March 2025
Homeschooling: All Things

Little Learners’ Literature Play, Learn, Create and Move

I love to read to my kids and love my kids to read to me. Little Learners’ Literature Play, Learn, Create and Move: A Look at Life: Lighthouses and Rescues takes a spin on a good literature book for young children. In this case she suggests a literature books to read that you can pick up from your library. Then throughout this unit there are pages and pages of questions to ask your children about what they have learned by reading the library book and you can print only the pages you need.
Lynn Gustafson Gnirk has done a great job of putting together a grand literature study here. She has many years of experience with her own children homeschooling and teaching in the classroom and has taken all her knowledge to paper or pdf. paper. She has designed this unit study as well as her many other unit studies to be done together with your child.
Little Learners’ Literature Play, Learn, Create and Move: A Look at Life: Lighthouses and Rescues has given us some fun activities to do with our children. The activities alternate between creative play and some quieter notebooking. Lynn has figured out with all the years of homeschooling, as I am sure you have too, that children learn not just by doing seated work, but also by having some fun. Whether that be crafts, or coloring pages, or marking a map, making a lighthouse, math concepts, vocabulary, character study, english and even some geography. And she has given us all that as well as many many more in this 38-page book. She added a few links to the internet so we can look at some lighthouses in Maine.

I think if you like to read to your kids and are looking to get a little bit more out of your reading time Little Learners’ Literature Play, Learn, Create and Move: A Look at Life: Lighthouses and Rescues would be a great additive to your literature studies. At $1.50 from CurrClick I think it is a bargain. I give this a 4 out of 5

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