eat quiche; they don’t have time to make it. Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils are probably in the sandbox. Real Mothers often have sticky floors, filthy ovens and happy kids. Real Mothers know that dried play dough doesn’t come out of carpets. Real Mothers don’t want to know what the

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Personal Life

The Old School House Focus Group

Yea, I was excepted to the focus group. I am so excited. I can not wait to start giving my opinion on homeschooling products. I can make a difference in the homeschool community! YEA!

I am so looking forward to reading and looking and trying all the great new products that are going to coming

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Personal Life

I can’t Attitude

You know what bothers me the most about homeschooling? The I can’t Attitude my son has sometimes. I think if he were in public school he would be in so much trouble all the time, teased, in the principles office etc. I can ask him what 2 + 2 is and he’ll answer without any

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Personal Life

School starting

Well, its that time of year again. School is starting for us on the 15th. I have to admit this year I am a little scared. Sounds funny coming from me. Well, even though Vincent is in 2nd grade because of his age this is the first year I have to register with the state

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Personal Life

Shes OK

Yea,! She is ok. She is back to normal now. Thank God. looks like it might have been a reaction to her estrogen! Now after reading the warnings on the package it said it can cause stroke, loss of speech, weakness on one side etc. All signs of a stroke and all the signs she

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Personal Life

Where have I been

Well, this past couple of weeks has been so busy for me. But last night was the topper. Got a real scare. My Mother-in-laws boss called us and told us that Maggie was in the hospital. That she could not talk and was un-able to stand. We went right off to Upland. 1 1/2 hour

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Books, Digital or not Digital

This new day and age we are all so darn busy with our lives, we don’t even have time to sit down to a magazine and read it cover to cover. We have gone digital. Even my homeschool magazines have done this.

Now let me say that sentence sounds as if I am complaining. Well

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Letting the kids help with housework

You know creating a balance throughout the day in chores, homeschooling, mommy duties, cooking, cleaning, wife duties, taking care of Mom can be challenging. I do a pretty good job of it, but I still struggle with my never ending to do list I have going on not only in my head, but also on

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Homeschooling: All Things

I Won tickets to the HOTM Convention

I have told so many of my home school friends about the Heart of the Matter Home school Convention going on at the end of this month. Well they were holding a contest last week for 5 ladies to win free tickets. Guess what???? I won. I am so excited. The line up of speakers

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What has not worked for me

You know homeschooling is a huge responsibility! I think allot of people out there think us homeschoolers are crazy for doing what we do. That we will ruin our children and make them social outcasts in our community, !!!LOL!!!. I really wish those who say these type of things would do thier research.

One of

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Personal Life

Swimming day

My son seems to amaze me every day. Today we went to a friends house and Vincent and Raquel went swimming. Now my son finally has gotten up the guts to swim in the deep end. YEA!!! I knew it would happen sooner or later. Today he actually dived into the deep end and I

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Satan Get Out of my Heart, Head and House

I have figured out that something is very wrong with me lately. I am not exactly sure what it is, but it is getting to me. Everything is bugging me. I am moodier then usual and grumpy most of the time. Sad most of the day and just down right DOWN. ball I want to

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Homeschooling: All Things

More details about me

I finally did it. I got a blog. You see I have actually had this blog for about 6 months, but forgot about it. Can you imagine. I have been reading and posting information on other peoples blogs and completely forgot about my own. So here it is and I am going to start from

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Creative Card Idea

Well, got to tell you…the idea of being able to purchase all the same color of buttons is fantastic. Just look at my new card idea. I used some of the Christmas flocked paper as well as Bazil card stock and lots and lots of glitter. It will be hanging up at the

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