Well, this week we added in to our schedule, English. I decided to hold back on teaching formal English to my kids (Charlotte Mason style) until they were a bit older and the concepts could stick better. It has worked very well for my son and is working for my daughter too. My daughter is learning about writing the Proper Nouns etc. For my son we are just doing some review from last year on diagramming, using commas and further information on Pronouns such as This, That, These and Those. I enjoy English, it is very simple and for the most part make sense. Spelling, which we will be adding in next week is a whole ‘nother story!
As you can see by the wonderful picture, we made Celtic Battle Axes this week for History. I love these projects. They are so much fun. I tried to convince my kids to let me face paint their faces blue and have a little battle, but they would not go for it. We are not the re-enactment type of people. Don’t get me wrong, I wish we were, but we are not. The kids don’t like it when I push the idea, so I do what I can that makes all three of us happy, like you see in the pictures.
I found this really cute book at Target, of all places. It is a reading book with the Disney Princess stories and a fill in questions for reading comprehension. Now usually I do not use these type of books because I do more of a retell like Charlotte Mason teaches. But when my daughter saw it, she begged me to get it. You know what she is actually having fun with it.
It is not too many pages. I think it will do for reading for maybe about 2 or 3 weeks, but she will have fun with it and be practicing her reading. Besides, I am making her retell me the story anyway before we fill in the blanks.
This week we are also watching a friends birds. They are 3 quail. One male and two females. We got an egg this morning. How cute is that? We did not eat it yet. I figure we will wait until we have a few and then cook them up for breakfast. I figure our duck eggs are real rich, and then there is chicken eggs which are just, well, normal. These will probably taste a little more pungent. I’ll let you know as soon as we eat some how they taste.
Have a great week and we’ll talk to you next week!
- Daughter’s Beowulf coloring page
- Son’s Beowulf coloring page
- My daughter’s Map of how the Barbarians came over to Britain
- My son’s Map of how the Barbarians came over to Britain. Just trying to learn where everything is in the upper part of Europe.
- Cutting out her ax head our of card stock.
- Foil works so great for a metal look.
- Gluing the foil onto her ax head
- Dot, dot, not a lot!
- Doot doot da doo! Hmmm, the ax handle makes a good horn too!
- Look ma, the ax head is done!
- Looks pretty good son. Lets go try to use them!
- Ta Dah! I even have metal finger to fight with. LOL
- My son’s drawing on his handle
- My daughter drawing her medalion
- OK, the cute pose!
- Ready set, fight!
- Looks like she is winning….
- OK, looks like they are both getting blows to the head…
- Nope, he wins. A chop to the neck! Hmm, or maybe she wins. A chop to the middle. OK, they both win!
- Here are a couple of the quail we are watching and yes that white dot is the egg she laid for us this morning. It is about 1/3 the size of a chicken egg and 1/4 that of a duck egg.
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