February 2025
Homeschooling: All Things

School 2012-2013: Week 4

This week for Bible we read about Sodom and Lot and his family. I was waiting for a question or two about what exactly was going on there, but not a one. Whew! We then went on to learn about Ishmael and Isaac as well as Rebekah. I really love the pictures they are drawing. I am so looking forward to the end of the year when they have the Bible in illustration! I was thinking that maybe for a Christmas gift next year (2013) I would photo copy their books and give it to some of our un-saved family! Wink, wink! As you can see they are doing very well with the dictation as well as the pictures are beautiful too.

For Geography we are continuing our reading of North America. We traveled all through Canada and learned that they have City States not just States. I like what we are doing for Geography. It is very simple, abut 20 minutes max, and it is just an overview of the world. I don't expect they will remember everything, but if they can remember some of it I will be very happy! Plus we are doing our Geography terms notebook. This week was Bay! Cute pictures. My daughter, for some odd reason, had a hard time with this one. But in the end she got it done!

In The Story of the World, we are continuing our education of the Egyptians. We are becoming versed in the different types of pyramids which the largest is the Pyramid of Giza. Our project was to build a step pyramid so we got out out Lego bricks and started building. Now don't laugh we also still have the Mega Blocks still even though the kids are older, anyhow, the kids even built one from those. Then my son put the small pyramid together with the large one and showed us the large one is the Kings pyramid and the small one is for the queen. Nice when they listen and it shows in their work. My daughter thought it was so much fun to be able to play with Lego bricks for school. He he he, little did she know she was learning history as well as math. Hmmm!

Science, as always, was a blast. Can I just say in this spot, all during Jr. High as well as High School, I thought science was so boring. Ever since I started homeschooling, I LOVE science. Every year I learn so much and have so much fun with it…..Oh, I'm sorry, I mean the kids are learning and having fun with it.  😉  Anyway, this week was all about the seed. Of course we are still growing our plants and they are sprouting, so next week I will show you how far along they have come. But this week we actually took a seed apart and  learned all the parts of it.  The best part was the plumule. We got a fantastic picture of one in our black bean. Just take a peek at it! I really think that my daughter really understood the whole lesson.  She may not remember those Latin names, but she will remember what each part grows into.

We also added to our Science notebook and my kiddos did a great job on that as always. But the best part was the start of another long term science project. I know you all remember doing this in grade school. Planting a seed in a baggy and placing it on a window sill. This project takes it a step further. We have one baggy on the window sill, one in the fridge and one in the pantry. We will experiment with which one will grow the best and why.

Well, we had another good week. I am so happy that we are really sticking to our schedule and doing everything on our list everyday. However, I did push math aside, sort of, this week. I decided not do do our regular math this week and just work on math facts with both the kids. I think I am going to try and do this about every couple months. Just take a whole week and drill those facts. Seems to me that my son felt a bit better about his division by the end of the week. I made him check the facts after he was done by using a multiplication chart. Aha! division really is the opposite of multiplication. Aha!

Have a great week. Catch you next weekend!

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