March 2025

The Missing Link

I just finished reading a great easy read extremely descriptive book titled, “The Missing Link: Found”. This is the first book in the Truth Seekers Mystery Series by Christina Gerwitz who happens to only be 17 years old and her mom, Felice Gerwitz, who is the founder of Media Angels, which happens to be Christian Publishing Company.

This book along with the series I think is great read for Upper elementary-Jr. High-level reading or a read aloud for the whole family. Christina found a way to stress the important work being done in Creation Science while shedding light on the mistakes in evolution all the while throwing action at every turn of the page. Oh and by the way one of the characters takes mention that she is homeschooled. The best part is the fact that I learned a few things about evolution vs. creation as well as learning some cool stuff about archeology. The book drew me into the characters and made me want to know what was going to happen in the next chapter and at the same time educated me about creation science. My next step is to purchase the curriculum that goes along with the books. I think this might be my science for 2009.

One of the other things I really like about this book was the fact that there was no sex, no kissing, no boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. It was pure clean fun. It showed how one family worked together as a family to solve problems and relied on God in every situation, even finding joy in a tremendously scary situation.

The Missing Link: FOUND can be purchased from Media Angels website for $8.99. There is also a 3-book series for $22.00 and a literature study, which sells for $6.50 each. Hey, don’t forget to look at their other products while you are at their web site. They have some great stuff. Click here Media Angel.
By the way they are having a bumper sticker slogan contest going on now until November 10th. Hey all the young ones can enter (5-17) and maybe they might win a whole bunch of great stuff from Media Angel and some of their sponsors. Check out the rules and what to do here… Media Angels Contest.

Score 8 out of 10

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