January 2025
HOD Week in Review

Seashore Videos For Bigger Hearts

 I had several people write to me saying they live in an area where they are not even close to a beach and they are also are using the Heart of Dakota Bigger Hearts. So I had put some great links to some videos in one of the comments section, but I figured there were probably several other people who may be in that same situation and may never see the comment section to any of the posts. So here are a few of those video that I thought were great for those who are involved in the Seashore right now. My kids loved these videos!

Just click on the word video in each description and it will turn red and take you directly to that specific video!

 This video show some beautiful coast lines. There is not much sea life, but just looking at the beautiful beaches that God made is a good study!

A beautiful video of a Sunflower Sea Star and how a clam moves.

Ever wanted to know exactly where all the parts are in a clam? Here is a dissection of a clam video. Not gross at all!

Here is a close up video of a Sea Stars' tube feet. Wow!

This video shows how a clam buries itself before low tide.

I never knew how a sand dollar got around. This is very cool video.

Video of typical beach birds. Please watch before letting kids watch. I could not get the sound to work on this one, so I am not sure what is being said on it!

In this video it show clams in an aquarium. But it very interesting to see them move around and what they do all day!

Hopefully that will bring you a little close to my home town, Sunny Orange County, California.



Disclaimer: You Tube video can change anytime, so pleeeeeease view all videos first. Also please do not let your children on You Tube without supervision. The comments as well as some videos can be something you may not want your children to see or read. 


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