August 2012
Homeschooling: All Things

Ready, Set Go!

Well it is that time of year once again. We are all clamoring to get our books, clean out old school stuff, decorate our school rooms and get ourselves geared up to get school started. It was hard for me this year to decide on what I was going to do. I REALLY wanted to

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Personal Life

VBS Day 5 (Last Day)

Today was Karate day. OMGosh, we had everything from sumo costumes, to traditional karate gear to Kung Fu Panda. It was a ton of fun. The best part was we actually had some real life karate world champions that are members of our church that did a demonstration for us. You will get to see

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Personal Life

VBS Day 4

Ahh, another day at VBS.  I have to admit, I am getting a bit tired, but as soon as I get on the church campus it seems that my energy level soars. Seeing all those sweet faces just waiting to hear about God just gets me going. The Theme of today was surf. So you

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Personal Life

VBS Day 3

I can not believe that 3 days have gone by already. I enjoy VBS so much. I help to lead worship for all the children. It is a great job and I love it soooo very much. We get the children ready for the day by warming them up before they go to their classes

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Personal Life

VBS Day 2

Well, day 2 of VBS is over. Yesterday the children learned "No matter who you are, Trust God!"  But today our costume theme today was Fairytale and they learned that "No matter how you feel , Trust in God!" This is good because for some people they can stray away from God when things are good and

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Personal Life

VBS Day 1

VBS is different at all churches. Some are just Bible stories, some include some crafts while others go all out. We happen to go to Calvary Church of Santa Ana, CA and they go all out. One of the reason is because our church is filled with so many people that have performing arts gifts

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Homeschooling: All Things

Summer Vacation is Over?

Well, summer is almost over. Can you believe it? I took all of July off from blogging and doing much of anything.  Yes, we did do a bit of schooling here and there, but nothing huge. This coming week is VBS at our home church so once that week is over it is back to

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