August 2010

What Do I Do When I Want To Stay Home From School Due To An Illness?

FORUM: A reader asks

I'm really sick and I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I'm in High School. I have never taken a sick day since elementary school. What do I do? I'm in the Hacienda La Pluente Unified School District. Do I just stay home? Do I have to call the school?

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How Do I Start A Home School Group In My Area?

FORUM: A reader asks

I live in a rural community total population is around 23,000. I know there are other home schoolers out there, I just want to start a local support group for our county. Any suggestions or advice would be wonderful. Thank You in advance!

Homeschooling: All Things

HomeSchool Campus of OC

Have you ever wanted to teach your child a specific thing but you are just not grasping the concept yourself? What about PE. Yea, you go to the park, but you want to have your child do more? Or maybe you just want to be involved with a group of homeschoolers in a Continue reading HomeSchool Campus of OC

Homeschooling: All Things

Project Play

Did you know? Since 1980, the childhood obesity rate has more than doubled for children ages 2 – 5 and more than tripled for children ages 6 – 11. Between 1981 and 1997, free playtime among 6 to 8 year olds dropped 25% and homework more than doubled. Since 2005, the amount of time children

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Question About North Carolina High School Homeschooling?

FORUM: A reader asks

I would like to start home schooling in the fall; I'll be starting my junior year. My main question is: Will I have required courses? One of the reasons I would like to try homeschool is to get the benefit of choosing my own classes. I'm aware that I'll have to

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Homeschooling: All Things


It is important to keep accurate records of what you are doing. Your records will help keep you organized and aware of your children’s progress.  They will also be verification of your validity as a private homeschool should you ever be questioned. You want to be taken seriously not only for your own sake but

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Homeschooling: All Things

States Adopting National Standards

I just received this article by Susan K. Stewart from one of the organizations here in California called CHEA. I thought it worthy enough to re-post for you all who are not members of  CHEA to read. Enjoy!     Last fall the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) together with the National

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Do You Enjoy Homeschooling Your Children?

FORUM: A reader asks

I am considering homeschooling. I have a 4 yr old and a 2 yr old. Are you happy with your dicision to homeschool? Are you very stressed? Is it expensive? What is your advice? Thank you

Homeschooling: All Things

Homeschool Day at Pump it Up


Homeschool Fun Day  Pump It Up

Pump It Up It's Like One Big, Amazing Playdate   Pop-In Playtime for Homeschoolers! It's a special open jump time when homeschooler can take a break from their studies and slide, bounce and play in the inflatables, while parents relax and unwind.  At this homeschool fun day,

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Are There Any Tax Breaks For Homeschooling?

FORUM: A reader asks

Is there any tax breaks, like deductions for classes or curric. that you can claim on your federal taxes if you home school your children?

Homeschooling: All Things

Teacher Appreciation

 Teacher Appreciation

Hi everyone,

Every year both Office Depot and Staples host a Teacher Appreciation Day. There are special deals, a goodie bag and a teacher appreciation breakfast for all teachers who show their teacher ID card. (Your HSLDA card or your teacher ID card is your teacher ID.) Sometimes these 2 companies even

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California Native Americans Unit Study

Most of my regular readers on my blog know me well enough to know I am not much into a traditional unit study unless I do not have to do much research. I received this small but mighty 16-page unit study of the California Native Indians as an e-book by HLN called Continue reading California Native Americans Unit Study


VBS 2010 at Calvary Church

Every year I participate in VBS at my church. And every year I LOVE IT! It is the best week out of the year. This year was no different. Well…maybe. I think after singing for VBS for 8 years now I have seen the best stage set up we have ever had. Our staff built

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