March 2025
Lesson Planning

The School House Planner

I love this planner from The Old School House. It is such a wonderful combination of information, forms, recipes etc. I highly recommend this planner for homeschoolers. With the wealth of information that is available right at hand, this is a wonderful resource.

Now first let me say that I do most of my homeschooling record keeping on my computer with Homeschool tracker, which I love, however, I am also a paper person still. I need to schedule my year on paper before I put it into my computer. I have seen so many planners and there are two that I love the best. The School House Planner by The Old School House is the one I want to comment on today. There are so many pages in here that are the fantastic. I love the idea that first off we can type in our information and then print it out for a neat and tidy household/homeschool planner. Now for someone like me who will re-write a page several times just to make it clean, this is a big plus.

The idea pages that each of the authors have written are great. Such helpful information is nice to always look back to. There are the birthdays to remember, kitchen conversion sheet, recipes that are very yummy. I have made 2 so far and so much more. Now let me say I get so many emails and info on websites and never know what to do with them. This gives me a pace to add that info to as well as getting suggestions from The Old School House.

Then we have the School Helps pages. My goodness this is a fantastic idea. So many times we are looking for these types of pages or we spend money on them from school supply stores. Some of those pages are periodic table, helpful ideas on math, making timelines, composer, capitals and presidents and more.

Don’t forget about all those planning pages for budgeting your house, keeping track of chores, schedules etc. as well as the homeschool pages. My favorite is the field trip pages. Well, since I am the field trip coordinator for my homeschool group this was a great resource for me. But there are the high school tracking pages, unit study, nature journal and crafts completed and several other helpful pages.

The only thing that I would suggest to make this a bit better would be instead of having recipes and ideas all over the place…make them into their own separate chapters so they are easier to find. I would lie out the table of contents as so…

Time lines
Periodic table
7 wonders
USA Documents
Schoolhouse monthly resource lists
Homeschooling Forms Instructions
Teaching/homeschooling tips by certain writers/publishers
Fun in Unit Studies
Tip for Teaching Writing
7 reasons to learn language
Household Forms Instructions
Household/Child Raising ideas
A Day without communication
Lessons Learned Around the Table
Conversions sheets

Overall, I would again recommend this planner to any homeschool. Well, heck even a non-homeschooler would get some great information from this as well as the household planner pages. Seems to me that the people at Old School House put in a ton of work to put this planner together. Great work. Check it out on The Old Schoolhouse web site.

Score: 9 out of 10

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