March 2025

Free Ebook: Planning Your Course and Letting the Lord Determine Your Steps

The New School Year
 Has the new school year started with gusto at your house? Or guesses?

“I guess we’ll use this curriculum. I guess we’ll start on Monday. I guess we’ll use this folder, and I guess we could try unit studies this year.”

Does any of this sound familiar? Time for a change?

Get ready to plan a year of enthusiastic homeschool learning with consistent input from the Lord!

Take the guesswork out of your planning, systematically organizing your homeschool this year with the E-Book:

The New School Year: Planning Your Course and Letting
the Lord Determine Your Steps

Knowledge Quest enjoys regular contact with other like-minded companies willing to share their wealth of specialized information. Inside, you’ll find guidance and encouragement to assist you with all your planning needs. Get excited! This is a gathering of some of the best and brightest to share pointers and advice to get you going and keep you on track this year!

You may have plenty of ideas-have you considered what the Lord wants for your homeschool?

How has your homeschooling progressed this year? Is it possible that in all of the rush you have missed the hush of the Holy Spirit? Remember to let Him guide you throughout your days. His guidance, much like grace, is free to those willing to listen.


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