February 2025

Parental Rights.com

As ParentalRights.com announced last week, Senator Jim DeMint on Tuesday introduced S.R. 519, a resolution urging the President not to deliver the Convention on the Rights of the Child to the Senate for its advice and consent. Now it is time to make phone calls. We need 34 co-sponsors of S.R. 519 in order to end the threat of ratifying the CRC for the
immediate future. And we need you to call your senators and get them on board.

We are not the only ones who believe this is a critical time for the Senate and the CRC. According to the minutes of the Feb. 19 meeting of the Campaign for US Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, our opponents believe they “had 60 Senators assessed as supporters of ratification, 27 opposed and 13 in the middle” as of 2009.

What is more, the Campaign announced on April 27 that they were “launching an initiative that verifies EVERY Senator’s position on U.S. ratification of the CRC,” essentially asking their supporters to call their senators and urge their support for the Convention.

But now it is our turn, and we’re not just taking a survey. Please call your senators and urge them to cosponsor S.R. 519, the resolution opposing ratification of the CRC. Here is all you need to do:

Visit our Resolution Status Board, a new web page designed to track our quest for 34 cosponsors.

Look up your state. If your senator is a cosponsor, he is highlighted. If not, his phone number is provided.

Call your senator(s) and tell them the following in your own words:

“I oppose the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child because it interferes with my family and violates the principle of American self-government. Whatever laws we need to protect children should be made by American legislators, not international committees. Please cosponsor Senate Resolution 519. Thank you for your time.”

You can also read the resolution for more ideas of what you might say when you call.

Then, pass this on to all of your friends and family and urge them to do the same.
Only the proposed Parental Rights Amendment can permanently end the threat to families posed by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, but S.R. 519 can postpone any risk of ratification for the next couple of years, protecting parental rights long enough to get the amendment passed. Please call now, before you close this email. The future of our nation depends on you!

Further Action Items: Campaign 519

To kick off our efforts to halt the CRC with S.R. 519, we are looking for 519 donors who can give at least $5.19.

In addition, all our usual offers still apply. Donors of $35 or more receive a ParentalRights.org membership kit, and donors of $100 or more receive an advanced member kit and – this month only –a free copy of Grover Norquist’s book (see left).

Every gift of $5.19 or more will greatly strengthen our efforts to stop this treaty from overthrowing our families and our American law.

Call Your Congressman

In addition, now is a great time to call your congressman and urge him once again to support H.J.Res. 42, the Parental Rights Amendment. It is the only permanent solution to the threat to families posed by the CRC.

Visit ParentalRights.org/States and click on your state. If your congressman is not a cosponsor (designated with an *), click on his name for contact information and give him a call.

Tell him you support parental rights and want to see them permanently protected in the text of the Constitution. Tell him party affiliation is no excuse – the Louisiana Senate recently passed a resolution calling for the amendment, and the 34-0 vote included 17 Democrats, 16 Republicans and 1 Independent. Tell them you will be looking for a courageous leader on family issues this November, and ask them to support H.J. Res. 42.

Be polite and thank them for their time.

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