December 2024

Teaching Our Children to Be Homemakers

You know as I grew up I was taught some of the basic things to do to be a homemaker. However, looking back today I really wished my mom would have taught me a bit more. Like how to bake bread. How to make a menu for a week etc. Who knows maybe she taught me all that she was taught in her home as a child. We tend to pass down to our kids what we know and if that is not much, well, the child-now adult can suffer from that. I am glad that my mom taught me all that I know, but as I grow older, I am teaching myself more and more so that I can make even a better homemaker out of my little girls and an independent man out of my son.

In today’s society we are always going for the drive through and buying those cookies at the grocery store and eating out way too much. We buy bread instead of making it. Then we complain about all the preservatives that are in our foods, yet we are not willing to do anything about it. Heck, we even pop in a frozen entry in the microwave and call that dinner.
I found a website that is dedicated to helping us raise up Godly homemaking woman. Here is a snip-it from their website:

*We believe that a successful homemaker is a Godly woman equipped with the Biblical knowledge and practical skills to manage her home well. The Bible is God’s word instructing us how to live now, and for eternity. A woman will find true joy and success in her life when she lives according to God’s word.
*Along with Biblical knowledge, women need to know how to cook, sew, and keep their home. This instruction should begin at a young age in the home. Future Christian Homemakers seeks to provide materials to help girls learn these skills at home, or through groups in churches, homeschool co-ops, or other settings.
*Future Christian Homemakers encourages women to teach the younger women to love their husbands, love their children, and be “keepers at home.” Titus 2:3-5 We have much to learn from each other, whatever our age! FCH helps women share their knowledge and skills with the next generation and build strong Christian families.

They are selling a book called Future Christian Homemakers Handbook. It is a wonderful collection of how to cook, clean and a few pages on sewing. I just loved this book. There are 12 lessons as well as some general homemaking lessons. The 12 lessons consist of …
Lesson 1: All About Eggs, Kitchen Safety, French Toast, Different Ways to Cook Eggs
Lesson 2: Muffins: Introduction to Baking, Measuring Ingredients Correctly
Lesson 3: Baking Quick Breads, Science of Leavening: Baking Soda & Baking Powder, Creaming Butter, Recipe Abbreviations
Lesson 4: Yeast Bread, Understanding Yeast, Bread Sculptures
Lesson 5: Cake Baking and Cake Decorating
Lesson 6: Ground Beef Meals, Making Meals Efficiently
Lesson 7: Poultry, Herbs & Spices, Grocery Shopping
Lesson 8: Microwave Cooking
Lesson 9: Casseroles, Food Guide Pyramid, Table setting & Manners
Lesson 10: Fruit, Cooking with Cornstarch, Fruit Centerpieces
Lesson 11: Vegetables, Veggie Garnishes & Centerpieces, Ways to Cut Veggies
Lesson 12: Cookies & Congratulations!

Now my daughter is a bit too young to do this as a full study, but I am already incorporating some of the concepts with both my son and daughter. Yes you heard me son. I truly believe that it is important for a man to learn the basics of homemaking too. You know the ideal is that he will go off to college and afterward get a job and a wife. But the reality of it is that he may not. I want him to be able to fend for himself or even help his wife out a bit. The best thing about this study is the “How to be a homemaker” is taken directly from the Bible.

Oh, wait did I say that was the best thing. There are two best things. They have now made the book available online for FREE. Now if you rather not print out that many pages, then you can still buy the book at $29.95. But if you want to save some money then go to the Future Christian Homemakers website and download each lesson and the supplements for free. I truly believe that this book/unit study will help you teach your children to be helpful in the kitchen now and beautiful homemakers later on. Yes, and even your boys!

9 out of 10

3 comments to Teaching Our Children to Be Homemakers

  • Oh my goodness!!! THANK YOU so much for bringing this to the attention of us mothers. I really needed this for my daughter. My mom didn’t teach me to bake or cook and I want to teach my daughter, but sometimes feel lost on where to start. I don’t know why, but I do.

    I never thought to teach her to make something as simple as french toast. To be honest, I’m still afraid to allow her to crack an egg. But she will never learn if I never let her try!

    Thank you so much!! I’m so excited to start on this and I KNOW she will LOVE it. She loves helping me bake cookies and banana bread.

  • My 3 year old cooks with me all the time…easy stuff. Just be ready for a little mess, but they enjoy it soooo very much and it is so important to start young to give them a love for it. I mean right now they want to help…in 5 years, not so much. But if they get a love for it now, hopfully it will last! Good luck. let me know how it goes.

  • […] called NutBugs, authored by Kristin, who graced me by visiting and commenting the other day. Her latest entry grabbed my attention and I am so excited to share this site with you […]

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