February 2010

Home School???

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

My son has been diagnosed with a terrible illness. His illness has caused him to miss many days of school last year. He is on a 504 so it was fine for him to miss school. His doctors recommend that he be home schooled this year instead of returning

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What Is A Good Homeschooling Programs Online And Books?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

For a 7 year old. Who is currently in public school but reads and does math at a 2nd-3rd grade level. I see lots of different programs I feel overwhelmed. Is there a site that gives me the refresher courses I need because I never went to college I

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What Is The Best Homeschooling Cirriculum For A First Grader?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I am new to homeschooling my son, and I am involved with some local homeschooling groups. But, I am having some troubles with ideas on how to keep a schedule for my son and what to do with him during the day sometimes. Do you think it is better

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From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I'm thinking about starting up homeschooling again but I have no idea how to start up again. If anyone could tell me good websites where I can find good homeschooling products or curriculums that would be great because right now i'm not really sure what to do. I'm in

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Genetics and Ability

I read this articel and I had to re-post it here to share with all of you. Most of us at one time or another have thought that we can not homeschool through Higschool. Or maybe our family and friends feel this. But if we remember that we are not teaching

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