February 2025

How Do Kids Earn Credits In A Home School Program?

Readers Forum:

How do credits work in a home school program? In a home school or regular school.

3 comments to How Do Kids Earn Credits In A Home School Program?

  • Anonymous

    The basic rule of thumb is 1 credit = 150 study hours.
    Rationale typical high school class is 50min x 180 school days = 150 hours.
    This formula is more necessary when creating your own curriculum, using unit studies, etc. When using a purchased curriculum and not creating your own basically you go through the textbook lessons, do all assigned activities, complete any tests and quizzes in the curriculum. When you finish all the material, you have earned credit for that class.
    Parents do a disservice to their childrens’ education if they “just make it up.” Most homeschool parents choose homeschooling because they want to provide their children with the best possible educational opportunities and will not arbitrarily give their student credit unless they have actually done the required work and mastered it to their satisfaction. Sometimes the parent is a much stricter enforcer than the public school. My younger son does not receive credit for a class unless he completes all material with an 85% or better average. My older son must master all material with a 90% average. If they complete a unit test with less than their required mastery, then we erase all their unit work and they restudy everything from the beginning and take an alternate unit test.

  • Interact

    The general criteria is done by state and then by your local school system. Have you started the program yet, is it for you or your kids.
    Here are a few links that should help: http://www.homeschoolacademy.com/http://www.elearningyellowpages.com/
    Good Luck!

  • pkgentry

    It depends upon your state’s requirements. In our state, it’s based on hours. 4500 minutes = 1 semester credit (or, 3000 minutes of tutoring). We keep track of what they’re working on by entering the time spent, and the books used.
    There’s an excellent resource at http://thehomescholar.com that shows how to keep high school transcripts for homeschoolers.
    Find your state’s requirements at the site below.

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