February 2025

Homeschool Buyers Co-Op

How would you like to purchase homeschool curriculum at a discount. I want to introduce you to Homeschool Buyers Co-Op. The Homeschool Buyers Co-op is the nation's largest purchasing cooperative for homeschooling families.

You see it is very simple, school districts get educational discounts — why not homeschoolers? The reason is simple: school districts have purchasing power and homeschoolers don't because we buy as individuals. The Co-op changes that by combining the purchasing power of thousands of homeschooling families around the country to give homeschoolers the same purchasing clout as school districts.It is a simple proposition, and it works! Just take a look at the many educational suppliers in the Exclusive Discounts section that offer homeschool member discounts from 10% to 70% off their retail prices.

I love this ides. The have had all sorts of curriculum at some huge discounts. The one that is coming up that I am very excited about is Rosetta Stone. you know how expensive that is. It's over $200.00 just for level 1 and if you want all 3 levels you have to pay well over $500.00. Well with he Co-op we will be getting a pretty nice discount. Maybe we can finally afford it!

Best thing is they maintain a fully searchable database of Free Curriculum and other educational Resources. Plus there is so so much more! You need to go over to their site and sign up. Did I mention that signing up is free?

9 out of 10

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