March 2025

God and doG

I just saw the greatest video. You know our dogs love us unconditionally. They are patient with us, forgive us when we are unkind, wait for us to come home and most of all can make us happy when we are down. Hmmmm, sounds like God!


FREE Curriculm and FREE Resources

  I want to make very sure that it is well known that not all of these sites I have posted are Christian, so please visit them first to make sure you approve of them before you send your children there. I have not seen anything myself that was completely wrong or offensive or even

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Questions on God?????

I found a great web site that has been such a wonderful source of information I had to share it with all my readers. It is called "All About God" and they deal with some real simple questions all the way down to some extremely tough ones too. Sexuality, Showing How God Is Real Scientifically,

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Veritas Press: History and Bible

Veritas Press has been a long time favorite of mine for our Bible History and World History curriculum. Veritas Press teaches History as well as the Bible in chronological order. This can be invaluable in a child’s life. It can teach them to put names and dates in order as well as time and

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Big Truths for Little People

I have been looking for a book that would help me to teach the basic catechesis to my children in a way that would be fun and desirable to them, yet Biblically sound lessons that would not take an hour to do. I was told about Big Truths for Little People by Susan and Richie

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Copywork E-Book

House Upon a Rock is a copywork book for Mathew 7:24-29. I feel it is made more for upper elementary grades, 4-6, due to the lining on the pages and length of the copywork. It is only 8 pages that are beautifully illustrated in back and white. It contains 3 pages of copywork plus

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Ahh, it is that time of year once more. VBS time. My kids have already been to one VBS this year at another church. VBS is not about getting rid of the kids for a half of a day, but about reaching out to your kids un-churched friends and the un-churched community around us. VBS

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Bible Story Songs

You know as a singer and a children’s choir director at my church, I know just how powerful music can be. The words can teach you something that you may have known but never knew how to feel it. It can evoke feelings for God that no spoken word can. It can help you memorize

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One 2 Believe In, Nativity Set

I was so excited the other day to get a big box on my front door and in this box was a beautiful nativity set just right for children to play and learn with. My kids tore through the box and started playing with it right away. I was going to put it back in

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