By KristinN, on February 16th, 2010 Readers Forum:
Im homeschooling and I hate it. I want to show my parents how bad homeschooling is. How can I put it in its worst light. How can I convince my parents to let me go back to my old school. Or any other school would be better than homeschooling. Statistics. Testimonies. Anything negative
Continue reading What Are The Negative Effects Of Homeschooling?
By KristinN, on February 16th, 2010 Readers Forum:
I am thinking about home-schooling my children, ages 7 and 11, and I know there are different curriculum's for homeschool. I don't know where to go to find out about homeschooling resources or how to compare the different programs. In addition, what resources are available to home-school parents? How can you suplement the
Continue reading How Do You Choose The Best Home-school Program?
By KristinN, on February 16th, 2010 From Our Forum a Reader Asks:
I'm putting together a support website for parents, teachers and homeschoolers. Details would be great. What are your most difficult areas in facilitating the children's learning? What do you believe to be the most important areas? Do you work with other families or homeschooling communities? How many kids in
Continue reading Homeschooling Parents: What Are The Top Facilitation Or Curriculum Tools You Look For Online?
By KristinN, on February 16th, 2010
More than likely your home has quite a few board games. You may even have frequent family game nights.
But how about making your own homemade board games?
Your children can design the game , create it, and then play it! Here are some steps, but they
Continue reading Homemade Board Games
By KristinN, on February 16th, 2010 Readers Forum:
I home school 3 children in kindergarten to high school. Due to stressful circumstances, we were not able to start our school year until now, I am freaking out because I don't know how to catch them up, We are required 180 days, and school here started mid august. Does anyone have any
Continue reading How Can I Start My Home School Year Late?