By KristinN, on October 29th, 2011 Hey, I just received an email form Lighthouse Publications because I have purchased things from them in the past. Anyway, they are doing a big sale and a givaway and I thought I would let everyone know about it. They have some great readers, unit studies as well as copywork books etc. Here is the email
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By KristinN, on October 28th, 2011 OMGosh, we forgot to play Jeopardy this week. Our week started out pretty slow. This week with HOD I felt was a little slower and not quite as much to do as normal, but let me make darn sure you realize that this is NOT a complaint. It was actually nice, since towards the end
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By KristinN, on October 21st, 2011 We have a very unusual schedule. We typically do school for 5 weeks and then take a week off of course during the holiday season it gets a bit tricky. Well, for those of you who follow my blog closely, you probably noticed that I did not have a week 6 update last week. Yup,
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By KristinN, on October 19th, 2011 Our nation was founded on Biblical principles, but we have lost sight of this in today�s culture. That is why we are calling all Christians to join together on November 12, 2011 to host the One Nation Under God Event in homes and churches across America.
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By KristinN, on October 14th, 2011 Most of you are probably saying where is NutBugs Heart of Dakota Weekly Update this week. Well, Our schedule is that we school for 5 weeks on and then we take a week off. This allows us MANY breaks through out the year, especially since we school (for the most part) year round. So instead
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By KristinN, on October 8th, 2011 Ok, I realized I need to purchase a thesaurus for the phrase" We had a great week" I keep saying that each week and I am sure my readers are getting tired of that same line. Anyway, I have realized that the Early American History that I learned as a child was very watered down as
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By KristinN, on October 6th, 2011 I am not sure if all of you have seen this from HSLDA or not, so I thought I would re-post it here. This is from the President HSLDA, Michael Smith.
Great News In California!
AB 717 is a huge step toward restoring constitutional principles.
From: Family Protection Ministries and
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By KristinN, on October 4th, 2011 It's time once again to file the Private School Affidavit (PSA) online between October 1-15 for us California Homeschoolers. The private school affidavit is now available online for filing at the CHEA web site.
I want to mention here that there are two new questions (41 & 42) on the form which ask questions in regards
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By KristinN, on October 3rd, 2011 Most of you who know me personally know that my husband has been in the real estate industry for over 20 years and has been our sole source of income. However, as we all know the real estate market busted a few years back
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By KristinN, on October 2nd, 2011 Ok, so how many of you like to go see a musical or a play or some sort of concert, raise your hand. Yea, me too. But how many of you do not go at all or as often as you like because of the price? My hand is up too!
I was told about
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By KristinN, on October 1st, 2011 I know a lot of my readers have struggling children with Dyslexia. I have a friend who just found out why she has been struggling with her child in homeschooling him. She is currently struggling in this area too with her son. As most of you know I am fond of most of Rod
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