February 2025

All Work & No Play Makes For Really Cute Bedrooms

So this summer has been very busy for me so far. Besides doing summer school 2-3 days a week, going on several field trips so far, play dates at the park a couple times a week, I decided to start my yearly clean up of the kids room. That means go through EVERY SINGLE toy they own and either throw away the broken ones, give away the ones that are no longer wanted or played with and then re-organize the rest of the toys.
Well, my son’s room was first, because I thought it would be the hardest due to the fact he has so many toys. With my son’s help of dumping then going through then re-organizing, it took all day and into early evening on Friday the 9th. Whew! But he got rid of 2 huge black trash bags filled to the brim of toys. All his choosing and only a handful of my choosing as well as 1 huge trash bag of broken toys and some trash.
It is amazing how lazy children can be when putting their toys away. He had lost a sandal a few months ago and some socks went MIA. Well, there they were in his toy bins. Hmmm, one has to think how an 8-year-old boy thinks that is OK to clean up that way. It boggles the mind! Especially for an overly organized person such as myself!!!!
Anyway, after we were all said and done, he was so happy and pleased with the results. In his own words, he said to me, thank you Mommy. I am so happy we did this. I was feeling so overwhelmed with it. I promise that I will keep this up this time. Well, we shall see. Then I decided, and I am not sure what came over me, to paint his bedroom.
You see my son has a love for trains. He wants a Lionel train set. I have agreed to buy this $300.00 train set for him if he will keep his room clean for 4 months straight. But up to this point he, unfortunately, has failed terribly at keeping up his end of the bargain. Anyway, back to my point here. I went out and purchased 3 cans of green, white, brown and black paint. He now has clouds on his already blue walls and rolling green hills. But that is not the fun part. His bed is a trundle bed and I painted the walls on the two sides of his bed black with windows to make it feel like a train. I also printed out some beautiful pictures of trains and signs and framed them all in black, hung a pull rope for the pretend horn, made some dials and knobs from cardstock and turned his chalkboard into a train tunnel.
Can I just say, OMGOSH I am pooped. It took me Friday, Saturday and Sunday to do all this. Well half of Sunday, but it was well worth it. He has said to me everyday since I did this, “Tank you Mommy. I am so glad we did this. I LOVE my room”. I love it too. I always wanted a theme room when I was a kid, so I guess I am living through my children. Below is the video of his room, but don’t stop reading because this past weekend, I… did… my… daughters room.
Ok, remember when I said it would be harder to do my son’s room and that is why I started with his room…Uuhh NO!!!! You see my son already had organizational properties in his room. My daughter’s room…. was in pretty little baskets. Let me just tell you…MISTAKE. You need open bins to organize so that things have a place and they can see where things belong!
Anyway, my daughter’s room also took me all day Friday the 16th, but without her help at first. You see I went through EVERY SINGLE toy and threw out the broken ones, organized everything into the brand new bins (well 4 bins were taken from my sons rooms from given away so many toys…YEA) and then brought my daughter in to actually go through every SINGLE toy once again and get rid of ones that are not played with. Way mor ework then my son’s room. WAY MORE!!!! However, I am so proud of my daughter. She actually beat my son. She had 3 huge trash bags full of toys and stuffed animals plus another ½ of bag. Now mind you she still had a lot of baby toys, but still that was great. And yes almost another huge bag of trash.
Ok, so now you are asking whether or not I painted her room. Yup! But this time I hammered down and did it all in one day, Saturday. I first had to keep her tied up and out of her room because she wanted to help me so badly. But with the kind of painting I was doing, her help would not have been helpful at all! But once I convinced her that it would be a big surprise for her with what I was going to paint, I then stripped the wallpaper off her yellow walls, and got out those 3 green paints and brown paint and some artist paintbrushes and went to town.
Now, she loves anything princess or Barbie. What is funny about that is we do not watch lots of princess movies. Yes we have seen all the princess movies 1 or 2 times each, but they are not played over and over again in our home. But she sure does love them.
So what did I do in her room? I painted huge Alice in Wonderland leaves and flowers on her walls. And yes they are all just hand done. No stencil. Look closely at the video below and you will be able to tell that for sure. Then my mom for her birthday last year had given her a Princess comforter and sheet set. No offense Mom, but the comforter was for a toddler bed so it never fit right. We used it, but it was always a bit small, so I hung it on the wall. I then took a couple of gift bags that she had gotten for her birthday and cut out the princess and castle and mounted them onto foam board and hung them up. Boy did these wall hangings save me a ton of money. Do you know what they want for princess pictures and wall hangings? Too much!
She loves her room. She keeps asking me when she can have friends over to show it to them. I have told both my daughter and my son, that I expect perfection in their rooms. No more cleaning up and doing it half way or putting things anywhere just to get it cleaned up. I am literally standing on top of them for a while till they really get it that I mean business.
That past two weekends have been tiring, exhausting and lonely. I have been in their rooms all weekend by myself cleaning, dusting, painting, cleaning again and organizing. I have felt snowed under, inundated, besieged and overwhelmed, but in the long run it has been so worth it. As you look at these videos of their room, you will understand why I am writing about this. Not only do I have a since of pride of the work I did, but I have a sense of accomplishment. I did something for my children that they will always remember. It may only last 5 or 8 years, but they will NEVER forget their train room and their princess room. They will tell their friends about it and their children as they get older and hopefully one day when they have kids they will give them the same gift I have given them.
At any rate, enjoy the videos.

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