February 2010

How Does College Application Work With Homeschooling?

Readers Forum:

I'm interested in leaving public high school, because I have no doubt that I can teach myself more than a congested classroom could. In homeschooling, how do you take AP (Advanced Placement) courses? How does the college application process work? Please thoroughly explain the entire process.


How Do I Find Information On Home Schooling For A High School Student That Isn’t Gonna Break The Bank?

Readers Forum:

My sister-in-law is having trouble with her 16 yr. old daughter and the school she is attending. She wants to finish her schooling from home but does not have alot of money to spend on curriculm and supplies. She is a single mom and just wants to help her daughter to finish school

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Is A High School Diploma From A Home Schooling Program The Same As One From An Actual High School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I had to drop out of high school due to exenuating circumstances and picked up where I left off through home schooling so I could graduate. I'm just wondering if the diploma I get from the home schooling will be worth the same, academically speaking, as if I had

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How Do You Obtain Credit For Home Schooling When Returning To High School?

Reader Forum:

I am homeschooling my 16 year old son this year to catch him up because he's very behind. He intends to go back to high school next year. What do I need to do to make sure he gets credit for the classes he takes while at home?


How Do I Begin To Prepare My Children For Homeschooling Now?

Reader Forum:

I have a 2 1/2 yr. old and a 9-month old and I'm strongly considering homeschooling in a christian setting. I would like to know the process to homeschooling, the effectiveness of it and any other information that would be helpful.


How Can I Drop Out Of High School And Get On Home School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

In school there is this school psychologist that is really strict & hard on kids being absent & dropping out of high school. I want to get on an home schooling program because i have severe medical problems and i can't attend school a lot. How can i get

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Do People Know The Difference Between Homeschooling And Unschooling?

Readers Forum:

I was home schooled and believe me I did not get away with not studying. My mom would make me do all of my work, and if I didn't do it, I would have double to do the next day. Either that or I could work all night. What are our views on

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