March 2025

America’s Obituary

I know politics is one of those subjects you just don't address, but I am going to try it! We will see what happens!

OK, so I got this chain email as I am sure a ton of you did. And I am not truly sure if the numbers are accurate or not, but

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Homeschooler Buyers Co-op

So I realized there are many homeschoolers who have not heard of Homeschool Buyers Co-op. Just in my small Park Day group only a couple of us have ever heard of this web site. So I figured I have thousands of readers and there has to be many of you who have not heard of it

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Multiple Streams of Homeschooling Income

Most of you who know me personally know that my husband has been in the real estate industry for over 20 years and has been our sole source of income. However, as we all know the real estate market busted a few years back

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HSLDA Information Regarding the Election



Co-hosted by CHEA of California and HSLDA In cooperation with the Nevada Homeschool Network and Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Santa Clara, California April 7–9, 2011 Thursday through Saturday

Presidential forum and straw poll at the Pacific Homeschool SuperConference!

Dear Friends:

Would you like to impact the

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Give While You Shop: Clicks for Homeschooling

Here’s a great way to help homeschoolers any time you shop online: purchase materials from a company that gives to the Home School Foundation. All you have to do is go to Clicks for Homeschooling and click on the link to the store of your choice. Then you shop just like normal, and the store

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The Talents2Work site offers a unique service to the Christian and homeschool community—a forum for Christian entrepreneurs to market their products and services to the members within their affiliated organization, as well as around the world. The Talents2Work Shopping Directory lets you shop with confidence, knowing that all vendors are operating according to Christian

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Colleges Now Required to Determine “Validity” of High School Diplomas

Colleges Now Required to Determine “Validity” of High School Diplomas   FAFSA Form: Which Box to Check?

In the past, some parents were advised to choose “high school diploma” on the FAFSA form. However, due to the regulation change, making this selection could be problematic for homeschoolers whose schools do not appear on the

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I had to repost this article I just got in my email box a couple days ago. I have several friends who are thinking of going back to work and giving up on homeschooling. So I when I saw this article I thought I had to share it with everyone. Enjoy!



Years ago,

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Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act

Just a few minutes ago I was on my review teams blog and I read about this new Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act. This act was signed into law in August but will not take effect until Feb. 10th, 2009.

What this law basically says is that items that come in contact with a child

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Are Rising Prices Scaring You?

Are Rising Prices Scaring You?

I haven’t decided if I should just laugh or start tearing my hair out. First everyone panicked over the price of gas… then it was the price of apples, then milk and now rice. What I find so amusing about the whole thing is a lot of those same people

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