December 2008
Personal Life

Christmas Family Portrait

Every year we get a picture with Santa or a professional picture of our family. This year we just were not able to do that. So instead we took a family portrait here at home. I also figured it was time to change the picture on my blog. Raquel is a little under 2 there

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New Year Resolutions?

I have never been one for trying to make a huge list of New Year Resolutions. However, I do have lots of things I would like to accomplish during 2009 (most in regards to homeschooling and the Children’s Choir I teach at church) but I am not sure if those are really considered New Years

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I was really excited to review Kinderbach since I am a singer and teach the children’s choir at my church. First let me say that this program is geared towards the very young child who does not have any type of music training. My son, 6, did like the program, however he was quit

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Math Mammoth

Maria Miller is the author of the Math Mammoth, which is a series of math workbooks that are available in e-book format. Now first let me say that I am in no way a math genius nor do I know how to teach math well without some help from a good core curriculum. With

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the 12 Days After Christmas

well, I am back. Even though I did not leave on a vacation I turned my computer off for a few days. Now that I am back on line, I thought I would start off with something I thought was very funny and soooo very true for the after holiday blues! Enjoy.

On the day

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My Christmas Wish to You

Well, the time has finally come. It is Christmas Eve and all the work and shopping and wrapping and baking we have done is all about to be demolished. Sometimes I look back at Christmas and ask myself was it all worth it. The answer…Yes! For me, the month of December is all about learning

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Finding Joy

Joy. What is joy? Is it happiness, fun, kindness, love? I think it is so many things to so many people. Now the question is when you know what joy is to you, how do you find it? Especially during the bustle and hurriedness of the Holiday season. Notice I said holiday not Christmas. When

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Homeschooling: All Things

ABC & 123 Lapbook

We made the cutest tacktile ABC and 123 Lapbook. You just have to check out the pictures. Click here to see it.

Personal Life

Raquel The Cheerleading Captain

This has got to be the cutest thing. On 4th of July my family and I went to Tustin High School to watch the firework show as well as the entertainment. My daughter brought with her a set of pom poms to cheer on the fireworks. When the cheerleader saw her dancing around with them

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Get Rid of the Gimmees

This is such a great post, 9 Steps to a Meaningful Christmas for You and Your Family, by Terri Johnson at Knowledge Quest.

Christmas can be a magical time for children. Yet this holiday can also bring out whininess, disappointment and an ungrateful “gimme, gimme” attitude in our normally sweet children. How can we,

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Lets Make A Web Page eBook

Phyllis Wheeler is the author of Let’s Make a Web Page! eBook which she wrote to help 8-12 year old children learn to create a web page of their own. Phyllis really knows how to portray the building of a web page in a very easy plan to follow. Younger children will need a

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I think most parents realize how important play is in the development of our children. There is also research out there that says that play can also aid in learning. Jeffrey Peyton, the creator of Puppetools, feels this is very critical in helping educators and us parents in this area and he has a

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The Gift by: Jill Cooper

I just had to post this. I get an e-news from Living on a dime and this was in one of her lastest emails…..

She stood at the window watching the snow falling gently to the ground. Thanksgiving was over and soon it would be Christmas, her favorite time of the year. But her heart

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Christmas can be a magical time for children, yet…

What a great post by Jill Johnson at Knowledge Quest.

Christmas can be a magical time for children. Yet this holiday can also bring out whininess, disappointment and an ungrateful “gimme, gimme” attitude in our normally sweet children. How can we, as caring parents, counter-act this contagious and disheartening attitude? Let’s use the word CHRISTMAS

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Raising our Leaders

If you read my blog, then you have kids. If you have kids then I know you want to raise your kids to the best they can be. I know my goal is to raise up our next generation of leaders to make our world better then what it is now. If that is one

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Old Schoolhouse December Module

Oh what joy!!! I just received the December module from the Old School House and the subject is “Lets be Scientists”. How fun.

My son loves science and I need all the help I can get to come up with fun things to do. This semester we are working on the human body

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Homeschooling: All Things

Alphabet Alley

You have to check out these absolutely cute and perfect for Christmas games I got to review. Now, first I have to be honest about one thing. When I got these to review, I thought that this was going to be about the same quality as I can get in the $.99 store. Boy was

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Core Learning Art Studio

Core Learning publishes teaching software for math, language arts, health, and art, all for elementary to the Jr. High school grades.

Crayola Art Studio is the simplest and most complete computer based art program I have ever seen for children. Most of the drawing functions and their tools are in an easy to

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Well, this review was a little tough for me. Why you ask? Because I already have a preset idea about computer based schools. I am not extremely happy with a child spending their school day on the computer. I also prefer to be a little more hands on with assigning my children’s schoolwork and choice

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