March 2025
Personal Life

VBS Day 5 (Last Day)

Today was Karate day. OMGosh, we had everything from sumo costumes, to traditional karate gear to Kung Fu Panda. It was a ton of fun. The best part was we actually had some real life karate world champions that are members of our church that did a demonstration for us. You will get to see a bit of it on the video recap. They also taught the kids later in the morning a little easy karate moves. This was my daughters favorite day!

The lesson for today was "No matter where you are, Trust in God". This was a good one for children I think. It is a huge undertaking to understand that God is everywhere all the time. And for kids to remember that if they are at school, church, home, on a hike or whatever, all they have to do is trust in God. He sees every move we make. Great lesson.

Well, I am sad that this is the end of VBS. It has been a long and tiring week, but an absolutely  fulfilling week. I look so forward to VBS all year long. I am glad for a break tomorrow, but then we will get to have a VBS party on Sunday. First we will be singing all the VBS songs on stage again, the kids will join us for service and join us on stage to show the parents what they have learned and then afterwards our church will have food trucks and rides and some fun stuff for all the families to join in as one body in Christ. You never know who will be there that has never heard the word of God. So this is a great time to meet someone new.

Well, thats it. Now we are on to scheduling out the school year, figuring which curriculum I will get (unfortunately as I wrote earlier I can not afford HOD this year) and purchasing it and then school starts. Oh, yea, plus I got a small part time job teaching choir two days a week for OCMA and OCMP. I am very excited for this. It will make for some long days, but I know it will be so enjoyable and besides this is what I have wanted to do my whole life, well, other then sing on a Broadway stage!

Ok, here is our day 5 recap video.

BLOCKBUSTER VBS – Day 5 from Calvary Arts & Media on Vimeo.

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