February 2010

Any Homeschooling Moms Who Have Suffered From Any Type Of Depression?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

Any homeschool moms who have suffered from depression or any other mental illness? How do you deal with it with your busy schedule homeschooling? I suffer from OCD & panic attacks. I was just wondering if any of you have been through this kind of thing & how you

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How Is Home Schooling Compared To Public School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

Im a freshman in high school and i am considering being home schooled. I have very low grades and i think it might help me if i am able to move at a slower pace. Can any one tell me there opinions on transitioning from regular school, to home

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Does Homeschooling For Years 11 And 12 Affect Getting Into Universities And How Quickly Can You Complete It?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I want to do homeschooling for years 11 and 12 so that I can graduate from school quicker. But I need to know whether or not homeschooling for year 12 stops you from getting into universities. And I also want to know how quickly it will take for me

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I Have Been Home-schooled All Of My Life, But My Dad Is Sending Me To A Public School?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I am thirteen and in year eight. All my life i've been home-schooled, but just recently, my dad decided to put me and my brother into a public school. He says we need to socialize properly. There is One more week of the holidays. What's it like(Public high school)?

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Homeschooling: All Things

Step By Step, Piece by Piece: Mini-Offices

The mini-office concept was started in public school by a teacher that was having trouble with kids focusing. So she took some legal size file folders and created a small cubicle for each student. But that didn’t solve the problem at all. The true problem was that instead of not focusing-they were asking each other

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Any Home School Families Where Both Parents Work?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

Right now, my husband stays home with my 20-month-old son. We're going to home school him, but our home situation may change between now and then. Any experienced home school families, with both parents working, able to give some advice?


How Much Does Homeschooling Cost With A Personal Teacher?

From Our Forum a Reader Asks:

I would like 2 know how much would homeschooling cost but not being taught by my parents. Almost like a tutor that comes to your house but a teacher. I want to be taught just like in a public high school but at home with a teacher because nothing

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