January 2025


Ahh, it is that time of year once more. VBS time. My kids have already been to one VBS this year at another church. VBS is not about getting rid of the kids for a half of a day, but about reaching out to your kids un-churched friends and the un-churched community around us. VBS is an exciting adventure discovering God’s presence, power, love, life and care for us.

Our church, Calvary Church of Santa Ana,  goes way, way out. First the kids meet in the main sanctuary where the band (that’s me) sings and gets the kids all riled up, then there is a video presentation that our own Calvary volunteers have made. And let me tell you we have some very talented people in our church with entertainment backgrounds. Then more music. The kids all go to their classes, but during the day they go to different stations. There is the craft room, the missionary room (which is dressed up like the country the missionary is from), there is the bible study and so much more. We have water day, where the kids get all wet on slip and slides, we have family night (usually Wed. night) and sooooo very much more. Then they all come back to the main sanctuary for more music and another video and the prize for the grade that brought the most pennies for the missionaries. Oh, I’m sorry I forgot to tell you. We have a collection for the missionary who are here and every kid brings pennies. You may thinks that .25C  a day per kid is not much, but it adds up and the missionary last year were able to buy a new computer.

The VBS we went to last week at another church was great but according to my son, was not as exciting. As a matter of fact when I went to the church early to pick him up, there was not the buzz that there is at Calvary Church. Don’t get me wrong, it was a fantastic experience and my son came home with some great knowledge. However, you walk on campus at Calvary Church and you just feel this buzz of excitement from the kids. It really is incredible. What is more incredible is this is such a huge production for the church and cost thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars. Yet it is still offered for FREE!

OK, you know it is about outreach, but maybe it is a little bit about taking a nap while the kids are gone. I usually work during VBS with the music, singing etc., but I do get an hour break in the middle of the day and I usually come home and relax. What’s that? Quiet? WOW, once a year for 5 solid days. It is a treat. But all in all the buzz and the sense of God being present in a way that children can connect with Him is absolutely the most incredible thing I have ever felt.

I know some of my readers are from another state, so I figured I can not invite you to join us, but you can take a look at last years picturs and see what I am talking about. We get crazy, but all for GOD! And for those of you who are in Southern California/Orange Country, you can check out the informationa for this years VBS and register your kids online. Remember it is free.

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