March 2025
Homeschooling: All Things

HomeSchool Campus of OC

Have you ever wanted to teach your child a specific thing but you are just not grasping the concept yourself? What about PE. Yea, you go to the park, but you want to have your child do more? Or maybe you just want to be involved with a group of homeschoolers in a specific study of a specific subject but do not want to join a PSP or a Co-Op. Well, if you live in Orange County California, I have a wonderful opportunity to share with you. The Homeschool Campus of Orange County. Let me just let you read what their Website says…..

The HomeSchool Campus of OC is a ministry devoted to meeting the needs of homeschool families by providing resources that will enable them to disciple and home educate their children with confidence and excellence.
The Campus features distinguished instructors in their respective fields offering core and enrichment classes for elementary through high school aged students. Fun and educational field trips as well as service projects are available to enhance the homeschooling experience and foster meaningful relationships. In addition, HSCOC provides homeschool moms an opportunity to enjoy a time of growth and camaraderie through bible study and personal development workshops.
Whether you are a new or veteran homeschooler or maybe somewhere in between, The HomeSchool Campus of OC invites you to come and be equipped and encouraged on your homeschooling journey through biblical truths, high caliber academic offerings and a genuine sense of community through fellowship and service. We look forward to serving you and partnering in the quest to bring up America’s next generation of virtuous citizens, leaders, and defenders of the faith!
The best part of this homeschool school is they also offer adult classes. So you are not sitting around doing nothing while your child is learning. You get juiced up too with either a class in parenting, Bible Study or whatever your heart desires to inspire you and your mind.
Now, I myself, have not yet joined this group, so I can not give it my usual rating, but my plan is to join a class or two and come back and let you know what I think. So keep an eyes open for the next review!
I hope to see some of my readers join The Homeschool Campus of OC. I plan on taking the PE class they are offering and possibly another academic class. The only thing I wish is that the academic classes were later in the afternoon, say 2:00pm, after our typical homeschool day. It is hard to fit this into an existing schedule, but since it is the beginning of the year I should have little to no problem re-arranging my schedule to fit a class or two in.
Hope to see you there!

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