March 2025
Curriculum Reviews

Trigger Memory System

Trigger Memory System, has fantastic tool for your children. Clean n’ Flip Charts. Now what are these charts you ask. They are flip charts for your children that explain how to clean their room, bathroom, kitchen and do their laundry. I have been lookig at these for some time now and I was so lucky to be able to review them. My son (6) now, finally, gets his room clean without asking me every 5 minutes what to do. He has had the resposiblity of cleaning the bathroom for about the past year and a half. But before I was always reminding him what to do. Now he just goes to the chart! Next, we will work on the laundry after the holidays and this coming summer my daughter (by then 4) will take over the bathroom and my son will take over the kitchen. Well, thats the plan anyway. The Zone Cleaning and Bedroom Cleaning flips charts make assigning and completing household chores a breeze! It’s really a fun & easy chore system my kids love!

I also got a chance to review Times Tales by the same company. Ok, at first I said, “What is this? There is no way my kids will learn multiplication from this!” Then my husband said the same thing when he saw it! Boy were we wrong. Not only did both my 3 and 6 year old memorize the cute little story like rhymes, but also my son goes through the flash cards for section one with ease. We were supposed to start multiplication after Christmas. Having this system already in place will make it so easy and quick!

Ok so now that you can tell I really love both products from Trigger Memory here is how much they cost. The clean and flip charts are only $7.95 each or $29.95 for all of them. The Times Tales is $29.95 which gives you the teacher manual as well as flash cards, the flip chart with stories and some workpages. Hey if you are like I was struggling to get your kids to clean his room right then get the flip charts. And if you are starting or struggling with multiplication, then try out the Times Tales. Both are great products and worked for this family!

Score 9 1/2 out of 10

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