February 2025
Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year: Week 20

This week was a short week for us., We took off Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday due to my son's 11th birthday and my husbands birthday. We had a great time on Monday. We went to Chuck E Cheese during the day. I remember when my son was very young we would do that and it was wonderful. We would have the whole place to ourselves and Monday was no different. Since we homeschool and the majority of our friends homeschool we decided to invite a few of them to come and join us. It was so much fun!!!! They got to play, have pizza (salad for me) and a few presents for my son. It was a great day. And to top it off that night I was able to figure out how to make him his favorite meal but vegetarian. He LOVES shepherd pie which is made with hamburger. But TVP came to the rescue and everyone LOVED it! Yea!

So as far as this week goes we only got a tiny bit of stuff done for history and science. We are learning about Alexander the Great this week for history and how he was able to take over so much of the area of India, Egypt etc. You can see by the maps they did that the red is the area that he ruled. And as you can see by the blue why he chose those area. Water! We had a fun little project which was to make a horse puppet. i ended up making the stick a little longer and now my daughter's American Girl Doll has a hobby horse.

Now science was not extremely fun or even take up any time. The only thing we did was to put some blue dye into a cup of water and place a carrot in to (taproot). The idea was to figure out what we think will happen to the carrot. So in a day or two or maybe three we should cut open the carrot and see blue running through the middle and maybe even a few roots starting to sprout. Hmmm, maybe we will try to plant it. LOL!

Next week it will be back to normal for school. But we will also be bringing some science out to our backyard. I have cleared a 4X6 patch of yard to plant a small vegetable garden. I am so excited to start this. The first thing we have to do is till the area, which probably has not been turned over for 30 years or so. Mix in some good dirt and peat moss and then buy some great vegetable plants and away we go.

But before that we are going to try to plant some seeds in a mason jar so we can see the root actually growing. Tomorrow we are going to get some dirt. Should be fun!

Well, I know short post. Next week I will have lots more to say! Have a great week and catch you on the flip side of next week!


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