March 2025
Curriculum Reviews

Raining Numbers Math Addition File Folder Game

I have a fond fancy for file folder games. They are very inexpensive compared with traditional board games you can buy, effortless to put together and engaging for all ages.

There are many types of the file folder games that I have come across over the years and I have at least 30 of those that we use in our homeschool. They have ones for children like my daughter-4, which keep her busy while I am working with my son-7. They also have entertaining ones for my sons’ age. Raining Numbers Math Addition File Folder Game is just that one.

 Raining Numbers Math Addition File Folder Game allows your child to practice basic addition facts up to 10 by matching raindrops to umbrellas! I cannot think of a better way to re-enforce basic math skills for your elementary grade child but with these fun file folder games.

 For $3.00 you get everything you need except for the file folder itself, cardstock and glue. It is all ready and prepared for you waiting for you to print it out on your printer. You could print them on colored cardstock or on white and have your children color them. This is a great addition for your math studies. 5 out of 5

1 comment to Raining Numbers Math Addition File Folder Game

  • destiny

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