February 2025

Does Homeschooling For Years 11 And 12 Affect Getting Into Universities And How Quickly Can You Complete It?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I want to do homeschooling for years 11 and 12 so that I can graduate from school quicker. But I need to know whether or not homeschooling for year 12 stops you from getting into universities. And I also want to know how quickly it will take for me to complete the two years of schooling.

5 comments to Does Homeschooling For Years 11 And 12 Affect Getting Into Universities And How Quickly Can You Complete It?

  • Guess who

    in our area, we have dual enrollment in the 2 yr college, so they can actually go to the college and get the credits and have a 2 yr degree before 18 , then enter the college ( 4 yr) as a junior, and it is not that difficult to go at it that way,
    Mine got into UF that way,
    good luck

  • LindaPam

    All the colleges/universities really want are a good ACT/SAT score, a good transcript, and a good application.
    How quickly you can finish will depend on how hard you’re willing to work, and whether you work through the summer too. If you really want to finish, you might also do schoolwork on Saturdays, Sunday afternoons, and any other “odd moments” you happen to have!
    Good luck!

  • Anonymous

    I started homeschooling last year, which was my freshman year of highschool. My dad says it is better to be in highschool when you want to start homeschool with a lot of reasons, but one of the main ones that is pretty important:
    Until your 13 you need to build social skills, so your kids need to learn how to react and be around different kinds of people.
    Oh ya, and if it helps any maybe you could look into internet school. It isn’t entirly homeschooling and counts for college. I’m taking this school called INSIGHT it is around a lot of parts in america. Look into it, if you would like too. I’m thinking of attending to the naval academy and I asked and they said homeschooling is okay. šŸ˜‰
    here is a link…http://www.insightwa.net/ (it might say insight WASHINGTON but insight is also available in states such as california, utah, oregon, colorado and more!

  • jana

    For an online program tryhttp://www.k12.com/schooling_programs/k1ā€¦
    Many students can complete 2 years in one year’s time. Check with the school.
    Many Universities actively recruit homeschool students. You will do great!
    Take some community college classes. In California, they count for double credits. They may n your state too.
    Warm Regards,

  • long live our sacred America

    if you mean getting in easier yes it does. collages/universities
    look for homeschoolers and it is a lot easier to get excepted to the collage/university of your choose being home schooled

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