I can not believe that 3 days have gone by already. I enjoy VBS so much. I help to lead worship for all the children. It is a great job and I love it soooo very much. We get the children ready for the day by warming them up before they go to their classes and then when the day is over we cool them down, so to speak, so they are ready to go home and share the things they have learned form VBS. Todays costume theme was Cowboy. I love talkin like a cowboweee!!! LOL Anyway, the children learned that "No matter what people do, Trust in God!" I love this one very much. This is one I have to remember too. I am one of those people who takes every word that someone says about me or the things they do to me to heart. So learning and remembering to trust God during those times, is a great reminder. Look for me singing my heart out on the video! Anyhow, here is today's video recap!