March 2025

School Week of 4-28 through 5-2-14

First let me start off by saying May will be EXTREMELY busy for me. I have something going every weekend. I won’t even have time to stop and celebrate my birthday on the 9th. I have concerts that i am singing in and concerts that my children’s choirs I teach are singing in. Whew, I

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FREE Curriculm and FREE Resources

  I want to make very sure that it is well known that not all of these sites I have posted are Christian, so please visit them first to make sure you approve of them before you send your children there. I have not seen anything myself that was completely wrong or offensive or even

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Homeschooler Buyers Co-op

So I realized there are many homeschoolers who have not heard of Homeschool Buyers Co-op. Just in my small Park Day group only a couple of us have ever heard of this web site. So I figured I have thousands of readers and there has to be many of you who have not heard of it

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All About Spelling

I did it! I found the best spelling program ever! The program name is All About Spelling. The program is so versatile. It can start at preschool aged children (my daughter) all the way to High School level (Level 6) because they are not specified to grade levels but they are arranged by concepts

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Free Online Class

You all know CurrClick is one of my favorite e-book/e-curriculum sites I go to. They are always giving something away for free and they have a wonderful selection of curriculum you can choose from. All you have to do is download it and you have it right away to either print or read off the

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Spark Their Reading Interest

If getting your child to read is like pulling teeth, try one of these reading games to spark their interest!

Take a Hike – List all of the letters of the alphabet on a writing pad. Then, start walking! As you walk, have your children look for things that begin with that letter. Write

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Pockets Full of Time: Have You Seen My Cat

Little Pockets of Time, “Have You Seen My Cat?” by Fortunately for You is a great way for children to remember what they have read! I think this would be great with the lower elementary grades, say kindergarten through maybe third grade and maybe even preschool. I started it with my daughter who

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So let me tell you about SpellQuizzer. This is a computer-based program where you enter the child’s spelling list and make audio recordings of the words. Then it quizzes the child, playing each word back to him one at a time, checking his spelling as he types in the words. Or you can type

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Curriculum Reviews

Heads Up! Reading Strips

I received some reading strips for review From Heads Up!. These are for the student who has a little trouble keeping his place while reading. They place the strip over the text as they read which in turn would help them to focus in on their place and to follow through to the next

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Curriculum Reviews

Write Shop

I had a chance to look over a product by Writeshop. WriteShop is designed to teach composition skills in a step-by-step manner. Through a series of engaging lessons, students learn the four most common kinds of writing—descriptive, informative, narrative, and persuasive (essays)—by means of the following basic building blocks: Brainstorming, Editing, Writing and

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All About Homophones

Wow Mary Rippel did it again! Here is another great program from All About Spelling. It’s All About Homophones. Teaching homophones can be really hard! Just in case you forgot, these are words that sound the same, but they aren’t spelled the same, and they, to top it off, don’t mean the same.

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Well, this review was a little tough for me. Why you ask? Because I already have a preset idea about computer based schools. I am not extremely happy with a child spending their school day on the computer. I also prefer to be a little more hands on with assigning my children’s schoolwork and choice

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Curriculum Reviews

All About Spelling

I did it! I found the best spelling program ever! The program name is All About Spelling. The program is so versatile. It can start at preschool aged children (my daughter) all the way to High School level (Level 6) because they are not specified to grade levels but they are arranged by concepts

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Curriculum Reviews

Rime to Read Review

What is a Rimes you ask? They are words that sound and look alike. Such as Hat, Cat, Mat, Sat etc. So what is a Rhyme? Rhymes are words that sound alike but usually do not look alike.

Lynn Klaiman and Dr. Sara Hines, PhD, at Rime to Read developed an interactive, educational,

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File Folder Games

Oh boy oh boy! I just found a great site. File Folder Games I love file folder games and I have spent many a day and night trying to find some free ones on the Internet. Now this site pops up. I guess I am not the only one out there wanting this too.

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Help Me 2 Teach Review

I had a chance to review a site for teachers and homeschoolers. This site has over 2,000 links to educational sites for parents, students and teachers. The person who put this site together was a teacher for 40 years. And Help me 2 Teach was created to enable us to use these links for a

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