February 2025
Homeschooling: All Things

Week of 9-9-13 School


What a wonderful week this week has been. Now as you may have guessed since there was not a post last week we decided to take the entire week off from school, sleep in and just relax. Why? Well, this week was a big bang into the school year. Not only did we start

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Homeschooling: All Things

2012-2013 School Year: Week #12

Can you believe it has been 12 weeks of school already? We are almost at 100 days of school. Just 40 more days left. I guess I better start figuring out what we are going to do for school that day. Anyway, this week was a good week. Getting back from a week off of

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota: Bigger Week 25

OK, I know you all are asking why I got this post out so late!  I just got real lazy this weekend and did not feel like typing or anything. Truth is, as most of my longtime readers know, I have migraines and this week was just a real bad week for them. I had

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HOD Week in Review

Heart of Dakota:Bigger Week 19

OK, OK, here are those famous words once again. We had a great week. Actually it was short. I actually combined Friday's material to Thursday so I could have Friday off. You see my son's is turning 10 tomorrow (2-25) and I wanted to have Friday to get everything ready for his little party at

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How Do I Get The Book To Home School For A 6th Grader.?

Readers Forum:

I live in a Albuquerque N.M. I have to home school my child becouse he was beatup at school. How he is a afraid to go to that school. His grades are D and F becuse he did not thinking about his school work. So I diecided to home school.


How Many Hours Do You Home School Your 1st Or 2nd Grader?

Readers Forum:

He is 7 and currently in a public school he is reading on a 3rd grade level and he loves math addition subtraction and multiplication! I want to home school but need more info on other parents day. Is it scheduled?


What Is The Best Homeschooling Cirriculum For A First Grader?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I am new to homeschooling my son, and I am involved with some local homeschooling groups. But, I am having some troubles with ideas on how to keep a schedule for my son and what to do with him during the day sometimes. Do you think it is better

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